Hi, I'm Raen, grandmaster peak, D1+ since season 4.
You can catch me streaming on Twitch
The most standard and optimal summoners for Irelia

Irelia information
Irelia is a champion that relies on resetting her Q and having her passive stacked before fighting. Irelia passive can be collected before fight or in the middle of fight by your abilities. Irelia starts the game off very good, but she kinda falls off in the late game. She has huge outplay potential with her kit. Having 3 skillshots makes Irelia a bit difficult to play.
Strengths ✔️
- High outplay potential
- Easy to farm under turret
- Dash reset if E or R lands on enemy
- High Mobility
- Built-in sustain
- Strong early/mid game
Weaknesses ❌
- Way weaker without stacked passive
- No real escape besides Flash
- Falls off in late game and if behind
- Mechanically intensive
- Not that easy to master
- 3 abilites are skillshots
Tips & tricks
★ Always before fighting with someone get your passive at 5 stacks to get bonus attack speed and bonus magic damage on-hit.
★ Irelia Q cooldown is refunded if the target was marked or if it dies to or shortly after Q and heals for small amount. Bladesurge deals increased damage to minions.
★ Basic trick on Irelia Vanguard's Edge + Flash. Classic Flash trick where you ult in the direction you want and then Flash right after the ability cast time.
If you have any question you can join to my discord and ask :>
Thanks for reading, I will keep updating and expanding guide.
Good luck on the Summoner's Rift ^_