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Jarvan IVthe Exemplar of Demacia


Jarvan at the end of the day is a fighter, so having the added sustain from Conqueror is great.





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Win Conditions
- Jarvan is an early game dominant Jungler. Look to gank as frequently as possible to get yourself and your laners ahead.
- Use alternative ganking routes to gank your allies. You can utilise the Blast Cone to dodge commonly placed wards or the Scuttle Crab.
- Jarvan will find it difficult to team fight as he may get locked down or the enemy may disengage. To prevent this, flank and collapse on isolated targets.
Weak Against
- Poppy: Poppy is able to cancel your E-Q instantly and runs you down permanently.
- Nidalee: Nidalee can dodge all your abilities and jump out of your R. Be thoughtful how you use them.
- Kindred: Kindred chases Jarvan easily in the jungle and can outplay your abilities.
Strong Against
- Lillia: If you CC chain the Lillia properly she won't be able to do any of her abilities.
- Trundle: Trundle is going to be straightforward, play around your flag to outplay his all ins.
- Maokai: You can tank Maokai's sapplings with your W and he has no escape from your ultimate.
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Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game as Jarvan IV, prioritize ganking and securing objectives. Use your standard combo (E-Q) to engage on lanes and provide crowd control, aiming to secure kills and assist your laners.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, continue to focus on ganking but also work on controlling vision around key objectives like dragons and Rift Herald. Coordinate with your team to secure these objectives and establish map control.
- Late Game: In the late game, your role transitions to initiating fights and protecting your carries. Use your ultimate to create opportunities for your team, locking down priority targets, and maintaining strong vision control to secure victory.