HOW IS HE A 4 STAR? Moze Guide | Relics, Best Build, Teams


Video Guide:


Hey everyone, welcome to our guide for the upcoming Lightning Hunt four-star character, Moze. He's set to be released in patch 2.5 of Honkai Star Rail. Moze is a good four star character because of his Departed state mechanic, which allows him to deal consistent damage while staying safe from enemy attacks.

Basic attack, Hurlthorn:

Let's dive into Moze's kit. His basic attack, Hurlthorn, deals lightning damage to a single target based on his attack.


Skill, Fleetwinged Raid:

Moze’s skill, Fleetwinged Raid, is where things get interesting. It marks a single enemy as prey and deals lightning damage equal to 150% of Moze’s attack to the enemy. This is crucial for his playstyle. When there are no other characters on the field that are capable of combat, Moze cannot use his skill and dispels the enemy's prey state. So, he requires at least one teammate on the field to be used.

Ultimate, Dash In, Gash Out:

Moze's Ultimate, Dash In, Gash Out, increases his damage output by 50% and deals significant lightning damage equal to 350% of Moze’s Attack to a single target. It costs 110 energy to use, so energy management will be key.

Talent, Cascading Featherblade:

The real star of the show is Moze's talent, Cascading Featherblade. When a prey is on the field, Moze enters the Departed state. Every time allies attack the prey, Moze deals additional damage equal to 30% of his attack and gains a charge. At 7 charge points, he launches a powerful follow-up attack equal to 200% of his attack on the prey. This makes Moze an excellent fit for teams that attack frequently, including follow up attack teams. Moze's technique, bated wings, grants him stealth in the overworld for 20 seconds, allowing for surprise attacks that boost his damage by 30% and advance his action by 50% when entering combat. This is great for exploration and initiating fights.


Major traces:

Now, let's discuss Moze's major traces. Vengewise boosts critical damage dealt by 20% against the prey, enhancing allies’ damage output. Daggerhold advances Moze’s action when leaving the Departed state by 30% or 60% if his charge point count is greater than or equal to 4, improving his turn economy. Nightfeather recovers 1 Skill Point after Moze uses a follow-up attack, which is great for longer fights.

Major trace priority:

When it comes to Moze's major trace priorities, you'll want to focus on them in this order: First, prioritize Nightfeather. Next, go for Vengewise. Lastly, unlock Daggerhold.

Recommended Endgame Stats:

For those aiming to maximize Moze's potential, here are the recommended endgame stats you should aim for: HP: Around two thousand eight hundred; Attack: two thousand five hundred; Defense: eight hundred; Speed: one hundred thirty four; Critical Rate: sixty percent; and Critical Damage: one hundred twenty percent. Remember, these are ideal targets. As a free-to-play player, getting close to these numbers will already make your Moze highly effective. Focus on balancing attack, critical rate, and critical damage for optimal damage output. Speed is also important to ensure Moze can act frequently and build up his charges quickly.



Now, let's talk about Moze's eidolons, which can significantly enhance his capabilities and are especially important since he is a four star character: Eidolon 1, Oathkeeper, makes his Ultimate count as a follow-up attack and increases follow-up damage against the Prey by 25%. This is a huge boost to his damage potential. Eidolon 2, Wrathbearer, helps with energy management. Moze gets 20 energy at the start of battle and 3 energy each time his Talent triggers additional damage. Eidolon 3 and Eidolon 5 boost his ability levels, with Eidolon 3 focusing on his Ultimate and Talent, while Eidolon 5 improves his Skill and Basic Attack. Eidolon 4, Heathprowler, further increases the Critical Damage boost from his Vengewise trace by an additional 20%, making his attacks against the Prey even more devastating. Finally, Eidolon 6, Faithbinder, allows Moze to immediately launch a follow-up attack after using his Ultimate, potentially doubling his damage output in a single turn.


