20 Seconds to MASTER Every Deadlock HERO



Here is a summary and clear explanation of every Deadlock hero in about 20 seconds.

Abrams Abrams, besides being the bane of my existence, is a high-damage, high-sustain, close-range tank focused on melee combat. His first ability life-steals in an AOE, targeting enemy players rather than minions or creeps. His second ability is a charge slam that stuns enemies if they are slammed into a wall. His third ability, a passive skill, grants health regeneration and some damage mitigation for added defense. Abrams' ultimate allows him to jump into the air and dunk on enemies, delivering a powerful attack.

Bebop Bebop kidnaps people, so hide your wife and hide your kids. His third ability is a hook that pulls enemies from a large range and brings them to him. His first ability is an uppercut, which knocks enemies or allies away from him. His second ability is simply a bomb—slap it onto enemies or yourself and cause chaos. His ultimate is a powerful laser that deals significant damage and has a small AOE, so keep that in mind while using it.

Dynamo Dynamo is a jack-of-all-trades who can do a bit of everything, including dealing damage. His first ability is a knock-up that also deals damage, while his second ability is a teleport (TP) that can transport either himself or his teammates, making it useful for both engaging and disengaging from fights. His third ability is a healing ability that restores health to both himself and his teammates, which is especially useful in lane. Dynamo's ultimate ability, called Singularity, pulls all enemies in an AOE toward him, although while using it, he can't attack. This makes it a powerful tool in large team fights.

Grey Talon Grey Talon, also known as Talon, Sila, Hanzo, or Legalis (whatever you prefer to call him), is not only my favorite character but also a versatile one. His first ability is a charged arrow that deals damage and pierces through multiple enemies, scaling with Spirit. His second ability, Rain of Arrows, makes him jump into the air and fire arrows down like an A-10 Warthog. The third ability is a hunter's trap that sticks enemies in place; after 30 seconds, the trap disappears. His ultimate ability is essentially a predator missile from Modern Warfare 2—you shoot an eagle into the air, control it, and when it hits an enemy, it deals significant damage and stuns them.

Haze Haze is the kind of character who loses lane, AFK farms, and then one-taps your entire team. His first ability is a sleep dart that puts enemies to sleep when it hits. The hitbox is so large, it's almost impossible to miss. His second ability is a smoke bomb that makes him invisible for a short duration and increases his speed slightly. His third ability is a passive that stacks damage, allowing him to deal more damage over time to any enemy. His ultimate ability is a Beyblade-like spin attack that can destroy the entire enemy team, unless you're 0-12, in which case you dive in and die instantly.

Infernus Infernus, as you might guess from his name, is all about fire—and he's also incredibly powerful. His first ability is a projectile that amplifies the fire damage from his kit. His second ability resembles a Naruto run, leaving a fiery trail behind him, which can be sped up for super sonic speed. His third ability is a passive called Afterburn that applies damage stacks to enemies as you hit them, making him even more formidable. Finally, his ultimate ability is an AOE stun that takes a moment to charge up.

Ivy Ivy is a little ratty character, and her abilities reflect that. Her first ability is a bomb that summons Ivy vines, which slow and deal damage to enemies. Her second ability is a tether, or Ivy strand, that can be attached to a teammate, allowing both of you to heal. Ivy's third ability transforms her into a golem or statue, making her invulnerable; she can then crash into enemies, dealing damage and stunning them. Her ultimate ability turns her into an attack helicopter, allowing her to fly around, drop bombs, or even pick up her teammates.

Kelvin Kelvin is essentially Frozone from The Incredibles. His first ability is a frozen grenade that, when thrown at an enemy, slows and deals damage; if thrown at a teammate, it heals them. His second ability lets him skate around the map, mimicking Frozone's slick movement. His third ability is a freeze beam that applies an impressive 80% slow. Kelvin's ultimate ability is a cage, which can be used for strategic plays in a 1v1 scenario or, if he's low on health, to fully heal himself.

