Deadlock Patch Notes & Changelog - 10-07-2024

Mira el canal de Twitch de mralexsec


  • Shadow Weave: Ambush Fire Rate reduced from +40% to +30%
  • Fixed various cases where you could target/select units behind walls with abilities (like Yamato's Flying Strike)


  • Card Trick Spirit scaling reduced from 1.5 to 1.2


  • Respawn time at 20min reduced from 50s to 45s (was 40s previous patch)
  • Zipline Boost cooldown reduced from 340s (5.6min) to 280s (4.6min)


  • Kudzu Bomb damage spirit scaling reduced from 0.7 to 0.6
  • Kudzu Bomb T3 damage reduced from +60 to +50
  • Kudzu Bomb vertical radius is now a fixed 2m pancake shape instead of the full radius of the ability
  • Air Drop explosion now respects line of sight


  • Bullet radius reduced from 8 to 6
  • Tornado time for victims to reach max height reduced from 0.3s to 0.2s
  • Tornado lift duration reduced from 1.2s to 1.1s
  • Fixed Tornado being castable while busy (such as while channeling Traveler)
  • Djinn's Mark T1 now only applies the slow when the multiplier is 2x or higher
  • Djinn's Mark damage is now treated as a DoT in terms of zipline rules (doesn't prevent ziplining or knock you off)
  • Fixed Djinn's Mark applying bullet procs with Return Fire


  • Fixed Mystic Reverb causing Affliction damage to be lethal
  • Fixed certain player name lengths not being reportable


  • Outer ziplines hero speed increased by 20% relative to inner lanes (same as troopers on outer lanes zipline being faster)
  • Initial respawn reduced from 12s to 8s
  • Urn now drops when teleporting with Mirage's Traveler
  • Fixed Wraith Cards, Shiv Rage and lifesteal from increasing by shooting the shop



  • Tornado lift duration reduced from 1.5s to 1.2s
  • Tornado T1 bonus lift duration reduced from +0.5s to +0.4s
  • Tornado base bullet evasion reduced from 30% to 25%
  • Djinn's Mark T3 now also reduces Multiplier Cooldown by 0.5s

New Hero: Mirage


New Anti-Cheat detection system

When a user is detected as cheating, during the game session the opponents will be given a choice between banning the user immediately and ending the match or turning the cheater into a frog for the rest of the game and then banning them afterwards. The system is set to conservative detection levels as we work on a v2 anti-cheat system that is more extensive. We will turn on the banning of users in a couple of days after the update is out. When a match is ended this way, the results will not count for other players.

General Changes

  • Added global quickcast support. You can now configure your abilities and/or items to be on quickcast mode globally. You can also customize each ability individually to be quickcast or not. This also supports grenade style abilities.

  • Hero specific keybinds now say the ability name instead of ability 1-4.

  • Added Zipline hotkey that can be independently bound from space/jump.

  • Fixed per-hero keys not inheriting user-defined default keys properly.

  • Added keybind indicator for hero-specific binds showing which keys have been bound for that hero.

  • Added Custom Match play mode.

  • Private lobbies now have an option to turn on cheats.

  • Private lobbies now let you select the specific servers to use.

  • Private lobbies now have an option to make the match publicly visible or private to only the players.

  • Private lobbies now support post-game and replays properly.

  • Private lobbies now allow picking specific lanes (solo and dual lane colors are displayed).

  • Added a cheat report option in-game and post-game.

  • Can now mute and report enemy players using ESC while in-game.

  • Updated the game access invite UI to make it clear when users have been accepted. (In most cases, when we look into where a user said their friend wasn't accepted, the user was actually accepted but they never claimed the game on the Steam notifications side.)

  • Added voice indicators for when players are speaking in party and team chat (green for party, white for team).

  • Updated Player Card and action menu when clicking on a player in the friend list or ESC menu.

  • Fixed Rich Presence for Steam and in-game friend lists.

  • Party Code is now hidden when you enable Streamer Mode.

  • Added Region indicator to the matches on the watch tab.

  • Fixed search by MatchID not working for games that are live.

  • Added Spectator Fog of War toggle (hotkeys available in settings).

  • Added South Africa servers.

  • Added Italian localization.

  • Instead of showing the total number of favorites for each build, we now tag popular builds using a mix of both recent and historical usage so that newer builds are easier to find.

  • Builds that haven't been updated in 30 days now have a distinct visual.

  • General rendering performance improvements.

  • Shadow quality improvements for higher shadow settings.

  • Fixed issues with player outline rendering in FSR2.

  • Fixed regression with saturation volumes outline not showing up.

