Who is WORTH PULLING in Genshin Impact in 2025? (Pull Value Tier List)


Tier List Image

Tiers Explanation (see video for FULL breakdown)

**Great Support for Many Units **
Remember these characters are NOT must pulls. You should NOT aim to get them all on your account. They are simply guidelines for powerful units that are generally valuable for many players. The way to decide who to wish for is to pick your FAVOURITE 2-3 DPS, and build around them. But for these units, you usually can't go wrong.

**VERY STRONG if you like them ** These are choices that you usually won't regret as long as you get them FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. make sure you enjoy their character and their playstyle, and you will be able to make very strong reams for your account. Some characters provide comfort or exploration rather than power, see video for a breakdown of each one.

Still great characters that you can do well with, but they usually have some kind of drawback that keeps them from the tier above.

**WINNABLE IF YOU LIKE THEM ** These units have lost favour in Genshin Impact for one reason or another. There are still things you can do to make them work well enough, but the value they add is low.

2025 Pull Value GUIDE

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Who is WORTH PULLING in Genshin Impact in 2025? (Pull Value Tier List)

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