For Moze's build, we're looking at maximizing his Crit Ratio and Attack. His traces provide a solid 37.3% critical damage and 18% attack, which is a great start.

Relic Sub stat priority:

So Moze’s relic substat priority should be critical rate, then critical damage, and lastly attack percent.


Relic Set:

Now, let's talk about the optimal relic and planar sets for Moze. For Moze's relic set, the best option is The Wind-Soaring Valorous. The 2-piece effect increases attack by 12%, which is always valuable. The 4-piece effect is where it really shines for Moze. It increases the critical rate by 6% and boosts ultimate damage by 36% after using a follow-up attack. This synergizes perfectly with Moze's kit, especially his talent and Ultimate.

Planar Set:

When it comes to the planar set, Inert Salsotto is the top choice for Moze. Its 2-piece effect increases the critical rate by 8%, and when the critical rate reaches 50% or higher, it boosts ultimate and follow-up attack damage by 15%. This complements Moze's playstyle beautifully, enhancing both his critical hits and his key damage sources from Ultimate and follow-up attacks. Together, these sets will significantly boost Moze's damage output, making him a formidable single-target D.P.S. Remember, while these are the best options, don't be afraid to use what you have available as you work towards these ideal sets.

Artifact Main Stats:

Let's break down the main stat priorities for Moze's relics: For the body piece, go for either critical rate or attack percent as the main stat. This will significantly boost Moze's overall damage output. Moze already gets a lot of critical damage from his traces, so a critical damage main stat is not necessary. On the feet piece, prioritize speed. This helps Moze act more frequently, which is crucial for building up his charges and triggering more follow-up attacks. For the planar sphere, lightning damage is the way to go. This directly increases all of Moze's lightning-based attacks. Finally, on the link rope, aim for attack percent. While energy recharge is tempting, Moze benefits more from the additional attack power. Remember, these main stats work in tandem with the Wind-Soaring Valorous Relic Set and the Inert Salsotto planar set we discussed earlier. Together, they'll help Moze reach his full damage potential.


Light cones:

Let's talk about the best light cone options for Moze: The top pick for free-to-play players is Cruising in the Stellar Sea. It boosts Critical Rate by 16%, with an extra 16% against enemies below half HP. Plus, defeating an enemy increases Moze's attack by 40% for 2 turns. This light cone perfectly complements Moze's single-target focus and burst damage potential. For those willing to roll on the gacha, Swordplay is an excellent 4-star option. It increases damage by 16% each time Moze hits the same target, stacking up to 5 times. This synergizes beautifully with Moze's Prey mechanic, allowing him to deal massive damage to his marked target. Another great 4-star option is Only Silence Remains. It increases attack by 32% and provides an additional 24% Critical Rate when there are 2 or fewer enemies. This is perfect for Moze in boss fights or smaller encounters. If you're working with limited resources, the 3-star light cone Arrows can be a solid temporary option. It increases the critical rate by 24% for the first 3 turns of battle, helping Moze start strong.


For team compositions, Moze works best with characters who can attack frequently to help him build charge. Consider pairing him with fast attackers or characters with multi-hit abilities. A team of Moze, Tingyun for energy regeneration, Hunt March 7th, and Gallagher could work well for free-to-play players. The harmony trailblazer can replace Tinyun to improve break effect efficiency. Also, March 7th can be replaced by Dr. Ratio since Moze relies on follow up attacks. If you are going for Feixiao, she can be the main D.P.S. on a team with Moze, Hunt March 7th, and Gallagher. A premium team with Feixiao is Feixiao, Moze, Robin, and Aventurine. You could replace Feixiao with Topaz. For a pure fiction team, you can use either Jade, Yunli, or Clara as the main D.P.S. Moze, Robin, and Aventurine. Aventurine can be replaced with Huohuo for energy regeneration or Bronya for a team with any sustain character.


Moze is an excellent option for free-to-play players looking for a consistent single-target damage dealer who can stay safe during fights. I go over a guide to Feixiao.
