Heizou Quickguide - Artifacts, Teams, Weapons

Shikanoin Heizou
Shikanoin HeizouEl Detective de la Armonía

Description of his role

Heizou is an anemo DPS who is also a Catalyst - so it's basically a small Wanderer . He isn't top tier but he is very fun to play for me and if u are checking on this guide you probably love him too! About him: There are 3 styles of playing him: Support with VV (worst one) DPS focusing on big damage with E and Q (best at c6) DPS focusing on normal attacks (gain most with c1)

Weapons for Inazuma Detective

Códice de Favonius
Códice de Favonius
Memorias de Sacrificios
Memorias de Sacrificios
Fruto de la Culminación
Fruto de la Culminación
Oda al Vasto Azul
Oda al Vasto Azul
Carta Náutica
Carta Náutica
Sinfonía de los Merodeadores
Sinfonía de los Merodeadores
Grimorio Real
Grimorio Real

These are good options for Heizou - if u go for more ATK% then I recommend Royal Grimoire or The Widsith for CRIT DMG. Personally I would choose Ballad of The Boundless Blue , with some artifacts and teammates he can punch strongly!


Artifacts for Heizou!

Épica del Pabellón del Desierto
Épica del Pabellón del Desierto
Final del Gladiador
Final del Gladiador
Sueños Áureos
Sueños Áureos
Reminiscencia de la Purificación
Reminiscencia de la Purificación
Sombra Verde Esmeralda
Sombra Verde Esmeralda
Cazador Fantasmal
Cazador Fantasmal

My favourites are:

Desert Pavilion Chronicle and Shimenawa's Reminiscence because i love playing him with NA

but VV is good for support form or if u don't have Faruzan.

Gilded Dreams can be fun Gladiator if u don't have anything better Marechaussee Hunter if u got Furina!

Recommended Talents Levels and their order!

I would go for E --> NA --> BURST to maximize damage. As a support go LVL90 ---> BURST ----> E
I would go for E --> NA --> BURST to maximize damage. As a support go LVL90 ---> BURST ----> E

Teams and options for Heizou

Shikanoin Heizou
Épica del Pabellón del Desierto

I won't talk about his teamcomps, there is nothing to think about really. First one is double pyro for huge ATK% bonus and good sub-dps damage!

Sombra Verde Esmeralda

Always good support for Anemo DPS! Best at c6!

Actually you can replace her with Kazuha - Heizou does less damage but Xianling does more - choose beetween them in ordinary situations.

Ritual Antiguo de la Nobleza

DMG Buff and healing - goat .

Emblema del Destino

Pyro resonance - chilli ATK% buff, Burst damage!

If u really really want that, u can change Xianling for Dehya


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All of your support is appreacited! Love u guys and have fun while playing Genshin!

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Heizou Quickguide - Artifacts, Teams, Weapons

Shikanoin Heizou
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