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Jhinthe Virtuoso
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- Weak Against: Senna, Yasuo, Seraphine.
- Strong Against: Ezreal, Zeri, Kalista.
Win Conditions
- Use your Q on the enemy caster minions to get extra damage Q’s on your lane opponent. Make sure they are nearby so it can bounce.
- Throw your W out while fighting or moving around the map to root the enemy and assist your allies. Your W goes through minions, but still deals damage to champions.
- Use your range advantage and the extra speed from your Passive to stay safe. While reloading, reposition and fall back to a safer position to stay alive.
All in all
- Playing Jhin successfully involves mastering his passive reload mechanic, positioning carefully to make the most of his long-range abilities, and timing his ultimate for maximum impact. His playstyle is strategic, emphasizing careful aim and understanding the rhythm of his attacks, making him a rewarding but challenging ADC to master.
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Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game as Jhin, focus on last-hitting minions and trading when your fourth shot is ready. Leverage your long-range poke and the damage from Deadly Flourish (W) to pressure opponents, but be cautious not to overcommit.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, use Deadly Flourish (W) to catch enemies from a distance and participate in skirmishes or rotations. Utilize your ultimate, Curtain Call (R), to secure kills or influence fights across the map.
- Late Game: In the late game, position yourself carefully, staying at the backline and using Curtain Call (R) to initiate or finish fights. Prioritize safety while outputting consistent damage in team battles, making the most of your long-range abilities and critical strikes to secure victories.