McGinnis McGinnis is a character you can pick and go AFK with. Her first ability is a turret that deals damage to any enemies within a certain range. Her second ability is a small AOE heal that restores health to nearby allies, including sometimes healing her turrets. Her third ability, the Great Wall, summons a massive wall that stuns and damages enemies who come into contact with it. Her ultimate ability is an artillery barrage that feels like you're back in the trenches, setting down mortars everywhere to rain destruction on your foes.

Mo and Krill Mo and Krill are not fun to play against. Their first ability deals damage to enemies in an AOE while simultaneously healing themselves. Their second ability is a burrow, allowing them to take little to no damage, although they can still be harmed. The third ability, which I find to be one of the most broken things in the game, is called Pocket Sand. When they throw pocket sand at enemies, it disarms them for a certain amount of time. Their ultimate ability is a close-range stun that targets a single enemy, keeping them stunned for the entire duration of the attack.

Paradox Paradox, besides sounding like they have the thickest Canadian accent, is essentially Doctor Strange on crack. Their first ability is a time grenade that deals damage over time and slows enemies. The second ability is a Fortnite-like wall that allows you and your teammates to shoot through it while blocking enemy shots. Paradox's third ability, the Connect Carbine, charges up and stuns when fired; when fully charged, you can move at the speed of sound and stun at least one person. Their ultimate ability is a swap: throw it at an enemy to swap positions with them. A great strategy is to throw down the wall first and then use the swap to create advantageous plays.

Pocket Pocket is the movement character of the game. Their first ability shoots projectiles that slow enemies and deal a significant amount of damage, also granting a buff that increases your damage output. Pocket's second ability is a cloak that sends out a medium-sized AOE moving in a straight line; you can also teleport to it using the same button you used to cast it. Their third ability transforms them into a briefcase, allowing them to take no damage unless an enemy places a bomb on them beforehand. When they pop out, they unleash a ton of AOE damage, surprising foes. Pocket's ultimate ability, Affliction, deals a large amount of AOE damage over time. However, if your health drops to 1 HP, the ability won't kill you, ensuring that you can survive it; if it could, I definitely wouldn’t be playing this game!

Seven Seven is a character who often swings between going 20-0 or 0-20. His first ability is a lightning bolt that travels in a straight line; when it hits any enemy player or unit, it slows them down and deals damage over time. His second ability is a charged stun that, when cast on an enemy, takes a moment to activate before stunning them; it can also hit surrounding enemies caught within the area. His third ability empowers his rifle, effectively granting him chain lightning, making you feel like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. Finally, his fourth ability summons a giant AOE storm cloud that deals massive damage to enemies within line of sight or those not behind cover.

Shiv Shiv, or as I like to call him, Elus Presley, deals a lot of damage even after the recent patch. Once he unlocks his ultimate, he gains a rage bar—a passive ability that lets him do more damage as the bar fills. His first ability is a serrated knife throw that inflicts initial damage and causes the target to start bleeding (don’t ask me how I know that). His second ability is a dash that deals damage, and when his rage bar is full, it effectively becomes two dashes in one. His third ability converts incoming damage into damage over time, but it only inflicts a small amount. Finally, his ultimate ability is an assassination or execution move that resets all cooldowns if the target is below a certain health threshold; when they reach that threshold, a red triangle appears above them to indicate it.

Vindicta Vindicta is a sniper character, similar to an ADC like Caitlyn from League of Legends. Her first ability is a stake—fitting for a vampire—that you throw; if enemies are caught in the AOE, they're tethered for a short time and disarmed, meaning they can’t use movement abilities, and it applies additional debuffs. Her second ability is flight, allowing her to soar up and down while dealing extra Spirit damage and repositioning herself. Her third ability is a crow that deals damage on impact and bounces off enemies like a pinball, again inflicting Spirit damage. Finally, her ultimate ability is a sniper shot that deals extra damage to enemies at 50% health or below, often resulting in a one-shot kill unless you're underleveled.

