Lux Mid Lane Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More - Patch 14.20

Luxthe Lady of Luminosity

Lux Mid Lane Build Guide: Dominate the Rift with the Lady of Luminosity

Are you looking for a mid-lane champion who excels at long-range poke, crowd control, and burst damage? Look no further than Lux, the Lady of Luminosity. With her versatile kit, Lux can control the flow of fights, snipe enemies from afar, and provide essential vision control for her team. This guide will walk you through the best Lux mid lane build, from runes and abilities to itemization and gameplay tips.

Lux Overview: The Lady of Luminosity in League of Legends

Lux, a beloved champion in League of Legends, shines as a versatile mage who brings powerful poke, crowd control, and burst damage to the mid lane. As one of the most iconic champions, Lux excels at controlling the battlefield with her long-range abilities and strategic gameplay. Whether you're clearing waves or sniping enemies from afar, Lux has the potential to dominate in both early-game skirmishes and late-game teamfights.

  1. Abilities Overview Passive – Illumination: Lux’s abilities mark enemies with Illumination, and her basic attacks consume the mark to deal bonus magic damage.

Q – Light Binding: Lux fires a ball of light, rooting up to two enemies and setting up for deadly combos or safe escapes.

W – Prismatic Barrier: Lux throws her wand in a line, shielding herself and allies, providing essential protection in fights.

E – Lucent Singularity: A zone of light that slows and damages enemies, this ability is her primary poke tool for controlling the lane and zoning enemies.

R – Final Spark: Lux’s signature ultimate, a global-range laser that deals massive magic damage and can snipe multiple low-health enemies from across the map.

  1. Why Play Lux? Lane Control: With her long-range poke from Lucent Singularity (E), Lux can easily farm from a distance and harass her opponent without taking too much damage.

Crowd Control: Lux’s Light Binding (Q) offers powerful crowd control by rooting enemies, which can lead to kills or disengages from dangerous situations.

Burst Damage: Once fully equipped, Lux’s combo of Light Binding (Q), Lucent Singularity (E), and Final Spark (R) can easily one-shot squishy enemies.

Versatility: Whether you're looking to poke enemies, provide utility with shields, or finish off fleeing enemies, Lux has a well-rounded kit that can adapt to different situations.

  1. Lux Strengths & Weaknesses a. Strengths
  • Really good burst potential with her entire Light Binding (Q), Lucent Singularity (E), Ultimate combo. This can delete a squishy enemy with ease starting from level six itself.
  • Her Prismatic Barrier (W) shield is deceptively strong as it can allow her to save all her team members from a lot of poke. This is also applicable when she is Support.
  • Her Light Binding (Q) can be used to secure picks inside the enemy Jungle or from blind areas. This can be extremely beneficial if the picked target happens to be the enemy Jungler or the ranged carry.

b. Weaknesses

  • Very immobile and can be killed almost immediately if she is caught out without her Light Binding (Q). Layered CC will make her absolutely useless.
  • She is somewhat item reliant, so camping and killing her a lot during the early game will just make her a shield bot during the late game.
  • She can be picked off easily by the enemy team if she wanders too far from her team, or when she is trying to take the Blue Buff. She will also be very weak against complete all-ins from the enemy team.
  1. Playstyle As Lux, you should focus on maintaining a safe distance while poking enemies down with Lucent Singularity (E) and securing kills with Final Spark (R). In teamfights, position yourself in the backline, use Prismatic Barrier (W) to shield your allies, and aim for well-timed Light Bindings (Q) to disrupt the enemy team.

Lux Runes


Lux Summoner Spells


Lux Items

Anillo de Doran
Anillo de Doran
Poción de vida
Poción de vida
Guardián invisible
Guardián invisible

Lux Abilities

Singularidad brillante
Enlace de luz
Barrera prismática
Enlace de luz
Barrera prismática
Singularidad brillante
Chispa final

Combos of Lux

  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Basic: Q + E1 + R + E2
  • Hard: W + Q + Flash + AA + E + R + AA + E2 + AA

Lux tips and tricks

  • Stick with your team at all costs so you can siege together and poke together. Do not isolate yourself in a side lane as you’ll be an easy target for most enemies.
  • Before initiating a team fight, try to poke the enemy as much as you can with your abilities. Lux is a poke champion and the more damage you can do beforehand, the easier team fighting will be.
  • As your Ultimate is on a short cooldown, you can look to use it in skirmishes with the enemy whenever you land your Light Binding (Q). Just make sure you don’t run out of mana trying to harass them.

Lux game plan

  1. Early game
  • Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in lane. You have a lot of poke, so try to poke the enemy down as often as you can.
  • Play safe for the first few levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Lucent Singularity (E). Once they’re low enough, you can commit to an all-in.
  • Once you’ve hit level 6 and purchased key component items, look to harass and constantly push the enemy into their tower. This will allow you to earn turret plating and increase your gold income.
  1. Mid game
  • After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP.
  • Try and siege objectives with your team during the mid-game. You have strong poking tools which will allow you to siege objectives with ease. Try to poke the enemy down as much as possible while your team tries to take towers (or the Dragon or Baron).
  • Delay team fights for as long as possible while you harass the enemy and poke them down with your Lucent Singularity (E). Look to blow up any enemy who is hit by your Binding Light Binding (Q).
  1. Late game
  • Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
  • Look for picks with your abilities. Picking someone off and then collapsing on them to take them down is a great way of winning a team fight and ending the game. Look for picks on isolated targets if possible.
  • Keep a constant eye on you and your allies positioning. You need to poke the enemy down and delay fights in the late game, but you need to watch your positioning as you move forward to harass. Do not get picked off by trying to harass and poke the enemy down.


Lux is a champion that thrives when she can poke, control vision, and burst down enemies from a safe distance. With the right runes, item build, and playstyle, you’ll be able to dominate the mid lane and help your team secure victory. Master the art of landing your Light Binding (Q), and you’ll be one step closer to carrying your team to victory with the Lady of Luminosity!

This guide includes popular SEO keywords like "Lux mid lane build," "Lux abilities," and "League of Legends Lux guide," enhancing its visibility for search engines while providing an in-depth look at how to play Lux in the mid lane.

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