Hi, I'm Raen, grandmaster peak, D1+ since season 4.
You can catch me streaming on Twitch
The most standard and optimal summoners for Ryze

For the best 1v1s etc

About Ryze
Ryze is a strong pick with good scaling. He starts the game off very weak, but he progressively scales up to late game. Ryze has great wave clear with his E and Q. Ryze has huge outplay potential with his kit and also he can easily kite enemy. Thanks to good scaling and carry potential Ryze is rewarding to play however he kinda lacks mobility.
Q - E - W - Q: Standard combo
Q - E - Q - W - Q - E - Q: The best combo to maximize damage
E - W - Q: Roots and gives you movement speed from phase rush and passive
Strengths ✔️
→ Built-in bonus movement speed in his Q passive
→ Can be a splitpusher or a good teamfighter
→ Built-in teleport in his ultimate
→ High outplay potential
→ Good waveclear
→ Very good scaling with items/runes the longer game last the stronger Ryze gets
Weaknesses ❌
→ Not that easy to master
→ Weak early game
→ Needs good positioning in teamfight to deal decent damage for more than 1 enemy
→ Easy to interrupt his ultimate by CC
→ Needs practice to know which combo to use in different situations
→ Strong counterpick can make him behind for the rest of the game
Tips & tricks
★ Zhonya's interrupt ultimate cast
★ Ryze passive gives 5% bonus mana per 100 AP
★ Ryze can teleport Zac during his passive
If you have any question you can join to my discord and ask :>
Thanks for reading, I will keep updating and expanding guide.
Good luck on the Summoner's Rift ^_