DON'T BUILD HIM WRONG! Best Ifa Guide & Build [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.6


Welcome to this guide on Ifa, the upcoming four-star Anemo character wielding a catalyst. Ifa is another Anemo driver and healer like Mizuki. I do not know why Hoyoverse decided to make a four-star Mizuki when she is so bad. Ifa’s elemental skill makes him enter the Nightsoul’s Blessing state, start hovering, deal damage, and heal party members based on his elemental mastery. His elemental burst creates a field, dealing damage and pulling enemies. It also applies a calm mark when hitting enemies afflicted with Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, or Electro, which explodes and deals damage. Ifa’s first talent enhances Swirl and Electro-Charged reaction damage, while his second talent increases his elemental mastery.

For Ifa’s ability level priority, first level his elemental skill, second his elemental burst, and lastly his basic attack.

For Ifa’s artifact set, his best four-piece set is Viridescent Venerer. It increases Anemo damage bonus by fifteen percent as its two-piece set effect. Meanwhile, its four-piece set effect increases swirl damage by sixty percent and decreases enemies’ elemental resistance to the element infused in the swirl by forty percent for ten seconds.

For Ifa’s sands, goblet, and circlet main stats, use Elemental Mastery because his healing scales on Elemental Mastery.

For Ifa’s energy recharge requirements, aim for around two hundred percent energy recharge as a solo Anemo character without Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex. Aim for one hundred sixty percent energy recharge with Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex. He might have to use his elemental burst every other rotation without Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex and as a solo Anemo character. With another Anemo teammate, expect needing around one hundred percent with Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex to one hundred ten percent energy recharge without Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex.

For Ifa’s substat priority, prioritize energy recharge until the optimal requirement, then prioritize elemental mastery, next prioritize H.P. percent, then flat H.P., and lastly defense percent.

For Ifa’s weapons, a five-star catalyst that he can use is Sunny Morning, Mizuki’s signature weapon.

An alternative five-star catalyst for Ifa is A Thousand Floating Dreams, which is Nahida’s signature catalyst and has an elemental mastery main stat.

A four-star craftable catalyst that Ifa can use is Hakushin Ring, which increases elemental damage bonus for party members.

A four-star gacha catalyst is Favonius Codex, which provides elemental particles for critical hits. With this catalyst, Ifa needs a critical rate main stat on his circlet or critical rate substats to trigger Favonius Codex’s effect more often.

A three-star catalyst that Ifa can use is Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers since it provides an attack percent increase when switching characters.

For Ifa’s teams, he can be used as a replacement for Mizuki, Kazuha or Sucrose. As a result, Ifa is a universal character and can fit on most teams that benefit from Swirl. He will need at least one of hydro, pyro, cryo, or electro to trigger swirl. Ifa can be used in free-to-play quicken teams with himself, Kirara, Fischl, and Sethos. Ifa can replace Kazuha in the Childe international team with Xiangling and Bennett or the national team with Xingqiu. Ifa can be used as the solo Anemo character in any mono-element team, including mono Hydro, mono Pyro, and mono Cryo.

Since Ifa is a four-star character, you want to get all of his constellations. However, since Hoyoverse still has not fixed the four-star problem, do not expect to get Constellation Six Ifa without getting Constellation Two or higher Escoffier, assuming Ifa is on her banner. There is no pity for four stars and no guaranteed way to get Ifa, so do not pull for Ifa exclusively and make sure you want the five-star character that is featured alongside Ifa.

Ifa’s Constellation One states that when “Supportive Shooting” hits an enemy, Ifa regenerates six energy. This effect can occur once every eight seconds.

Ifa’s Constellation Two states that while in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, for every point of the total Nightsoul points of all party members exceeding sixty, Ifa gains an additional three points of “Rescue Essentials,” and the maximum limit of Rescue Essentials increases by thirty points. This requires unlocking Ifa’s Talent One.

Ifa’s Constellation Three increases the level of Elemental Skill by three, up to a maximum of fifteen.

Ifa’s Constellation Four extends the duration of the Binding Wind Field created by Elemental Burst to three seconds. After casting this skill, Ifa’s Elemental Mastery increases by one hundred points for fifteen seconds.

Ifa’s Constellation Five increases the level of Elemental Burst by three, up to a maximum of fifteen.

Ifa’s Constellation Six states that when Ifa holds to perform “Supportive Shooting,” there is a fifty percent chance to fire an additional Medicinal Bullet, dealing one hundred twenty percent of the original damage, considered Normal Attack damage. Additionally, outside of combat, the Nightsoul points and Phlogiston consumed during Nightsoul's Blessing decrease by twenty percent.

Ifa’s Normal Attack: Performs up to three consecutive attacks, dealing Anemo damage. Ifa’s Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of stamina to shoot forward, dealing A.o.E. Anemo damage. Ifa’s Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing A.o.E. Anemo damage upon impact.

Ifa’s Elemental Skill: Upon activation, Ifa gains eighty points of Nightsoul points and enters the Nightsoul’s Blessing state. During this state, with the assistance of Cacucu, Ifa hovers, and his Normal Attack transforms into Supportive Shooting: Tap: Fires a Medicinal Bullet, dealing Anemo Nightsoul-aligned damage and healing party members. Healing scales with Elemental Mastery. Hold: Continuously fires Medicinal Bullets, dealing damage and providing healing. While in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, holding the skill causes Ifa to perform a Plunging Nightsoul-aligned Attack. Releasing the hold interrupts the attack and maintains hovering; landing ends the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Ifa’s Elemental Burst: Launches a Therapeutic Field Sedative at enemies, which explodes upon impact, creating a Binding Wind Field that pulls in nearby items and enemies, dealing A.o.E. Anemo Nightsoul-aligned damage. If it hits enemies afflicted with Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, or Electro, it applies a “Calm Mark” that explodes after a short duration, dealing A.o.E. damage of the corresponding element. Up to four enemies can have the “Calm Mark,” and they cannot be simultaneously affected by multiple elemental marks.

Ifa’s Talent One: While in the Nightsoul’s Blessing state, for every one Nightsoul point of all party members, Ifa gains one point of “Rescue Essentials”, up to one hundred fifty points, enhancing the Swirl and Electro-Charged reaction damage triggered by nearby party members. Each point of Rescue Essentials increases reaction damage by one point two percent. This effect is removed when Nightsoul's Blessing ends.

Ifa’s Talent Two: When nearby party members trigger “Nightsoul Burst,” Ifa's Elemental Mastery increases by eighty points for ten seconds.

Ifa’s Passive Talent One: After Nightsoul points are depleted, Ifa consumes Phlogiston to maintain Nightsoul's Blessing. In areas with the Phlogiston Mechanism in Natlan, when the active character switches to Ifa at a certain height in mid-air, Ifa enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state and gains thirty-two Nightsoul points. The Nightsoul Transmission can occur once every ten seconds.

Ifa’s Passive Talent Two: In areas with the Phlogiston Mechanism in Natlan, when the active character or attached dragon has H.P. below forty percent, Ifa consumes ten points of Phlogiston to heal them, restoring H.P. based on one hundred fifty percent of his Elemental Mastery. This effect can occur once every ten seconds and is ineffective in Domains, Trounce Domains, and Spiral Abyss.

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DON'T BUILD HIM WRONG! Best Ifa Guide & Build [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.6

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