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Oriannathe Lady of Clockwork


Orianna can do a lot of damage and the early poke from Aery is great. Now considering that you can also shield your teammates, it just adds to the value of Aery.






Win Conditions
- Use poke combos to chip away at the enemy's health bar, but be aware that you’re an easy gank target, so don’t go overboard when trading.
- Play for teamfights. Stay in the backline and keep your ball on the champion most likely to engage or set your R up. This is usually the tank or someone who can get on to the enemy.
- Prioritize farming well and making safe coordinated plays. Orianna doesn’t have the luxury or the survivability compared to other Mid Laners, so smart plays are important.
Weak Against
- Aurelion Sol: Aurelion Sol can apply consistent pressure from range and has good wave clear. His ability to roam quickly with his E can also make it challenging for Orianna to follow or punish his roams.
- Kassadin: Kassadin's Q absorbs magic damage, which is a disadvantage for Orianna who relies on dealing magic damage. Kassadin's late game is also extremely powerful.
- Xerath: Xerath is a long-range mage, and his abilities allow him to poke Orianna from a safe distance. His Q ability is especially troublesome for Orianna because of its range and reliability.
Strong Against
- Talon: Orianna's crowd control and range can make it difficult for Talon to engage effectively. Her E shield can mitigate some of his burst damage, and her zone control with the Ball can dissuade him from all-ins.
- Cassiopeia: Orianna can poke Cassiopeia from a safer distance and has crowd control to disrupt her mobility. Additionally, Orianna's W can help her control the pace of the fight, making it harder for Cassiopeia to land her poison and E combos.
- Ryze: Orianna's crowd control and consistent damage can challenge Ryze's close-range spell combos. Her long auto-attack range can also help her poke him down and deter him from getting too close for his abilities.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game, Orianna should focus on farming with her Q while using her passive-enhanced auto-attacks for harass. Utilize her E to shield yourself and zone enemies, and look for opportunities to land R in combination with your jungler's gank for kills, maintaining good map awareness and positioning to avoid ganks.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, Orianna becomes a potent teamfighter. Control areas with Command: Dissonance (W) and use your ball positioning to zone or engage fights. Prioritize objectives and be prepared to land game-changing Shockwaves in team fights, while also splitting and pushing side lanes if your Teleport is up, pressuring the map strategically.
- Late Game: In the late game, Orianna's damage and utility shine. Position yourself carefully, using your powerful Shockwave to catch multiple enemies, turning the tide of team fights. Focus on peeling for your carries, utilizing your E and W to control engagements, and always be aware of your ball's placement, as a well-placed ultimate can secure victories.