UPDATED Sparkle Guide & Analysis | Honkai Star Rail 2.0


Video Guide:


Sparkle is a Quantum element unit following the path of Harmony. Her primary role is to generate skill points, advance an ally forward, and boost the forwarded ally's critical damage based on her own critical damage. She excels in hyper-carry teams that consume a high amount of skill points, simultaneously enabling allies to act more frequently.

Since she can provide a significant number of skill points simply by using her ultimate, she pairs well with allies who are hungry for skill points, such as Jing Yuan. However, she synergizes particularly well with allies like Dan Heng, who can utilize multiple skill points in one go, triggering her talent more easily.


Her main trace, Nocturne, enhances her attack when paired with other Quantum allies. This does not mean she cannot be paired with D.P.S.s from elements other than Quantum; she can also synergize with Quantum supports and sustainers like Lynx, Fu Xuan, and Silver Wolf.


Base stats:

Attack: 524 Defense: 485 H.P.: 1397 Speed: 101 Energy: 110


Sparkle has great survivability stats for a Harmony character, possessing low max energy and average speed. This means that H.P. and defense sub-stats scale very well with her, while aiming for sub-stats of critical damage and speed are the ideal stats to pursue.

Relic Sets:

2 Piece Messenger Traversing Hackerspace: Increases speed by 6 percent. 2 Piece Guard of Wuthering Snow: Reduces damage taken by 8 percent.


Planar Sets:

2 Piece Fleet of the Ageless: Increases the wearer's maximum H.P. by 12 percent. When the wearer's speed reaches 120 or higher, all allies' attack increases by 8 percent.

Or use 2 Piece Broken Keel: Increases the wearer's effect resistance by 10 percent. When the wearer's effect resistance is 30 percent or higher, all allies' critical damage increases by 10 percent.

Recommended Endgame Stats:

First, it's important to note that since Sparkle has average speed, achieving 160 or more speed can be very challenging and may require sacrificing other stats like H.P. However, reaching a speed of 160 or more is not necessarily critical for faster attackers.

Aim for speed at 160, 143, or 134 to optimize performance based on the role and team composition.

Aim for Critical Damage of 160 percent to 200 percent to maximize damage output and boost allies’ critical damage.

Effect Resistance at 30% is necessary if you are using broken keel.

Focusing on H.P. and defense stats is great for enhancing survivability, ensuring Sparkle can withstand enemy attacks and contribute effectively throughout the battle.

Aim for 3500 H.P., 1000 defense, 160 percent to 200 percent critical damage, and either 134 speed, 143 speed, or 160 speed, and 30 percent effect resistance if you are running broken keel.

Light cones:

Sparkle is a character who benefits more from offensive rather than energy-focused light cones.

Sparkle’s signature 5-star light cone is Earthly Escapade; its effect is as follows.

Increases the wearer's critical damage by 32 percent. At the start of the battle, the wearer gains Mask, lasting for 3 turns. While the wearer has Mask, the wearer's allies have their critical rate increased by 10 percent and their critical damage increased by 28 percent. For every 1 skill point the wearer recovers, including skill points that exceed the limit, they gain 1 stack of Radiant Flame. When the wearer accumulates 4 stacks of Radiant Flame, all the stacks are removed, and they regain Mask, lasting for 4 turns.

Sparkle’s recommended 4-star light cone is Planetary Rendezvous if you are running a quantum main D.P.S.

After entering battle, if an ally deals the same damage type as the wearer, damage dealt increases by 24 percent.

Alternatively, you can use Dance, dance, dance.

When the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies' actions are Advanced Forward by 24 percent.


Relic Main Stats:

Critical Damage Percent Body Speed Feet H.P. percent orb or defense percent orb Energy regeneration rate link rope


Monodrama is her single target basic attack.

Provides energy generation of 20 and weakness break of 30. Effect: Deals quantum damage equal to 100 percent of Sparkle's attack to a single target enemy.

Dreamdiver is her support skill.

It provides energy regeneration of 30.

Effect: Increases the critical damage of a single ally by 24 percent of Sparkle's critical damage plus 45 percent, lasting for 1 turn. Additionally, it advances this ally's action by 50 percent. When Sparkle uses this ability on herself, the Action Advance effect will not trigger.

The Hero with a Thousand Faces is her ultimate.

Provides energy regeneration of 5.

Effect: Recovers 4 skill points for the team and grants all allies Cipher. When allies with Cipher trigger the damage boost effect provided by Sparkle's Talent, each stack additionally increases its effect by 10 percent, lasting for 2 turns.

Red Herring is her talent.

Effect: While Sparkle is on the battlefield, the maximum number of skill points is increased by 2. Whenever an ally consumes 1 Skill Point, all allies' damage is increased by 6 percent. This effect lasts for 2 turns and can stack up to 3 times.

Unreliable Narrator is her Technique.

Effect: Using the Technique grants all allies Misdirect for 20 seconds. Characters with Misdirect will not be detected by enemies, and entering battle in the Misdirect state recovers 3 Skill Points for the team.