Viscous Viscous or the boogeyman you were always afraid of in the closet, has the highest-pitched voice you’ll ever hear. His first ability is a goo ball that deals damage in an AOE and sticks to enemies caught in it. His second ability transforms him into a funny-looking geometric shape, which can be applied to both himself and teammates; it purges any debuffs, protects from incoming damage, and heals Viscous if cast on him. His third ability is a giant fist that can deal damage to enemies or be used for movement, allowing him to reposition or knock enemies out of place. His ultimate ability, while seemingly useless, turns him into a goo ball that rolls around; if he hits enemies, they get stunned for a short time, and he bounces off walls. Aside from using it to escape, there’s really no other reason to use this ability.

Warden Warden, besides laying down the law and handcuffing you, essentially allows you to roll your face across the keyboard while dealing a lot of damage. His first ability is a flat or grenade that damages, slows, and reduces the weapon damage and stamina of enemies caught in it. The second ability grants bonus Spirit Power and movement speed. His third ability curses a target, forcing them to exit the area it covers; if they fail to escape in time, they become stunned or are chained for a short duration. Warden's ultimate ability involves charging up and summoning the souls of those he’s imprisoned. Upon activation, it deals pulse damage to nearby enemies while healing him based on the damage dealt. If you roll your face across the keyboard quickly enough while using this ultimate, you can deal massive damage and essentially become nearly invulnerable.

Wraith Wraith is a straightforward character and one I recommend for newcomers to the game. Her first ability involves throwing a card that moves in the direction of your mouse, serving as a test for tracking. To use the cards effectively, you need to deal enough damage to fill up a meter. Once that’s done, you can throw the cards. Her second ability is a teleportation (TP) move; you throw it out and then teleport to the designated location. Her third ability boosts her fire rate, along with that of any teammates within the AOE. Wraith’s ultimate ability is a stun: she sends out a chain that chases enemies, lifts them into the air, stuns them for a brief moment, and then slams them back down to the ground, dealing some damage in the process.

Yamato Yamato is the perfect character for those coming from Overwatch who want to fulfill their Genji fantasies or anyone who just likes samurai aesthetics. Her first ability is a channeling move that powers up a slash; when fully charged, it releases a powerful attack that deals significant damage. Her second ability is a grapple that allows her to latch onto an enemy and take them anywhere across the map as long as she grapples first. Upon reaching the target, it deals a bit of damage and slows the enemy. I've even seen friends get grappled all the way to the enemy spawn! Her third ability is a cone attack that damages enemies within the cone, slowing their rate of fire, and she heals for each enemy hero hit. Yamato's ultimate makes her temporarily invulnerable while she charges up, resetting the cooldowns on all her other abilities afterward.

Lady Geist Lady Geist is a character who, despite moving at negative speed, has some potent abilities. Her first ability consumes health to throw a bomb that deals damage in a wide area with impressive range. Her second ability allows her to drain health from enemies and minions, healing herself in the process. With her third ability, she throws out shards that damage enemies and stack to increase the damage they take from her. Her ultimate ability lets her swap health with a targeted enemy, but she must stay within a certain circle to maintain the health transfer.

Lash On the other hand, Lash is likely to be one of the most annoying characters in the game due to his high movement and burst damage. His first ability is a cone attack that deals significant damage to enemies in front of him. If he's airborne and uses his grapple, he can slam down onto opponents for even more damage, depending on how high he was. His second ability allows him to swing around the map like Tarzan, recharging stamina since it costs none. His third ability is another cone attack that drains health from enemies and gives it to him. Lash's ultimate targets enemies in the air, pulling them up, whispering sweet nothings, and then throwing them down at supersonic speed, dealing substantial damage.

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20 Seconds to MASTER Every Deadlock HERO

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