The Herta Best Builds HSR (Light Cones, Relics, Team Comps, Traces Priority)

Only The Herta Build Guide You Need
Only The Herta Build Guide You Need

Best Light Cones for The Herta

According to the build recommendations, the following Light Cones are ranked from highest to lowest priority:

  1. "Into the Unreachable Veil" (S1) - ★★★★★
  2. "Night on the Milky Way" (S1) - ★★★★★
  3. "Before Dawn" (S1) - ★★★★★

Additionally, four other S5 options are available:

  • "Today Is Another Peaceful Day" (S5) - ★★★★
  • "Geniuses' Repose" (S5) - ★★★★
  • "Eternal Calculus" (S5) - ★★★★★
  • "The Seriousness of Breakfast" (S5) - ★★★★

Best Relic Sets

The recommended Relic combinations for The Herta include:

  1. Scholar Lost in Erudition (4-piece)
  2. Hunter of Glacial Forest (4-piece)
  3. Mixed Set Option:
    • Scholar Lost in Erudition (2-piece)
    • Hunter of Glacial Forest (2-piece)

Additional viable 2-piece combinations include:

  • Izumo Gensei and Takama
  • Sigonia, the Unclaimed
  • Rutilant Arena

Stats Recommendation

For optimal performance, prioritize these stats on your relics:

Main Stats:

  • Body: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  • Feet: ATK% / SPD
  • Planar: Ice DMG > ATK%
  • Rope: ATK%

Sub Stats Priority: CRIT Rate >= CRIT DMG > ATK% = SPD

Target Stats:

  • CRIT Rate: 80%+
  • CRIT DMG: 120%++
  • SPD: Base/134+

Traces Priority

Level your traces in this order:

  1. Talent (High Priority)
  2. Skill (High Priority)
  3. Ultimate (High Priority)
  4. Basic ATK (Not Recommended)

Team Compositions

Several effective team compositions for The Herta include:

  1. Premium Team
  • Features a balanced mix of support and damage characters
  1. Herta RMC Team
  • Focuses on maximizing Herta's damage potential
  1. Herta Herta Team
  • Provides consistent Ice damage output
  1. Herta Serval Team
  • Combines Ice and Lightning damage for versatility

Want The Herta Full Guide for Teams? Read The Herta Best Teams HSR.

Also Read: The Herta Tier List

This build was created by IG: starrailbuild.id

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The Herta Best Builds HSR (Light Cones, Relics, Team Comps, Traces Priority)

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