Vayne, the Night Hunter, is a high-risk, high-reward ADC in League of Legends, known for her true damage, mobility, and ability to melt down tanky enemies. With her short attack range, Vayne requires a support that can protect her through the laning phase and empower her in the mid-to-late game, where she truly shines. In this guide, we’ll explore the best support champions that maximize Vayne’s potential, helping her survive early trades and dominate in skirmishes and team fights.
The best supports to play with Vayne in LoL
Vayne has been rather unpopular in the last few seasons. Her kit didn’t really fit the meta and it brought the devs to buff her this season. Thanks to the new build and buffs they have given her throughout the year, she has been slowly finding increasing success.
She is now also able to fight against squishier team comps and doesn’t only counter beefy frontlines with the true damage on her W. That being said, Vayne requires great supports to have enough time to scale and reach her power spikes. Not all champions work well with her, and it’s crucial to know exactly which are better.
For that reason, we have compiled a list of the best supports to play alongside Vayne. By explaining their strength and weaknesses, you will know better how a specific duo functions.

- Lulu
- Lulu is one of Vayne’s most iconic support partners, known for her protective and empowering abilities that enhance Vayne’s offensive and defensive strengths. Lulu’s E (Help, Pix!) and W (Whimsy) provide Vayne with both a shield and a boost in attack speed, while Whimsy can also be used to polymorph and disable enemy threats. Lulu’s ultimate, Wild Growth, can save Vayne in dangerous situations by granting her a burst of health and a knock-up that disrupts enemies. With Lulu by her side, Vayne has the additional protection and utility needed to thrive in trades and stay alive during intense fights.
- Lulu
- Milio
- Milio, a supportive enchanter with a unique kit, brings healing, range extension, and crowd control immunity to Vayne. Milio’s Q (Ultra Mega Fire Kick) knocks back and slows enemies, giving Vayne an opportunity to capitalize on her Condemn (E) and position herself for damage. His E (Warm Hugs) provides Vayne with healing and movement speed, keeping her agile and healthy. Milio’s ultimate, Breath of Life, removes crowd control effects from Vayne and provides her with significant healing, allowing her to stay aggressive and confident in team fights. Milio’s ability to cleanse and protect Vayne from crowd control makes him an ideal partner, enabling her to focus on her primary role: shredding enemies.
- Milio
- Thresh
- Thresh offers both utility and peel, making him a solid choice to support Vayne. His Q (Death Sentence) allows him to initiate fights and control enemies, setting Vayne up for her damage. Thresh’s W (Dark Passage) is particularly useful for Vayne, as it provides a safe escape if she overextends or finds herself in danger. Additionally, Thresh’s E (Flay) and R (The Box) are excellent for zoning and crowd control, preventing enemies from diving directly onto Vayne. Thresh’s mix of engage, peel, and utility gives Vayne the space she needs to stay safe and maximize her DPS in both the laning phase and later team fights.
- Thresh
- Nami
- Nami’s healing and crowd control abilities make her a great enchanter support for Vayne. With E (Ebb and Flow), Nami can heal Vayne while harassing opponents, allowing Vayne to sustain through difficult matchups. Her W (Tidecaller’s Blessing) grants Vayne additional magic damage and a slow on her auto-attacks, which synergizes well with Vayne’s high DPS playstyle. Nami’s Q (Aqua Prison) and R (Tidal Wave) offer reliable crowd control that can disrupt enemy attempts to engage or escape, giving Vayne opportunities to reposition and deal more damage. Nami’s blend of sustain and crowd control allows Vayne to survive the early game while setting her up for a powerful mid-to-late game.
- Nami
- Senna
- Senna, a support with a semi-ADC playstyle, offers a unique combination of damage and utility for Vayne. Senna’s Q (Piercing Darkness) provides both healing and poke, allowing her to support Vayne’s sustain and harass enemies. With W (Last Embrace), Senna can root targets, giving Vayne time to close in for additional attacks or set up a Condemn. Senna’s E (Curse of the Black Mist) camouflages her and Vayne, allowing them to reposition safely or ambush enemies in the bot lane. Additionally, Senna’s R (Dawning Shadow) is a global shield and damage ability that can protect Vayne from across the map, adding a layer of security and poke that helps Vayne shine in extended fights.
- Senna
Each of these support champions brings unique strengths that complement Vayne’s high-damage, short-range playstyle. Lulu’s shielding and empowering abilities, Milio’s crowd control cleanse, Thresh’s peel and engage, Nami’s healing and CC, and Senna’s poke and global shield all enhance Vayne’s potential, providing her with the support she needs to excel. With the right support pairing, Vayne can make it through the early game and become a powerful late-game threat.
Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng