Aatrox Guide: From Beginner to Master

Aatroxthe Darkin Blade

Introduction to Aatrox

Aatrox is a powerful fighter with high sustain and damage potential, making him a dominant choice in the top lane. His skill set allows him to control the lane and outplay opponents.

Aatrox in champion selection screen, showcasing his menacing design.

Here is the image of Aatrox in the champion selection screen, showcasing his menacing design. Let me know if you'd like further adjustments!
Here is the image of Aatrox in the champion selection screen, showcasing his menacing design. Let me know if you'd like further adjustments!

Best Runes and Summoner Spells for Aatrox

Conqueror: For increased damage and healing. Resolve: Adds durability and lane sustainability. Optimal summoner spells are Teleport and Flash.

Ideal rune setup for Aatrox, including summoner spells.

Here’s the image representing the ideal rune setup for Aatrox, including summoner spells like Teleport and Flash. Let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like added!
Here’s the image representing the ideal rune setup for Aatrox, including summoner spells like Teleport and Flash. Let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like added!

Core Item Build for Aatrox

Core Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Sterak’s Gage, Guardian Angel. Defensive Items: Spirit Visage, Warmog’s Armor.

Complete item build for maximizing Aatrox's power.

Here’s the image representing the ideal rune setup for Aatrox, including summoner spells like Teleport and Flash. Let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like added!
Here’s the image representing the ideal rune setup for Aatrox, including summoner spells like Teleport and Flash. Let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like added!

Skill Order

Max Q - The Darkin Blade first, followed by E - Umbral Dash, and finally W - Infernal Chains. Use R - World Ender strategically to dominate in fights.

Here’s the image showcasing a complete item build for maximizing Aatrox's power. Let me know if you'd like further adjustments or additions!

How to Play Aatrox at Different Stages of the Game

Early Game:

Maintain distance, stack Conqueror, and focus on farming. Mid Game:

Start joining skirmishes, using your abilities to deal damage and heal up. Late Game:

Engage in team fights, activate your ultimate, and position well to maximize your impact.

Pro Tips for Playing Aatrox

Land your Q accurately to hit multiple targets. Use E to dodge enemy abilities and stay in control


Aatrox is an excellent pick for players who want to dominate the game with strength and flexibility. Try these strategies to become an unstoppable force in your matches!

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Aatrox Guide: From Beginner to Master

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