[Patch 14.17] LoL 14.17 Patch Notes

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When does League Patch 14.17 go live?

League of Legends Patch 14.17 is expected to go live on August 28, 2024, according to Riot’s patch schedule. Patch 14.17 will head to Oceanic servers first, with other servers slowly receiving it throughout the day.

Here are the key timings of Patch 14.17 for your server:

3 AM PT (NA) 5 AM GMT (EUW) 3 AM CET (EUNE) 8 AM KST (Korea) When patching begins, there’ll be a few hours of downtime, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline approximately three hours beforehand.

1. Champions

Champion Buffs

  1. Caitlyn
  2. Graves
  3. Kindred
  4. Ryze
  5. Varus

Champion Nerfs

  1. Ashe
  2. Aurora
  3. Brand
  4. Ezreal
  5. Katarina
  6. Kennen
  7. LeBlanc
  8. Lillia
  9. Pyke
  10. Rumble
  11. Senna (AP)
  12. Seraphine
  13. Sylas

Champions Adjusted


2. System

System Buffs

System Nerfs

  1. Absorb Life
  2. Cut Down
  3. Fleet Footwork
  4. Celestial Opposition

System Adjustments

  1. Support ecosystem

3. Comment from Lead Design

In 14.17 we're continuing to make changes to adjust the meta in time for Worlds (on 14.18).


  • Systems changes this patch are targeted at Absorb Life, Cut Down and Fleet Footwork.
  • A lot of the ADC's (especially) in Mid are continuing to use these runes to great success and a combination of all these smaller meta effects (runes, AP and ADC item changes, xp changes, etc.) are combining to make ADC's in solo lanes so powerful
  • In 14.16, we see early signs that the nerfs to 1 item spike (BORK), individual champion nerfs (Corki, Lucian) are looking at least reasonably effective
  • We're also tapping down some of the frontrunners in Bot, including Ashe and Ezreal


  • A combination of a lot of changes to various areas over the year have led to Ranged Supports being phased out of the meta game (mostly)
  • Earlier in the year, they were propped up a bit by Bloodsong but after 14.10, death by a thousand cuts in the form of the +gank changes to red side bot lane earlier in the year, general sustain increases meaning their heals are less valuable, tank support buffs, etc. have made them less valuable
  • We're still considering which pieces of content would be the best to adjust to make the meta more reasonable (eg. Celestial, Aftershock, particular champions, Warmogs, etc.)
  • At the same time however, there are a few outliers not included in those champs (Senna that we changed last patch and Seraphine) that need a tap down specifically
  • We're looking to try to make a combination of ranged and melee supports more viable


  • So far, Aurora has landed pretty reasonably after adjustments, but we'll tap her down a little more
  • Now that her waveclear and damage are more in line, she's a little more mid skewed which is desirable. We want her to be stronger in Mid than Top generally
  • We've also started some work internally on trying to make her Q and R visuals more clear, which we're hoping will help with her frustration
  • We're also trying to find some changes that may lower her Elite skew
  • We also expect Aurora to be a champion that gets weaker as time goes on as people learn her counterplay (dodge Q, be aware of/escape from R -> more awareness of her R angles)

It's the final patch before Worlds.

Talked about the systems changes yesterday, talking about a few of the specific champion changes.

High level, we're looking to continue getting a few more mages into Mid lane, nerfing AD systemic options further, bringing a few more AD junglers up and systemically nerfing some of the overpowered Tank support items.


  • Caitlyn hasn't been present in the meta for a while
  • We're giving her slightly better control on one of her skill skewed spells and better scaling that doesn't skew towards Lethality builds

AP Junglers (Brand, Lillia)

  • We're continuing our trend of bringing down AP junglers around the Fated Ashes power level.
  • We think the item is doing a good job of allowing other more fringe AP champions to jungle reasonably and are tuning the other champions around it

Graves, Kindred

  • Looking to get a few AD junglers back into the meta here.
  • Looking for relatively known buffs to their core damage abilities
  • Kindred in particular has been looking worse for wear after a Kraken nerf that was targeted at other champions (cough AD mids cough)

Lissandra, Ryze, TF

  • Some of the Mage oriented buffs this patch are aimed at furthering their particular niches; Liss as a more utility oriented Mage and lane presence
  • Ryze as he's not seen play for a long while and is feeling a bit weak relative to the other mids present right now
  • TF has lost some of his luster in recent times, and we're giving him a stable buff to his bread and butter with the hopes of seeing him more in meta


  • While LB would be a valuable edition to the World's meta, she's overall too strong for solo Q, especially in Elite play
  • She's posting pretty high banrates across the board and warrants a nerf


  • As mentioned yesterday, Aurora is a pretty deep mastery champion and is posting pretty good statistics, which indicates she's likely long term too strong when players have mastered her
  • We're looking to bring down some of the potency of her multi-champion ult casts to hit at some of her Elite skew as we often observe higher skill players using it more effectively than regular players

Rumble, Kennen

  • Rumble and Kennen have been a little too strong for a while and as a result have been a relatively more powerful to bring AD champions in Mid
  • We're tapping them down a bit to open up room for other champions


  • We're making some nerfs to items that Tank supports (especially the meta drivers) buy (disproportionate nerf to Supports rushing 1st item Warmogs) -> we also think Warmogs is generally too powerful even for income tanks
  • We're also tapping Seraphine and Senna down as Seraphine has been strong for a while, especially with her W max, so we're flattening that out some amount
  • Senna's AP builds are too strong on the current patch, and as a viable alt build, it should probably be closer to that, an alt build


  • Sylas is in a better spot after the buffs to get his numbers into a better spot
  • We're nerfing his ratios a bit more to make his HP oriented builds a little more competitive (typically have less AP) than the pure burst builds
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