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When does League Patch 14.22 go live?
November 6.
1. Champions
Champion Buffs
- Ambessa
- Passive bonus attack range: 100 ⇒ 75
- Passive base damage: 5 – 15 ⇒ 5 – 30
- Passive bonus AD ratio: 25% ⇒ 30%
- Q cooldown: 14 – 10 seconds ⇒ 10 – 8 seconds ⇒ 11 – 9 seconds
- W shield duration: 1.5 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds
- W block bonus damage: 60% ⇒ 50%
- W base shield: 85 – 250 (stat growth) ⇒ 85 – 325 (linear)
- W shield bonus AD ratio: 150% ⇒ 160%
- E base damage: 40 – 160 ⇒ 40 – 140
- R bonus AD ratio: 100% ⇒ 80%
- Briar
- Fizz
- Irelia
- Katarina
- Kayle
- Rumble
- Swain
- Varus
- Vayne
- Vel'Koz
- Vi
- Wukong
Champion Nerfs
- Aatrox
- Anivia
- Corki
- Illaoi
- Jax
- Lillia
- Mordekaiser
- Poppy
- Seraphine
- Shen
- Sylas
- Syndra
- Udyr
Champions Adjusted
- Warwick
- W move speed: 35% – 65% ⇒ 30% – 50%
- W mana cost: 70 ⇒ 35
- W active range: 4000 ⇒ 3000
- W cooldown: 100 – 40 seconds ⇒ 80 – 40 seconds
- W cooldown is now reduced to 30% if no one is found
- W no longer cools down twice as fast when not hunting
- W is no longer put on a 3-second cooldown in combat
- K'Sante
2. System
System Adjustments
- Opportunity
- Rectrix replaced by Pickaxe and Long Sword
- AD: 50 ⇒ 55
- Passive lethality: 10/6 ⇒ 11/7
- 4% move speed removed ⇒ reverted
- Passive move speed: 200 ⇒ 300 ⇒ 200
- Passive move speed duration: 1.5 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
- Statikk Shiv
- Cost reduced from 2900 to 2700 – AD reduced from 50 to 45 – Attack speed reduced from 35% to 30% – On kill passives removed
- First 3 attacks within 8 seconds fire chain lightning on-hit, dealing 60 magic damage up to 5 targets (500 range), increased to 85 against non-champs. Cooldown of 25-10 (lvl 7-12), starting on first attack, fully reset by takedowns
- Youmuu’s Ghostblade
- AD: 60 ⇒ 55
- Now has a 4% move speed
- Pickaxe now replaces Long Sword
- Yun Tal Wildarrows
- New recipe: BF Sword + Scout’s Slingshot + Long Sword + 750g = 3000g
- AD: 60 ⇒ 50
- Now has 20% attack speed
- No longer has 25% crit
- [NEW]: grants 0.2% crit per attack, stacks up to 25% crit
- Attacking enemy champs grants 30% attack speed for 4 seconds (40 second cooldown, reduced by 1 sec per attack, increased to 2 on crit)
- Barrier
- Shield: 120 – 480 ⇒ 100 – 460
- Smite
- Epic monster prioritization range reduced from 300 to 125
3. Comment from Lead Design
- Blitzcrank: Want to make sure he fills his job at reliably catching and killing his target. Simple E damage buff.
- Briar: She’s extremely low-MMR skewed and it’s nice to even that out when convenient. Early game HP is an easy grant to a melee champ and affects high MMR more
- Fizz: We decided to bring his scaling back up as his itemization got a bit weaker. He’ll also like the roaming buffs described later.
- Irelia: This still makes her worse than most fighters vs. turrets but this makes her much better in side lane. We’ll monitor her power level.
- Katarina: Lowering her need to wait for later levels in order to reach high mobility. Also this R CD should give her a lot more laning power.
- Kayle: Bring up her late game carry potential, simple as that. She should be the best late game top carry on average.
- Rumble: No pro on this patch means no more pro jail. He already deals more than enough damage in early lane, so we choose durability for the low-mobility melee champion.
- Swain: Trying to mostly buff his base kit and provide both damage and durability since he should have both.
- Varus: BotRK nerfed him. Simple on-hit damage buffs.
- Vayne: Playing up damage that scales with crit chance to diversify builds a touch.
- Vel’Koz: Goving him more opportunities to act since he’s often low agency.
- Vi: Melee diver made tankier yes.
- Wukong: W is jungle skewed, mana is top skewed. Aiming for a relatively flat buff across roles and we generally don’t want him to have to max W second.
- Aatrox: mostly dominant in lower MMR so a fairly light touch that we hope is low MMR skewed via late game XP scaling.
- Anivia: Has had a super high win rate for a long time. Still generally lowering late game armor on squishies and mixing with some -damage to make it large enough.
- Corki: Hoping for mid-skewed nerfs via XP scaling. Mid uses Manamune 2x as often, so mana should be mid skewed too.
- Illaoi: Another very strong low-MMR champion. Just simple nerfs to make her a little more difficult and make space in her very strong laning phase.
- Jax: Looking to reduce burst damage specifically and leave more room for his sustained DPS to carry his output.
- Lillia: Another low-MMR skewed champion though she’s very performant everywhere. Making her high move speed riskier via late game armor nerf and slightly less camp healing.
- Mordekaiser: Similar to Lillia on performance. Lowering damage since he should be tanky as a juggernaut.
- Poppy: Still the #1 support and players finally know it. Base AD affects her first two items in support, less so in other roles. AS compensation should make this closer to neutral top/jg but not perfect.
- Seraphine: OP in Bot. Bot-skewed nerf that support shouldn’t feel too hard.
- Shen: Stronger than we think is fair. Want to keep his late-game tankiness and overall dueling, so peeling back some early safely and his ult shield, which has crept up a lot over time.
- Sylas: Simple nerf that should still have him want to build some HP in most slots.
- Syndra: Performing too well in general and has low counter play to a lot of damage. Just making her a bit less lethal.
- Udyr: Probably the strongest jungler in the game when R max. Q max is ok. Nerfs are jungle skewed and kept to only R damage, preserving his juggernaut tankiness
- Maokai: Meant to be win rate positive jungle/support without affecting top lane too much, as it’s already performant and low-gameplay. Rules simplification on E move speed and generic support/jungle-skewed buffs otherwise.
- K’Sante: Too good of a laner and a bit OP but we’re generally happy with how most of his changes have landed. For now directionally making All Out slightly better and weakening his early lane.
- Minions: This means that mid lane gets increasingly longer roam windows as the game goes on into midgame. Super early roaming will barely be affected but minute 8+ will be noticeable. We want to take a long look at 1v1 dynamics, too, but think this level of roaming is appropriate.
- Youmuu’s/Opportunity: This trade of stats is a buff in both cases. Most champions didn’t buy both and wanted either roaming or burst. Now each item is better at their intended purpose.
- Barrier: Crowded out other summoner options and hurt assassins. Light tap to help both cases.
- Shiv: A redesign to give ADCs less “random” chip damage while still being an early wave clear item. No more ARAM pentas.
- Yun Tal: Scaling first-slot AD-Crit item. It’s meant to be weaker than Collector/ER on purchase but outscale them as auto-crit champs fit that power curve.
- Smite: You can still smite “around” an epic to get it despite body-blocking. This tuning mitigates issues for players who smite the ground right after a Voidgrub dies, causing them to smite another one in the camp. Will now only happen if they’re packed close together.