ULTIMATE Kinich Teams GUide


Kit Overview

Kenich is a new character in Genshin Impact's version 5.0. He’s strong and fun to play, with potential for future improvements as the game evolves with releases of similar characters to Bennett and Xiangling, particularly the pyro archon.

Kit & Abilities:

  • Kenich's abilities revolve around circling opponents while attacking, where you can continuously spam normal attack.
  • Cannon Shots: By filling up a meter while circling, you can unleash powerful cannon shots for extra damage using his elemental skill.
  • Team Synergy: His passive abilities enhance team reactions (like Burgeon and Burning), allowing for quicker cannon shot buildup. Strengths:
  • Mobility: His play style allows for quick dodging and effective positioning in battle.
  • Exploration: Kenich is also great for exploring the game world, particularly in areas like Natan.
  • Elemental Burst: His burst provides valuable dendro damage and pauses the duration of his elemental skill, so it doesn't use up the nightsoul state.
  • Aim for Blind Spots: When attacking, try to hit highlighted areas in Kenich’s swing radius to restore points and extend his special state.

Weapons Tier List (ordered)

Colmillo del Rey de la Montaña
Emblema del Mar de Juncos
Médula de la Serpiente Marina
Espadón Cornirrojo

Artifacts Tier List

Códice de Obsidiana
Ensoñación Inacabada
Recuerdos del Bosque

Basic Teams


Extensive Teams List & Testing Results


Ultimate Kinich Guide

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