  • Displacement mapping no longer an official option and will likely be cut (it can be enabled with a ConVar after the game starts).

  • Lighting improvements in map.

  • Picking up a powerup will now list all the stats they modify in the HUD instead of a generic name like 'Casting' or 'Gun'.

  • Spirit scaling is now always shown on the tooltips without needing to hold alt/tab.

  • Updated Viscous icon to look more different from Dynamo.

  • Added frosted shell effect on the rejuv crystal when Frozen Shelter is active.

  • Music and Sound effects will now pause during game pause.

  • Fixed Guardian trying to shoot people unsuccessfully behind cover.

  • Fixed Quicksilver Reload bonus damage not working correctly with things like Scorn and Flog.

  • Added timer sound to the last couple seconds of Flying Cloak.

  • Wall Jumps now use better animations to communicate directionality.

  • Fixed jumping between ziplines consuming stamina.

  • Fixed Magic Reverb not getting increased bonus damage from damage amps.

  • Improved preloading during queue time.

  • Updated Killing Blow effects.

  • Updated Lightning Ball effects to reduce some visual noise.

  • Fixed some issues with Crimson Slash effect not appearing reliably.

  • Viscous Puddle Punch will now show a red preview for when the punch is out of range but within 2x of the cast range.

  • Fixed Ricochet not respecting LOS when picking the targets.

  • No longer play low ammo sounds when firing while sliding.

  • Fixed not being able to bind Reload to Mouse Wheel Up/Down.

  • Minimap line colors now match the color of the hero drawing them.

  • Fixed spectator keybinds not showing correctly.

  • Updated Flying Strike effects to reduce some visual noise.

  • Fixed Flex Slot unlock order not matching the usual order of unlocks.

  • Updated Sleep Dagger projectile, impact and sleeping debuff visuals.

  • Fixed imbue and active abilities dialog not responding to keybinds if your ability/item binds included a modifier key or were bound to the mouse wheel.

  • Fixed Dynamo not playing an animation during the cast delay on Singularity.

  • Updated bullet shield break effects.

  • Updated Unstoppable effects to be clearer at cast time.

  • Warp Stone: Casting while on the ground will no longer stop the player in place, will try to move forward along the ground instead.

  • Warp Stone: Fixed cases of Warp Stone getting caught on geometry.

  • Fixed various projectiles going through bosses (Wraith cards, Geist bombs, etc).

  • Fixed Dash not always breaking breakables.

  • Breakables will now wait to spawn if a player is in the way.

  • Abrams now has a new custom heavy melee animation.

  • Updated Haze VO.

  • Fixed a bug where Kelvin desperation VO for Arctic Beam and Ice Path were flipped.

  • Turned off a Shiv line where he referenced slowing down enemies when he wasn't actually doing so.

  • Removed reason 31 of why Lash is better than Bebop and replaced it with reason 26 of why Lash is better than Bebop (fixed a bug with Lash's hero select lines).

  • Replaced a Grey Talon select line to make his intentions more clear.

  • Infernus will no longer appear in every bot match.

  • Bots can now choose to play Lady Geist, Mirage, Shiv, and Warden.

  • Fixed min/max falloff range displaying incorrectly on Weapon Stats Tooltip.

  • Updated Rejuvenator buff effect.

  • Updated wall bounce effects for Viscous in ball form.

  • Added citadel_give_gold cheat command.

  • Improved read on the connecting rope for Flying Strike and reduced visual obstruction of the ending slash.

  • Music bug fixes for replay and spectating.

  • Allow announcer lines for kill streaks and various hero lines to play while the player is in an active combat encounter.

  • Timing critical music and sfx will pause and resume in response to game pause.

Misc Gameplay

  • Side lanes are now a little further apart from the middle lanes.

  • Added a First Blood bonus bounty for the first kill each player gets. Grants 150 bonus souls.

  • Lane setup is now always 1-2-2-1.

  • Zipline Boost now starts on cooldown again.

  • Trooper damage reduction from Guardians reduced from 35% to 28% (they die a little faster to Guardians now).

  • Trooper share radius reduced (from allied hero to allied hero 50m -> 40m, from orb to allied hero 40m -> 35m).

  • Reverted recent creep sharing duplication changes (back to how it was over a week ago, to see if it's still an issue with the other changes in this patch).

  • Some latency-related calculation improvements that help orbs be a little less deny favored.

  • Orbs now appear a little smaller to the enemy that is trying to deny them.

  • Added a Soul Generator (like the one in hero sandbox) in the respawn area. Starts spawning orbs at 3 minutes. Each orb is worth 10 souls when shot. (Primary purpose for this is for cases when you are very close to an item purchase.)

