Kha'Zix Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More - Patch 14.20

Kha'Zixthe Voidreaver

Kha'Zix Build Guide: Mastering the Voidreaver in League of Legends

Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver, is one of the deadliest assassins in League of Legends. With his ability to evolve and adapt to the battlefield, he can swiftly eliminate isolated targets and dominate the game. This Kha'Zix build guide will help you unleash his full potential and carry your team to victory.

Kha'Zix is a perfect champion for players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward playstyles and want to master the art of assassination and adaptability in League of Legends.


Kha'Zix Overview: The Voidreaver Assassin

Kha'Zix is a versatile and stealthy assassin in League of Legends, excelling at isolating and eliminating targets with his high burst damage. Originating from the Void, he evolves and adapts to the battlefield, making him a dangerous threat to both champions and objectives. Kha'Zix is often played in the jungle due to his strong ganking potential and ability to clear camps efficiently.

  1. Strengths:
  • High Burst Damage: Kha'Zix excels at quickly taking down isolated enemies, especially squishy champions like ADCs and mages.
  • Stealth & Mobility: With his R - Void Assault and E - Leap, Kha'Zix can engage, reposition, or escape from dangerous situations with ease.
  • Adaptability: Kha'Zix’s ability to evolve his abilities allows him to adjust to different game scenarios, making him unpredictable. Snowball Potential: Once Kha'Zix secures a few kills, his damage and mobility make him a major threat, especially when he can reset his leap after takedowns.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Weak Early Game: Kha'Zix can be vulnerable in the early stages of the game, particularly if invaded by stronger early-game junglers.
  • Relies on Isolated Targets: His burst damage is significantly higher when attacking isolated targets, so he struggles in tightly packed teamfights.
  • Squishy: Kha'Zix has low defenses, making him susceptible to crowd control and burst damage if caught out of position. Playstyle:

Kha'Zix Playstyle

Kha'Zix thrives in picking off vulnerable, isolated enemies. Here are some tips to play him effectively:

  • Focus on Isolated Targets: Kha'Zix’s Q deals massive damage to isolated targets. Use the jungle and fog of war to find lone enemies and eliminate them quickly.
  • Use Stealth Tactically: Your R – Void Assault gives you stealth and mobility. Use it to reposition, chase down enemies, or escape dangerous situations.
  • Teamfight Smartly: While Kha'Zix excels at assassinating squishies, avoid diving directly into teamfights. Instead, wait for the right moment to leap in and finish off low-health enemies.
  • Evolve Abilities Strategically: Evolve your Q first for more damage on isolated targets, then evolve E for resetting your Leap upon takedowns. Depending on the game, you can evolve R for more stealth or W for better poke and sustain.

Kha'Zix Runes


Kha'Zix Summoner Spells


Kha'Zix Items

Cría de Caminabrisas
Cría de Caminabrisas
Poción de vida
Poción de vida
Guardián invisible
Guardián invisible

Kha'Zix Abilities

Saborea su miedo
Pincho del Vacío
Saborea su miedo
Pincho del Vacío
Asalto del Vacío
  • Evolution Order: Q > W > E

Combos of Kha'Zix

  • Basic: Q + Flash; W + Flash; E + Flash
  • Basic: Q+ E + W + AA
  • Hard: W + Flash + R + AA + Q + E + R + AA + Q + AA + R + AA + Q

Kha'Zix tips and tricks

  • Kha’Zix is a strong early game champion. Try to skirmish and gank as much as you can in the early game to get you and your allies ahead.
  • Kha’Zix is a strong 1v1 duelist if he can take down an isolated target. You can invade the enemy Jungler in the early game and try to set them behind.
  • At levels 6, 11 and 16 you’ll be able to evolve your abilities. Generally, your first evolve will be your Taste Their Fear (Q).

Kha'Zix game plan

  1. Early game
  • Kha’Zix is a strong early game Jungler. Look to gank and go for duels frequently with the enemy. Getting an early kill or two will make the game much easier for you.
  • Focus on securing objectives. As you’re the Jungler after all, make sure you try to take them as often as possible. Your champion is very good at taking them alone.
  • While you’re a strong fighter and good in the early game, you need to ensure you put time away to focus on farming and gaining gold and XP. Secure your camps as often as possible.
  1. Mid game
  • As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
  • Try to secure the Baron or Dragon whenever possible. Securing objectives is key as a Jungler during the mid-game.
  • Continue to farm your jungle as well as gank and help your allies. It’s important that you do not fall behind in gold and XP by just ganking.
  1. Late game
  • Flank in team fights to get on key targets with your Leap (E). Avoid showing yourself when possible in the late game as the element of surprise can provide a huge advantage.
  • When ahead, look for picks by waiting in high traffic areas for an enemy to walk by. If you’re able to take down the enemy Mid, ADC or Support, you can use their death timer to end the game or take a major objective.
  • Avoid dying and remain on the same side of the map as the next major objective. Do not show on the bottom side of the map if Baron is about to come up.


Kha'Zix is a highly versatile and deadly assassin capable of single-handedly turning the tide of battle with his burst damage and mobility. By mastering his ability kit, itemization, and positioning, you can outplay your opponents and dominate the game. Use this Kha'Zix build guide to perfect your playstyle and become the most feared predator on the Rift.

Keywords: Kha'Zix build guide, League of Legends Kha'Zix, Kha'Zix best items, Kha'Zix runes, Kha'Zix abilities, how to play Kha'Zix.

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