Challenger | Patch 14.17 | How to play Corki like a Pro - Season 14 Guide

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Corkithe Daring Bombardier

Maybe Corki? (write ur fav corki line I think thats a good opener)

Recently, Riot Games did a mini rework to Corki taking away his magic damage and trying to push him back into the ADC role by making his damage physical alongside bonus True Damage. It really seems like they want to balance him around building Critical Strike Chance.

With these changes Corki has become a very strong laner and stat checker; he looks to snowball early and deal lots of damage.

In this guide I will teach you everything you need to know in order to get the most out of this champion and win almost every game with him.

Cañón de repetición
Bomba de fósforo
Bomba de fósforo
Cañón de repetición
Andanada de Proyectiles

Corki's passive is very simple, your Basic Attacks deal additional True Damage equal to 15% of your Attack Damage.

Your Q throws a bomb at a target location which reveals anyone it hits but also gives vision of that area. It deals good damage but it's Magic Damage. It still scales with your bonus AD so we will be maxing this ability second.

W is simply a dash; it does leave a trail that burns enemies that walk over it but it's so small you should never use this for the damage and only for mobility. You can jump walls with it.

The most important spell is E - Gatling Gun. You spray bullets in a cone for 4 seconds and deal damage every .25 seconds. Not only does it deal massive damage but it SHREDS both Armor and Magic Resistance. We always max this spell first.

At level 6 you unlock your R which is essentially an extra basic spell. You now have rockets which can be launched using your Ultimate Spell and stock up to 4 at any given time. Every third missile is a "Big One" which deals double damage.

After the recent E nerfs Q max is also a viable alternative if you have a lane where you feel like you cannot snowball, Q max is then better as it provides a lot better waveclear.


Summoner Spells


The Movement Speed bonus from Heal is great for ADC's and the healing will help you a lot, mainly in the early game.


Corki has a decent amount of rune options mainly when it comes to your secondary path. Here I briefly explain when to take which one.

Taking Legend: Alacrity over Bloodline can also be a good option.


This rune setup will give you the most consistent results. Other runes in the domination tree may seem good but this setup will be best overall.

As for your secondary runes, Inspiration with Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery will help the most since the goal is to stack AD and snowball early, not to mention Corki has mana problems so we NEED that sustain from somewhere.



Corki currently has 2 builds; one looks to snowball and the other has the best scaling. Here I have separated them into their own modules.

Snowball build

Espada de Doran
Espada de Doran
Poción de vida
Poción de vida

As always there's no reason to buy anything else at the start of the game.

Scaling Build

Fuerza de trinidad
Fuerza de trinidad
Filo infinito
Filo infinito
Recuerdos de lord Dominik
Recuerdos de lord Dominik
Cañón de fuego rápido
Cañón de fuego rápido

Your power spikes take longer and aren't as huge but your scaling is SO MUCH better with this build. Your passive interacts with the Spellblade effect from Trinity Force making it deal increased True Damage.


Tips & Tricks

  • Spellblade has an interaction where if you cancel your Basic Attack animation with a spell that auto will be empowered even though it's already mid air. Useful to know when doing the Trinity Force build since you can get the damage off faster that way.
  • You don't need a lot of items for your E to one-shot the waves so there's no need to use Q to push.
  • Most of your damage comes from your E - Gatling Gun but it only goes to where you are facing. It has 690 range which is much more than your Attack Range. Keep this in mind since you want to be able to face your target and you don't NEED to use Basic Attacks on them for it.
  • Corki has very high Mana costs on top of very long Cooldowns. Be mindful of using your spells so you don't run Out Of Mana that quickly. Focus on Trades or All-Ins and don't try to use your spells just to poke. Rockets start being good for poking Mid Game since you can push waves much easier, your mana pool will be larger and you don't look to trade anymore since you can kill most champions with 1 to 2 spell rotations.
  • Your Q will give vision of the area in which it lands for a full 6 seconds making it great for checking bushes from long range.
  • Try to use your Big Rocket when the Opportunity passive is up since you'll have more Lethality and deal considerably more damage.
  • A very important skill to have is to stay in a safe position and track the enemy spells so you can W forward as soon as there's no threats against you. Being able to stick on top of someone with your E almost always means death.
  • Your Ultimate Spell actually has a passive that reduces the recharge cooldown of your rockets whenever you land a Basic Attack on an enemy champion which increases with your crit chance. Very good habit to have is weave rockets between your autos.
  • The AoE damage from your rockets doesn't actually fall off with distance so you can look to hit minions and have the splash damage nearby champions. The zone of the Big One is larger than that of normal rockets.