  • Fire Rate slows now stack diminishingly.

  • Rejuv bonus creep HP increased from 50% to 70%.

  • Rejuv bonus is no longer consumed for dead players, they have it on their next life now.

  • Troopers no longer give half bounty when base guardians are destroyed for that lane.

  • Killer to Assist bounty ratio reduced from 2.0 to 1.7 (slightly more to assists).

  • Midgame respawn time increased a bit (reaches 50s at 20 min instead of 40s at 20 min).

  • Teleporter delay reduced from 5s to 4s.

  • Guardians now deal 10% more damage to players.

  • Sinner's Sacrifice now grants a permanent golden statue bonus when it is killed.

  • Fixed Sinner's Sacrifice sharing bounty to nearby allies.

  • Added indicator on the HUD to help track your passive cooldown items when they are 1s from ready (headshot Booster, Medic Bullets, etc).

  • Boon count increased from 11 to 14 (added to 16/18/20k).

  • Non-Health boon bonuses rescaled over the 14 levels (same total as before).

  • Aggressive crouch spamming within a very narrow window will now cause you to very briefly move progressively slower.

  • Added Rejuv drop on a loop in the sandbox mode.

  • Added infinite ammo option to sandbox ("No Reload").

  • Fixed dashing downwards not destroying breakables.

  • Silence now deselects your ability if you had it open when silenced.


Weapon Items

  • Monster Rounds: Bullet Resist vs NPCs reduced from 35% to 30%.

  • High-Velocity Mag: Bullet Velocity reduced from +30% to +25%.

  • Restorative Shot: Cooldown reduced from 6.2s to 5.5s.

  • Hollow Point Ward: Spirit Shield increased from +85 to +95.

  • Headshot Booster: Fire Rate reduced from +5% to +4%.

  • Kinetic Dash: Fire Rate reduced from 25% to 20%.

  • Kinetic Dash: Fire Rate max duration reduced from 8s to 7s.

  • Berserker: Damage required per stack reduced from 110 to 100.

  • Mystic Shot: Damage spirit scaling increased from 0.6 to 0.8.

  • Melee Charge: Impact now increases your ammo for that mag instead of reloading (so if your ammo is 2/8, it becomes 10/8). Reloads you instantly if in the middle of a reload.

  • Melee Charge: Cooldown increased from 8.5s to 10s.

  • Intensifying Magazine: Max Weapon Damage reduced from 75% to 60%.

  • Escalating Resilience: Fire Rate reduced from 14% to 12%.

  • Headhunter: Now requires Headshot Booster.

  • Headhunter: No longer grants +50% Bullet Velocity.

  • Headhunter: Now grants +5% Fire Rate.

  • Headhunter: Fixed not being affected by cooldown reduction.

  • Pristine Emblem: Now requires High-Velocity Mag.

  • Pristine Emblem: Now grants +35% Bullet Velocity.

  • Titanic Magazine: Ammo increased from 100% to 120%.

  • Sharpshooter: Fixed falloff reduction not working properly.

  • Frenzy: Low HP Spirit Resist changed to Bullet Resist.

  • Spiritual Overflow: Now grants +250 Bullet Shield.

  • Silencer: Now grants +12 Spirit.

  • Ricochet: Fire Rate reduced from 12% to 10%.

  • Vampiric Burst: Fixed casting it interrupting sliding.

  • Siphon Bullets: Moved to T4 Vitality.

  • Shadow Weave: Now a T4 Weapon Item.

Vitality Items

  • Melee Lifesteal: Melee Damage reduced from 13% to 12%.

  • Melee Lifesteal: Heal vs non-heroes reduced from 40% to 30%.

  • Extra Stamina: Stamina Recovery increased from 10% to 14%.

  • Restorative Locket: No longer requires max stacks to restore a stamina point.

  • Divine Barrier: Bonus Health reduced from 75 to 50.

  • Combat Barrier: Fire Rate while shielded reduced from 8% to 6%.

  • Combat Barrier: Weapon Damage while shielded reduced from 28% to 25%.

  • Combat Barrier: Bullet Shield increased from +300 to +325.

  • Health Nova: Weapon Damage increased from 10% to 12%.

  • Return Fire: While active grants +25% Bullet Resistance.

  • Return Fire: Bullet Damage Returned reduced from 70% to 60%.

  • Return Fire: No longer grants +7% Fire Rate.

  • Return Fire: Spirit Power increased from +7 to +9.

  • Return Fire: Fixed Ricochet'd bullets not returning the right amount of damage.

  • Bullet Armor: Bullet Resist increased from 20% to 25%.

  • Veil Walker: No longer grants +20% Fire Rate.

  • Improved Bullet Armor: Bullet Resist increased from 45% to 50%.

  • Fortitude: Bonus Health increased from 275 to 300.

  • Lifestrike: Cooldown reduced from 5.25s to 5s.

  • Lifestrike: Fixed proccing heal more than once when hitting multiple targets.

  • Shadow Weave: Moved to T4 Weapon.

  • Siphon Bullets: Now a T4 Vitality Item.

  • Siphon Bullets: No longer grants +28% Weapon Damage.

  • Siphon Bullets: Now grants +18% Bullet Resistance.

  • Colossus: Slow radius increased from 12m to 14m.

  • Soul Rebirth: Increases base respawn rate by +15s.

  • Unstoppable: Can no longer be cast during channels.

Spirit items

  • Ammo Scavenger:

    • Ammo reduced from 15% to 10%.
    • Health reduced from 60 to 40.
    • Duration reduced from 35s to 30s.
    • Max stacks reduced from 12 to 10.
  • Spirit Strike: No longer grants +0.8 Health Regen.

  • Mystic Reach:

    • Ability Range increased from 16% to 18%.
    • Now provides 6% Bullet Resist instead of 6% Spirit Resist.
  • Withering Whip:

    • No longer grants +8% Fire Rate.
    • Spirit Power increased from +4 to +6.
    • Now grants +1 Sprint.
    • Cast range increased from 24m to 30m.
    • Fire Rate slow increased from 40% to 45%.
  • Quicksilver Reload: No longer triggers if your ammo is at max value already.

  • Decay:

    • Cooldown increased from 32s to 45s.
    • Cast range scaling reduced from 0.2 to 0.16.
  • Improved Reach: Now provides 12% Bullet Resist instead of 12% Spirit Resist.

  • Improved Spirit: Spirit Power increased from +21 to +23.

  • Knockdown: Now causes enemies to fall down faster.

  • Torment Pulse:

    • Health Bonus increased from 140 to 160.
    • Spirit Power damage scaling increased from 0.25 to 0.33.
  • Rapid Recharge:

    • Faster Time Between Charges increased from +55% to +65%.
    • Cooldown Reduction For Charged Abilities increased from +25% to 30%.
  • Magic Carpet: Fixed it consuming stamina when jumping off.

  • Escalating Exposure: Fixed the bonus damage being reduced twice by resistance.

  • Refresher:

    • Bullet Resist increased from 8% to 16%.
    • Spirit Resist reduced from 16% to 8%.
  • Echo Shard: Now has a 0.3s cast delay (like Refresher).

Hero Changes

  • Abrams:

    • Infernal Resilience reduced from 16% to 15%.
    • Infernal Resilience T3 reduced from 9% to 8%.
    • Siphon Life spirit scaling increased from 0.2 to 0.3.
    • Fixed cases where Shoulder Charge was unexpectedly 'slamming' into walls and stairs.
  • Bebop:

    • Hook range reduced from 30m to 25m.
    • Hyper Beam duration spirit scaling reduced from 0.08 to 0.06.
  • Dynamo: Singularity radius reduced from 8m to 7m.

  • Grey Talon:

    • Arrow cycle time reduced from 0.4s to 0.45s (overall DPS unchanged).
    • Rain of Arrows can be alternate-casted to remain near the ground.
    • Fixed air dash during Rain of Arrows going half the distance.
    • Guided Owl bonus spirit on death now has a 3s buffer window.
    • Guided Owl: very slight turn rate improvements.
    • Guided Owl radius increased from 12m to 13m.
  • Haze:

    • Sleep Dagger hitbox reduced by 10%.
    • Fixed Refresher not working properly with Smoke Bomb.
    • Fixed some items that didn't proc before: Tesla Bullets, Lucky Shot, Mystic Shot.
    • Bullet Dance now more accurately shows who it is shooting.
    • Fixed Bullet Dance sometimes not obeying line of sight accurately.
    • Bullet Dance bullets are now affected by Time Wall.
    • Bullet Dance evasion reduced from 50% to 25%.
    • Bullet Dance fire rate reduced from 25% to 15%.
  • Ivy:

    • Stone Form now works against airborne targets.
    • Kudzu Bomb T3 now also grants +2m Radius.
    • Kudzu Bomb spirit power scaling increased from 0.6 to 0.7.
    • Fixed clicking noise when flying while disarmed.
    • Fixed being able to Stone Form during the Take Flight animation to circumvent the vulnerable cast period.
  • Kelvin:

    • Headshot bonus damage reduced by 20%.
    • Bullet damage growth reduced from 1.2 to 0.9.
    • Arctic Beam movement slow reduced from 70% to 50%.
    • Moving through breakables while on Ice Path now destroys them.
  • Lady Geist:

