Hi, I'm Raen, Jax player since season 2. Grandmaster peak, D1+ since season 4. I have played every runes, masteries and items (yes support items as well) on him. I'm not afraid to build him differently since many items works on Jax as he was made as hybrid champ. encourage you to test some other items on him and find ur own playstyle ^_
You can catch me streaming on Twitch

The most standard and optimal summoners for Jax

The best atm

Since Jax kinda lack of mana and healing items currently that's why PoM and Bloodline

Jax informations
Jax is a one of the best duelist in the game thanks to his kit. Jax is a good pick into melee champions especially vs champions that base a lot on auto attacking for example Tryndamere, Camille, Irelia etc. thanks to his E that allows Jax to dodge all incoming auto attacks. Jax is a great champion to carry games with that scales really good into late game but requires matchup knowledge cuz he starts the game off kind weak. Knowing match ups and what to do at the right time as Jax is the key to maximize his potential.
Strengths ✔️
- Really strong at side lane after few items
- Hybrid damage
- Immunity to all incoming auto attacks for 2 seconds and 25% less damage from AoE damage.
- Great against heavy auto attackers like Tryndamere, Camille etc.
- Built-in jump, armor and magic resists, bonus AS and AA range
- 1v9 potential
Weaknesses ❌
Weak outpush under enemy pressure
- Doesn't do well on lane vs hard bully lane champions like Kennen etc.
- Falls off if behind
- Weak early game
- Not that easy to master
- Kinda expensive items
Tips & tricks
★ Before fighting with someone try to get some stacks from your passive to get bonus attack speed
★ Jax W gives him bonus 50 range and resets Jax basic attack timer. Also W can be used while using Q to increase damage from jump.
★ You can jump with your Q to many things including champions, minions, wards, jungle plants and champion summoned units for example Teemo shrooms, Jarvan flag, Thresh lantern.
★ Jax E will also dodge abilities that can trigger on-hit effects for example Gangplank Q, Ezreal Q, Renekton W, Twisted Fate W etc. which will count towards Counter Strike increased damage.
★ Thanks to his R passive every third auto attack Jax will deal bonus magic damage
★ At the beginning of the game stand in the river to catch a fish 🐟 to get +1 gold and if ur lucky enough +10g for rare fish (Usually you can catch up to 5 fishes before minions comes to lane so in total if ur really lucky +50g ahead)
Recall trick
If you have any Jax question or other you can join to my discord and ask :>
Thanks for reading, I will keep updating and expanding guide.
Good luck on the Summoner's Rift ^_