Video Guide:
Kazuha, a 5-star Anemo Sword character in Genshin Impact, stands out as one of the most versatile and powerful support units in the game. Featured in the first half of Patch 5.0 alongside Mualani, Kazuha's rerun presents an excellent opportunity for players to add this exceptional character to their roster. This guide will delve deep into Kazuha's abilities, strengths, optimal builds, and team compositions to help you maximize his potential.
Kazuha's Core Strengths:
One - Exceptional Buffing Capabilities: Elemental damage bonus from his Ascension 4 talent. Resistance shred from the 4-piece Viridescent Venerer set.
Two - Powerful Elemental Application: Off-field Anemo Application. Elemental absorption and application through elemental skill and elemental burst.
Three - Reaction Catalyst: Triggers multiple elemental reactions per rotation. Enhances team's overall reaction damage
Four - Superior Crowd Control: On-demand grouping with low-cooldown Elemental Skill.
Five - Flexible Investment: Performs well even with low talent levels. Scales exceptionally with Elemental Mastery.
Six - Wide Area of Effect: Large A.O.E. on the both Elemental Skill and Burst.
Seven - Team Composition Flexibility: Fits into numerous meta teams. Complements other Anemo supports like Sucrose and Venti.
Eight - Free-to-play Friendly: Performs well with accessible 4-star weapons.
Talent Overview - Normal Attack - Garyuu Bladework:
While Kazuha is primarily an off-field support, his Normal Attack talent is surprisingly important. This is due to his unique Plunging Attack, Midare Ranzan, which deals Anemo damage and scales with the Plunging Attack multiplier.
Leveling Priority: Moderate. Key Point: Affects Midare Ranzan damage.
Elemental Skill - Chihayaburu:
Kazuha's Elemental Skill is the cornerstone of his kit, providing both crowd control and damage.
Mechanics: Pulls enemies towards Kazuha. Launches Kazuha into the air. Allows for Midare Ranzan, an Anemo-infused Plunging Attack. Can absorb and deal additional elemental damage.
Variants: One - Tap Skill: Shorter cooldown. Slightly less damage. Ideal for quickswap teams. Two - Hold Skill: Longer cooldown. More damage. Better grouping. Increased particle generation. Three - Long Tap Skill: Held for about 0.5 seconds. Larger initial A.O.E. than Tap Skill. Same properties as Tap Skill otherwise.
Elemental Absorption: Priority: Pyro, then Hydro, then Electro, and lastly Cryo. Can absorb one element while swirling others
Double Swirl Technique: Can Swirl multiple elements in quick succession. Useful for setting up reactions or buffing multiple elements.
Leveling Priority: High. Key Point: Main source of crowd control and particle generation.
Elemental Burst - Kazuha Slash:
Kazuha's Elemental Burst is a powerful A.O.E. ability that deals sustained damage and applies elements over time.
Mechanics: Cost of 60 Energy. Duration of 8 seconds. Initial large Anemo slash. Creates a field that deals Anemo and absorbed Elemental damage. 5 ticks of elemental damage plus 1 initial Anemo application. Snapshots stats on cast.
Leveling Priority: Highest. Key Point: Main source of off-field damage and Elemental application.
Ascension 1 Talent - Soumon Swordsmanship:
This talent enables Kazuha's Elemental Skill to absorb elements and deal additional Elemental damage with Midare Ranzan.
Ascension 4 Talent - Poetics of Fuubutsu:
Arguably Kazuha's most potent ability, this talent provides teammates with an Elemental damage bonus based on Kazuha's Elemental Mastery when he Swirls an element. Can buff multiple elements simultaneously. Key to Kazuha's support capabilities.
Third Talent - Cloud Strider:
Decreases stamina consumption for your entire party, useful for both exploration and combat. Note: Does not work with alternate sprints.
Talent Leveling Priority:
One: Level 90. Two: Elemental Burst. Three: Elemental Skill. Four: Normal Attack.
Note: Reaching level 90 is highly recommended to maximize swirl damage and reaction potential.
While Kazuha is excellent at Constellation Zero, his constellations offer significant power spikes:
Constellation One: Provides an additional Elemental Skill charge by using Elemental Skill and reduces cooldown of Elemental Skill. Constellation Two: Major power spike. Increases Elemental Mastery for party members after using Elemental Burst. Boosts personal damage and Ascension Four talent effectiveness. Constellation Four: When energy is lower than 45, pressing or holding Chihayaburu regenerates 3 or 4 energy, respectively. When gliding, he regenerates 2 energy per second. Constellation Six: Infuses Kazuha's attacks with Anemo, enabling main D.P.S. builds.
Recommendation: Constellation Zero is great, but Constellation Two is the best stopping point.
Artifact Build:
Best-in-Slot Set - 4-piece Viridescent Venerer: Provides resistance Shred for swirled elements. Boosts Swirl damage. Increases Anemo damage.

Artifact Main Stats:
Sands: Elemental Mastery or Energy Recharge. Goblet: Elemental Mastery. Circlet: Elemental Mastery.
Artifact Substat Priority:
One - Energy Recharge until the requirement is met. Two - Elemental Mastery. Three - Attack percent or critical rate and critical damage, and it depends on the situation.
Note: Crit stats become more valuable in Quicken teams or when using Bennett.
Energy recharge requirements:
Kazuha's energy recharge needs vary based on team composition and weapon choice.
Solo Anemo with Favonius Sword: about 160% Energy Recharge. Double Anemo with Favonius Sword: about 105% Energy Recharge.
Adjust based on team energy generation and rotation length.
5-Star Weapon Options:
One - Freedom-Sworn: Best-in-slot for most situations. Provides team-wide buffs. Use if Energy Recharge requirements are met and the team benefits from passive.
Two - Primordial Jade Cutter: Strong stat stick. Useful in crit-focused builds.

4-Star Weapon Options:
One - Favonius Sword: Great for high Energy Recharge requirement teams. Benefits the entire team's energy economy. It slightly lowers personal damage and buffs.
Two - Xiphos' Moonlight: Excellent 4-star option, especially at high refinements. Provides Energy Recharge to Kazuha and team. Allows for Elemental Mastery sands in most cases.
Three - Iron Sting: Free-to-play craftable option. High Elemental Mastery stat. May require Energy Recharge sands.
Four - Sacrificial Sword: Provides additional Elemental Skill usage. High base Energy Recharge stat.

Team Compositions:
Kazuha's versatility allows him to fit into numerous team compositions. Here are some popular options:
One - Aggravate: Kazuha, Nahida, Raiden, and Sara. Two - Hyperbloom: Kazuha, Nahida, Kokomi, and Fischl. Three - Burgeon: Kazuha, Dendro Traveler, Yelan, and Thoma. Four - Freeze: Kazuha, Ganyu, Diona, and Mona. Five - Reverse Vaporize: Kazuha, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett. Six - Reverse Melt: Kazuha, Bennett, Ayaka, and Zhongli. Seven - Forward Melt: Kazuha, Bennett, Chongyun, and Rosaria. Eight - Electro-Charged: Kazuha, Xingqiu, Kuki, and Clorinde. Nine - Mono Element: Kazuha can fit as the fourth member in any mono-element team. Ten - Triple Anemo: Kazuha, Xiao or Wanderer, Faruzan, and Bennett.

Kazuha stands as one of the most valuable and versatile characters in Genshin Impact. His ability to provide substantial buffs, crowd control, and off-field damage makes him an asset to nearly any team composition. Whether you are a new player looking to invest in a future-proof support or a veteran aiming to optimize your teams, Kazuha is an excellent choice that will undoubtedly enhance your Genshin Impact experience.