    • Life Drain cooldown reduced from 42s to 30s.
    • Malice cooldown reduced from 6.25s to 6s.
    • Malice T1 improved from -2.75s Cooldown to -3s.
    • Fixed Life Drain not healing extra based on amplifications (like Soul Shredder and Malice stacks).
    • Sprint increased from 1 to 1.5.
  • McGinnis:

    • Fixed looking up circumventing the min range on Wall and Barrage.
    • Can now cast parry to cancel your ult.
    • Fixed various issues with Spectral Wall indoors and near walls spawning the wrong number of segments.
  • Mo & Krill:

    • Combo duration reduced from 2.75s to 2.5s.
    • Combo damage spirit scaling increased from 0.8 to 1.1.
    • Combo kill trigger now has a 3s buffer window to get credit.
    • Sand Blast T1 reduced from +1.5s to +1s.
    • Sand Blast range increased from 30m to 35m.
    • Burrow base speed increased from 3 to 4.
    • Burrow T3 speed reduced from +3 to +2.
  • Paradox:

    • Pulse Grenade T3 now also grants +2% Damage Amp.
    • Fixed being unable to be damaged by multiple Time Walls.
  • Pocket:

    • Affliction no longer goes through walls, now respects line of sight.
    • Barrage T3 reduced from +5% to +4%.
  • Seven:

    • Static Charge stun duration reduced from 1.1 to 0.9.
    • Static Charge T3 reduced from 1.1 to 0.9.
    • Static Charge radius reduced from 6m to 5m.
    • Static Charge can now be alternate-casted on self (does not stun you).
    • Static Charge now respects line of sight.
  • Seven:

    • Lightning Ball T3 now also gives +1m Radius.
  • Shiv:

    • Slice and Dice T2 reduced from +85 to +75.
    • Killing Blow Rage buildup per spirit damage reduced from 0.02 to 0.013.
    • Killing Blow Rage drain rate increased from 0.3 to 0.35.
    • Killing Blow Full Rage Bonus Damage reduced from 20% to 15%.
    • Killing Blow T2 increased from 5% to 10%.
  • Vindicta:

    • Gun cycle time increased from 0.19s to 0.22s (same overall DPS).
    • Stake: distance enemies are allowed to move increased from 6m to 8m.
    • Max Falloff reduced from 58m to 45m.
    • Fixed Flight ending if you touch the ground.
    • Low HP indication now also shows up while unscoped.
    • Assassinate Base damage reduced from 160 to 140.
    • Assassinate zoom level reduced a little bit.
    • Flight duration spirit scaling reduced from 0.2 to 0.15.
  • Viscous:

    • The Cube cleanse is now part of the T2.
    • Puddle Punch enemy warning time increased from 0.35s to 0.45s.
    • Bullet Damage reduced from 13 to 12.
    • Can now use down dash during Goo Ball.
    • Fixed Phantom Strike not positioning you correctly when using it with your Goo Ball.
    • Splatter post cast delay reduced from 0.5s to 0.2s.
  • Warden:

    • Binding Word escape range and escape time increased by 15%.
    • Last Stand spirit scaling increased from 0.9 to 1.2.
  • Yamato:

    • Bullet damage growth reduced from 0.5 to 0.45.
    • Crimson Slash fire rate slow reduced from 30% to 20%.
    • Fixed various issues with Flying Strike pathing.
    • Shadow Transformation duration reduced from 5s to 4.5s.
    • Shadow Transformation T3 duration increased from +1.5s to +2s.
    • Shadow Transformation no longer provides unlimited ammo.

Map Changes

  • Outer Lanes:

    • Middle of the map's outer lanes have been pushed further away from the inner lanes.
  • New Connection:

    • Added a new path from the canal near the urn platforms through the Radio Station and Apartment buildings.

  • Fish Market/Nursery Adjustments:
    • Reworked interior corridors to exit to the buildings sooner.
    • Added an interior room partition connecting Fish Market/Nursery to the Shops.
    • Moved the rope to the Fish Market/Nursery rooftop to the back of the building.
    • Removed the upper interior hallway connecting the rope to the rooftops.
    • Moved the truck from in front of the archway with the cosmic veil to the back of the Fish Market/Nursery.

  • Redesigned Outer Lane Path:
    • Redesigned ziplines and trooper nodes for the path from Walker to Guardian on Amber Yellow and Sapphire Purple.

  • New Interior Passage:
    • Added a new passage beside the Subway Entrance leading to the outer lanes.
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Deadlock Patch Notes & Changelog - 10-07-2024

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