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Rellthe Iron Maiden


Rell is an engage Support at the end of the day, so having the extra tankiness from Aftershock is great.






Win Conditions
- Peel for your carries in a variety of ways with your Magnet Storm. Be prepared to use it as a defensive tool to help your allies escape from the strongest of enemies.
- Look for fights around objectives and in the jungle. Your Magnet Storm has a large area of effect which can allow you to CC multiple enemies at once.
- When making your way back to lane and when roaming around the map, change forms to reduce the travel time so you get to your desired destination much quicker.
Weak Against
- Zilean: Zilean's E ability is our biggest counter cause he will either slow us or speed up the target you are going for. Try to play around that.
- Janna: Janna's Q and Ultimate are a big hustle, we want to be able to be on our opponent's face and Janna won't let us do that.
- Taric: Even though we might go in on Taric or his ADC, he will just beat us right up and win that trade greatly. Look for good timings to go in.
Strong Against
- Yuumi: Use your Q to stun her when she deattaches and then just all in her with your W.
- Ashe: Don't get slowed by her W and passive and look to go in on her whenever you get a chance. Remember that she is immobile.
- Lulu: Polymorph can be a bit annoying but nothing too crazy. Try to study the opponent and look how she plays that ability.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: Be careful on champions that can kite you, the worst feeling as a Rell player is to engage on someone just to have them dash or disengage. Level 2 is an immediate powerspike since we get both our W and Q, I would suggest looking for a flash in if you have a good opportunity.
- Mid Game: Swap with your Mid laner when the first turret bot is taken. Now you stay with your ADC mid and Mid goes bot. Make sure to set up vision around the map in the process. Your champion is literally made to dive, you have so much engage tools in your kit and also tank potential to the point of not caring even if you dive level 3.
- Late Game: Swap with your Mid laner when the first turret bot is taken. Now you stay with your ADC mid and Mid goes bot. Make sure to set up vision around the map in the process. Your champion is literally made to dive, you have so much engage tools in your kit and also tank potential to the point of not caring even if you dive level 3.