Master Yi Arena Build In LOL Patch 25.05

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Master Yi
Master Yithe Wuju Bladesman

Master Yi Skill Order

Golpe fulgurante
Estilo Wuju
Golpe fulgurante
Estilo Wuju

Master Yi Ability Combos

  • AA + W + AA: Use W to cancel your Auto Attack. AA then instantly W and AA.
  • E + AA + AA + AA + Q + EAA: A normal fight is as simple as using E before your first AA, AA twice more and Q AA
  • AA + E + AA + AA + Q + EAA + W + AA: AA and E mid-animation, AA twice more then Q. As soon as you can AA and instantly W then AA again.
  • E + AA + AA + AA + W + EAA + Q + AA: Use your Q to animation cancel the double hit. E then instantly AA three times. Use W quickly after the third and AA then instantly Q and AA again.
  • R + FLASH + AA + E + AA + AA + Q + EAA + W + AA: To all in with Flash, R then Flash AA. Activate E mid animation then AA 3 times before using Q. AA as soon as you come out then instantly W AA.
  • R + E+ Q + AA + AA + AA + EAA + W + AA: To engage normally use R then E right before you use Q and AA four times. W instantly after first swing of the eAA lands then AA again.

Master Yi Items

Martillo del guardián
Martillo del guardián
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Master Yi Arena Build In LOL Patch 25.05

Master Yi
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