
Anti-heal items neutralize his reliance on life siphoning and regeneration. Parrying his melee attacks is highly effective. Ethereal shift is key to dodging his ultimate ability.

Tailor your counters based on whether he focuses on spirit or bullet damage. Debuff removers work well against his bomb attacks. Ethereal shift can disrupt his combo.

Proper positioning is crucial; avoid clustering with teammates. Rescue beam can save allies from his black hole. Reactive barrier provides automatic defense. Soul rebirth grants a second chance if caught in the black hole. Ethereal shift and Unstoppable protect against incoming damage. Dynamo Guide
Grey Talon

Spirit armor works best when he focuses on spirit damage. Debuff removers counter his traps. Knockdowns interrupt his flight. Ethereal shift is useful for dodging owl and charge shots. Grey Talon Guide

Warp Stone provides mobility and resistance to bullets. Return fire can deal devastating damage against her. Metal skin nullifies her bullet damage.

Anti-heal items are effective against his lifesteal strategy. Debuff reducers/removers counter his status effects. A slowing hex prevents his flame dash escape.

Extra stamina helps dodge her abilities. Warp Stone aids in escaping her stone form. Silence glyph can prevent her from entering stone form or using her ultimate. Anti-heal items are highly effective.

Anti-heal counters his frost grenade and frozen shelter. Mobility items help you avoid his ice beam and frost shelter. Ethereal shift grants temporary invulnerability inside his dome.
Lady Geist

Silence is particularly effective against her spell-heavy playstyle. Anti-heal items counter her spirit lifesteal abilities.

Silence and a slowing hex severely limit his mobility. Ethereal shift can negate his ground strike damage.

Mobility items help you outpace her limited stamina. Monster rounds are effective against her lane turrets. Anti-heal items work well if she builds tanky.
Mo + Krill

Proper positioning is key; stay close to teammates. Use elevated terrain to avoid his burrow ability. Reactive barrier mitigates the damage from his ultimate. Silence glyph and slowing hex limit his mobility. Anti-heal items are effective.

Break line of sight to avoid his kinetic carbine. Mobility items help you evade his wall-swap combo. Ethereal shift negates his carbine damage.

Silence prevents her from using her mobility abilities. Debuff reducers/removers counter her long-lasting Affliction ability.

Knockdowns cancel his ultimate. Blocking line of sight negates his storm cloud damage. Spirit armor is effective against his damage type. Attack speed slow counters his power surge.

Anti-heal items counter his healing in extended fights. Debuff reducers/removers mitigate his bleeds.

Use cover and break line of sight to counter her. Mobility items help close the gap. Debuff remover and ethereal shift neutralize her tether ability. Vindicta Guide

Silence is effective against their spell-heavy kit. Mobility items help avoid their puddle punch displacement. Viscous Guide

Extra stamina helps dodge binding word in lane. Debuff remover and ethereal shift counter binding word. A slowing hex reduces their movement speed advantage.

Ethereal shift can cancel their ultimate. Metal skin and return fire are effective against their attacks. Wraith Guide

Silence her right before she transforms into her ultimate form. Monitor her health bar to anticipate her ultimate timing.
General Counters Effective Against Multiple Heroes

Unstoppable and curse items are universally effective.