Corki ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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Corkithe Daring Bombardier


Corki, the Daring Bombardier, is a hybrid marksman champion in League of Legends. Known for his unique playstyle that blends physical and magic damage, Corki excels at poking enemies from a distance and dishing out consistent damage in team fights. With a kit centered around mobility, high burst damage, and sustained DPS, Corki is a versatile pick for mid-lane or bot-lane roles. His Hextech Munitions and powerful Missile Barrage make him a formidable opponent, capable of turning the tide of battles with precise skill execution.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Corki

  1. Strengths:
  • Mixed Damage Output: Corki’s abilities deal both physical and magic damage, making it difficult for enemies to build effective defenses against him.
  • Strong Poke Potential: Missile Barrage (R) allows Corki to poke enemies from a safe distance, chipping away at their health before engaging.
  • High Mobility: Valkyrie (W) grants Corki excellent repositioning capabilities, helping him escape dangerous situations or chase down fleeing enemies.
  • True Damage Bonus: Hextech Munitions (Passive) ensures Corki’s basic attacks deal bonus true damage, enhancing his late-game scaling.
  • Wave Clear: Phosphorus Bomb (Q) and Gatling Gun (E) make it easy for Corki to clear minion waves efficiently.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Mana Dependent: Corki relies heavily on his abilities, making him prone to running out of mana if not managed properly.
  • Squishy: As a marksman, Corki is vulnerable to burst damage and crowd control.
  • Skill Shot Reliance: His effectiveness depends on landing skill shots like Phosphorus Bomb (Q) and Missile Barrage (R).
  • Weaker Early Game: Corki’s early game damage output can be underwhelming compared to other mid-lane or ADC picks.

Corki Tips and Tricks

  • Maximize True Damage: Use Corki’s Hextech Munitions passive to chip away at enemy health during extended trades.
  • Utilize the "Package": Periodically, Corki’s Hextech Munitions grants him a "Package" that empowers Valkyrie (W), significantly increasing its range and impact. Use this power spike to initiate team fights or secure objectives.
  • Position Wisely: Leverage Valkyrie (W) for both offensive plays and escapes, but be mindful of its cooldown to avoid overextending.
  • Aim for Precision: Save every third Missile Barrage (Big One) for key targets as it deals bonus damage, crucial during fights or sieges.
  • Control Vision: Phosphorus Bomb (Q) reveals hidden units in its radius, making it effective against stealth champions or in contested jungle areas.
  • Itemization: Build hybrid damage items such as Trinity Force, Muramana, and Ravenous Hydra to maximize Corki’s effectiveness. Prioritize Magic Penetration against tanky enemies.

Corki Summoner Spells


Corki Runes


Corki Items

Espada de Doran
Espada de Doran
Poción de vida
Poción de vida
Guardián invisible
Guardián invisible

Corki Skill Order

Bomba de fósforo
Cañón de repetición
Bomba de fósforo
Cañón de repetición
Andanada de Proyectiles

Corki Ability Combos

  • Q + E + AA: Your bread and butter trade opener is to Q E instantly then AA.
  • E +AA + Q + AA + AA + AA: For a basic trade you can E AA then Q right as it finishes and continue to AA.
  • W + E + AA + R + AA + Q + AA + R + AA: To all in once you're level 6 W to get into range then E. Once you land AA R then AA Q followed by AA R AA.
  • E + Q + R + AA + AA + R + AA + AA + R: E then instantly Q R, AA twice followed by an R and continue this pattern.
  • Q + W + E + AA + AA: To quickly all in before level 6 Q then W forward instantly. E while in mid air then AA.
  • Q + R + AA: For a quick burst of damage Q R AA one after another.
  • W + E + AA + Q + R + W + AA + R + AA: After picking up your package use W onto your target. E AA once you land, then Q R W instantly and AA R AA right after

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • When using your abilities on the minion wave, try to aim your Phosphorus Bomb Q and Missile Barrage R so it hits both the enemy and the minion wave at the same time.
  • Try to find a healthy balance between poking the enemy and using your abilities to farm with. Ideally, do both throughout the early and mid-game.
  • Abuse your range advantage to harass and bully the melee Supports down so they cannot engage while on low health. But don't over-force this as you'll take a lot of minion damage for no real reason.
  1. Mid game
  • Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you poke and harass the enemy with your Phosphorus Bomb Q and Missile Barrage R. Once the enemy is low, you can commit to the fight.
  • When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It’s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you can’t get anything done.
  • Avoid overextending or dying alone. When you’re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon.
  1. Late game
  • Continue to delay team fights for as long as possible while you harass and poke the enemy down with your Phosphorus Bomb Q and Missile Barrage R.
  • Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
  • Think hard and fast before using your Passive and Valkyrie W towards the enemy team. In particular, do not use it aggressively if your team is not in a position to follow up and go in with you.


Corki is a dynamic champion who thrives in the hands of players adept at positioning and precision. His mixed damage, strong poke, and mobility make him a valuable asset in any team composition. However, mastering Corki requires a keen understanding of his abilities, mana management, and timing to capitalize on his "Package" and Missile Barrage. With practice and strategic gameplay, Corki can dominate the battlefield and carry games to victory.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Corki ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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