Nocturne is one of her major traces.

Effect: Increases all allies' attack by 15 percent. When there are 1 or 2 or 3 Quantum allies in your team, increase Quantum-Type allies' attack by an additional 50 percent, 150 percent, or 300 percent.

Artificial flowers are one of her major traces.

Effect: The critical damage boost effect provided by the skill will extend until the start of the target's next turn.

Almanac is one of her major traces.

Effect: When using Basic Attack, Sparkle additionally regenerates 10 energy.


Speed Tuning:

Sparkle's unique ability to advance an ally's action by 50 percent while increasing their critical damage makes her speed a crucial factor in her effectiveness.

Understanding Sparkle's Speed Dynamics:

Below Slowest Ally's Speed (100 speed): If Sparkle's speed is less than the slowest ally's speed, she cannot efficiently advance them forward.

Equal to or Above the Fastest Ally's Speed (160 speed): Sparkle can effectively advance all allies forward.

Between Slowest and Fastest Allies' Speed: Sparkle can advance allies with speed up to her own. For instance, if Sparkle's speed is 150, she can effectively advance allies with speeds up to 134. Allies with speeds greater than 134 may not advance forward as effectively.

Optimal Speed Strategy:

For optimal use of Sparkle's skill, her speed should be strategically higher than the speeds of the allies she intends to advance. This ensures she acts before them, maximizing the utility of her speed-advancing capability.


Skill Point Hungry Teammates:

Characters like Dan Heng and Qingque are exceptional partners for Sparkle. They can quickly trigger her talent within just one turn, taking full advantage of all her buffs. This synergy makes excellent use of her ultimate's skill point generation and the enhancements from her talent, allowing these characters to perform their powerful skills more frequently.

Follow-Up Attack Teammates:

Teammates that utilize follow-up attacks gain a significant advantage from Sparkle's skill, which boosts critical damage. Thanks to one of Sparkle's traces, these characters can receive an enhanced critical damage buff, making their follow-up attacks even more devastating against opponents.

Advancing Slow Allies:

Sparkle's skill enables slower characters to act sooner in battle, which can be a strategic advantage. This allows these characters to prioritize offensive stats over speed, potentially increasing the team's overall damage output.

Support for Quantum Damage Attackers:

Her trace, Nocturne, positions Sparkle as an exceptional support for quantum damage attackers like Seele or Silver Wolf. With just two quantum characters, including Sparkle, the team receives a 15 percent attack boost. Adding a third quantum character increases this boost to 30 percent, resulting in a total attack increase of 45 percent for quantum damage when including the base 15 percent.

Pairing with Skill Point Consuming Sustainers:

Sparkle's explosive skill point generation makes her an ideal partner for characters that consume a lot of skill points. Sustainers and other characters that rely heavily on using their skills for damage, healing, or utility can greatly benefit from Sparkle's support, allowing for more frequent use of their powerful abilities.


E1 - Suspension of Disbelief: The Cipher effect granted by the Ultimate lasts for 1 extra turn. All allies with Cipher have their attack increased by 40 percent.

E2 - Purely Fictitious: Every stack of the Talent's effect allows allies to additionally ignore 8 percent of the target's defense when dealing damage.

E3 - Pipedream: Increases skill level by 2, up to a maximum of 15 levels. Increases basic attack level by 1, up to a maximum of 10 levels.

E4 - Life Is a Gamble: The Ultimate recovers 1 more Skill point, and the Talent additionally increases the Max Skill Points by 1.

E5 - Parallax Truth: Increases ultimate level by 2, up to a maximum of 15 levels. Increases Talent Level by 2, up to a maximum of 15 levels.

E6 - Narrative Polysemy: The critical damage boost effect provided by the Skill additionally increases by an amount equal to 30 percent of Sparkle's Critical Damage. When Sparkle uses Skill, her Skill's critical damage boost effect will apply to all allies with Cipher. When Sparkle uses her Ultimate, any single ally who benefits from her Skill's critical damage Boost will spread that effect to allies with Cipher.


Eidolon 1 vs Light Cone?

When deciding between Sparkle's Eidolons and her signature Light Cone, the choice can depend significantly on your status as a player—whether you are free-to-play, a low spender, or willing to invest more.

For free-to-play or Low Spenders:

Opting for Sparkle's Light Cone might be the better choice. Light Cones are generally more accessible and can significantly enhance Sparkle's capabilities through extra critical rate and damage. This makes it a valuable addition to her arsenal without the need for substantial investment.

Considering Eidolons:

If you plan on acquiring Sparkle's Eidolons, reaching E2 provides a substantial power boost and can serve as an effective milestone. While E4 and E6 offer incredible benefits, they are not strictly necessary for Sparkle to excel in her role.


Neither Eidolons nor the Light Cone are essential for Sparkle to be effective. She boasts a comprehensive kit from the outset at E0 and can greatly benefit from various 4-star Light Cone options. This flexibility allows Sparkle to perform well in a variety of team compositions and battle scenarios, making her a versatile character even without significant investment in Eidolons or her signature Light Cone.