Quick Description - for small instant info scroll down to the max
Fiora is a strong toplaner that can win almost every 1v1 . She got a lot of healing, damage, speed and with the right build a survability. She can provide a good help to a jungler, split-push, take objectives or anything besides the teamfights.. yeah.
Everyone loves tierlist! This is a quick way to show who is strong against and weak against Fiora. S - means our character destroys them and F - this character destroys fiora. You should all know and remember that most of fiora matchups are skill-based for example Camille or Jax.
Why does Fiora counters them?
Fiora counters most of the tanks because of her passive that is strenghten by her ultimate skill , it deals a % of enemy hp in a TRUE DAMAGE - thats quite nice. Fiora beats most of bruisers because of her strong healing and ability do disable a cc with her Riposte ability. Most of ranged characters counters Fiora mostly in early stage of the game with Teemo being the worst one cause of 3 second blind and 7 second cooldown disabling most of Fiora damage
Leveling Up the skills!
Q is the most important one giving damage and mobility that enables you poking enemies but you can also start with W in rare situations and even with E . If u need cooldown for enemies CC you can max W as a second skill but E is more recommended. My personal choice is W tho.
The Basics
Self-explainatory - just play around your team, don't be scared to rotate to mid or even bot - enables quick recall for sheen at 900 gold without losing minions. New teleport is useless tho and I suggest you Ignite more, even Ghost may be better...
Items and Builds!
As the starters you can play Doran's Blade for damage and life steal tho I still preffer Doran's Shield that gives more of survivability and healing agaisnt ranged toplaners!
Runes are coming!
Last but not least - Runes ! They can completly change your game and perspective for Fiora ! Grasps is for poke, Conqueror for long trades, First Strike for faster scaling and Electrocute for fast assasin one shots of enemy shitty adc!
Runes! Important for strategy!
Conqueror is a source of healing and damage - without it you will lose most of trades with Irelia or Camille. Fiora is too good of a champion so you can basically choose anything in our yellow tree - Triumph , Presence of Mind and Absorb Heal are all good but I will select ones that I preffer the most and are more versatile! As a second path its just prefference, you can go with Domination or Sorcery and Resolve respectively for healing, damage + mobility, durability and split push - if you want to do this select demolish !