Perfil de Khym

1241 Seguidores
272 Guías

日本語訳: ぐみゃ

WE SAY NO TO MAKING "CONTENT" HERE, collaborating with YBY1 and Kes to make the best educational guides!


  • Set 8.5 3rd place Worlds final, set 10 & 11 2nd place Box Box Bootcamp and more
  • Frequently rank 1 Challenger VN with 2k LP every set


  • Participated in World set 9 + 10 and more
  • One of the best Japanese players, his profile

We provide the latest information and KEEP UPDATING from many sources. We won't throw a "based on feeling" Tier list and ignore whether viewers can cook it well.

First time here? Don't miss our set 11 comp list:

Wishing you the best of luck on climbing!📈

Mira el canal de Twitch de khymtft



Guías de Khym

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