Hi, I'm Raen, grandmaster peak, D1+ since season 4.
You can catch me streaming on Twitch
The most standard and optimal summoners for Malphite


Malphite informations
Malphite is a tank with huge amount of basic armor thanks to his W. Malphite also can be dominant in laning phase in some matchups thanks to his high basic damage. He scales very well into AD teamcomps and champions that autoattack a lot like Tryndamere etc. Malphite has bonus movement speed from Seismic Shard basically allows you to catch enemy. Another thing to keep in mind when playing Malphite is that you can afford sometimes not building full tank every game and get AP items like Luden's Echo, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff etc. to one shot enemy :>
Strengths ✔️
- Insane armor amount thanks to W
- Great initiation
- Safe pick, can be blind picked
- Build-in armor in kit
- Great against heavy AD teamcomps
- Attack speed reduction on E
- Useful even if behind
Weaknesses ❌
- Not that good into AP teamcomps
- If ult is down, no hard CC
- Knock up from ultimate can be easily dodged by Flash or any blink/dash
- No escape besides ultimate
- Immobile
Tips & tricks
★ Malphite W resets autoattack cast time
★ When you are hitting turret use W to get stronger hits also your W is working like Titanic Hydra passive dealing physical damage in a cone to units behind.
★ As the name suggests there is no ability that can stop Malphite ultimate
★ Malphite bonus armor from W is tripled while Granite Shield is active.
If you have any question you can join to my discord and ask :>
Thanks for reading, I will keep updating and expanding guide.
Good luck on the Summoner's Rift ^_