Welcome to my SHRINE👊BREAKER⚡ Volibear🐻Guide! I'm a 3 million plus Volibear mastery one trick that has been playing for fun in college since season 2. After college, I decided to rank up, but then the rework happened. Here's my story!⬇️

Everyone was trying to learn the new Volibear, all the sudden I got raided by Trick2g pretty early in my journey to climb. He is widely considered the Volibear 🐐G.O.A.T. in my eyes because he was one of the first streamers and everyone learned how to play Volibear watching Trick2g.
At the time he raided me was when he was addicted to the "crack build" back when Turbo Chemtank existed into Nashor's Tooth. I tried my best to follow his instructions, which was to max E Sky Splitter first and I had a hard time breaking that habit of maxing W Frenzied Maul. After several games, I finally was able to get it right.
After stream was over, he asked if I had a mic and I said to him, I can't use it because my daughter is only a few months old and that I don't want to wake her up. I am a father of 2 kids. I have a son and a daughter. Trick2g was understanding because he has a daughter at that time. He just had his son this year. 🍻Cheers to one gamer dad to another!
What I learned from that build was how Nashor's Tooth interacted with his passive: The Relentless Storm. With Trick2g's breaching knowledge, I was able to apply what I learned into a playstyle build that destroys towers.

I created the SHRINE👊BREAKER name which was based on Volibear's quote "Your shrines will fall." and Volibear's story where after he fought with his brother Ornn, he made a vow to tear down all civilization and false idols they call shrines, marching his way towards the ARAM bridge growing in size and power in hopes to bring back the old ways to the Freljord.
The classic Volibear represents his parted journey from his siblings after the fight he had with his brother Ornn stripped of his forged rune-inscribed armor unleashing his true power of just lightning, tooth, and claw. Because of this story, this is what most remember the Volibear as what he once was before. A white storm bear whose fur was as white as snow, wrapped in a cloak of storm clouds, wreathed in lightning.
Iceborn Gauntlet is a Freljord item. It became the symbolic item for the Stormbringer timeline of the Volibear's lore and the birth of the SHRINE👊BREAKER playstyle. The combination of Iceborn Gauntlet and Hullbreaker is where the name Storm Breaker was invented. Storm name comes from his story the Stormbringer, which is the name of his ultimate that dives towers and Gathering Storm rune that represents his unstoppable power that continues to grow over the course of the game.

This story is no longer canon, but when the Volibear was reworked, they teased a possible lore of where the Volibear becomes corrupted after the wrecking of the ARAM bridge where the Watchers were frozen frozen in time turning the Volibear into his final form known as the Thousand-pierced Bear. Almost as he formed a duality form or a hybrid of his power and of the Void's. Even tho this story is no longer canon, I am keep it up as a part of history since this skin was iconic for playing the AP Volibear meta.
The Thousand-Pierced Bear represents the undying spirit, the countless wars he has been through, his deep hatred for civilization, and desire to bring back the old ways to the Freljord where of nothing but wilderness. The form that Udyr knows the Volibear as in the story of Silenced for the Damned. Nothing but flesh, bone, tooth, and claw.
After the ARAM bridge, it was hinted that the Volibear emerged his powers forming a duality form of his power and of the Void. Because of this story, this is what most remember the Volibear currently as the "fallen one". A dark omen. A shadow of what he once was before. A spirit that remains in the dark watching over with a thousand eyes. Followers slowly becoming a part of the Ursine clan transforming spiritwalkers into beasts in hopes to grow stronger.
Riftmaker is a Void item, which became the symbolic item for this timeline of the Volibear's story. Riftmaker is an eye symboled icon, which is symbolic with the eyes surrounding Volibear's fur. The Thousand-Pierced Bear skin shows all of the swords on his back, his lightning, and his eyes are the same colors of the Void with a purplish pink hue.
Nashor's Tooth has and still is iconic with the SHRINE👊BREAKER playstyle. As this form of Volibear is at his peak in terms of power. The combination of Riftmaker + Hullbreaker created the name the Rift Breaker playstyle utilizing the AP power as well as all of the Void buffs on the Summoner's Rift to destroy the towers.

My Split Push Rules
Knowing when to split makes all the difference to setting up distractions for your team to win teamfights during the time of objectives. Collecting shrines AKA towers puts money in Volibear's furry pocket and once you have your 3 items, you're ready to end the game at any moment. Learn the value of the Voidgrubs, Rift Herald, and Baron when it comes to having Hullbreaker in the hands of the God of Storm.
Towers and objectives are the 2 most important things when it comes to playing this playstyle. Number 1, the dragons and number 2 the Baron Nashor is the timing of when to split is the KEY to setting yourself up for a BEAR👊SPECIAL. The dragons and the Baron are your window to put pressure and take down towers. What this does is create a distraction to the enemy team causing them to divide up. This gives your team the advantage in teamfights. If no one goes back to defend, they will suffer the cost of losing their towers putting them at risk of the game ending. They cannot challenge the Baron or next dragon when they are too busy focused on minion waves.
I encourage you all to watch my stream https://www.twitch.tv/artheobear to learn more of how this playstyle works or just come and hang out. I have 100s of videos of me destroying the Nexus Shrines on YouTube, so please head on over and see the destruction!
Split Push Timing Example
Volibear is a unique champion that is very versatile when it comes to runes and items. He is a champion that deals hybrid damage of magic and physical, but also scales with health. He can go AD, AP, and Tank or a mix of everything. Volibear can adapt to the situation of the matchup or team comp, which is why we're going to talk about runes first.

Precision runes give Volibear the tools he needs to kill targets quickly. You want to make enemies regret ever stepping foot in the ring with the BEAR!

PTA is really good for Volibear currently to help him generate a solid lead early game since his Ultimate disable has been nerfed to 2 secs causing him to die more often. We need to have quick bonus damage to take the target out under tower quickly. Presence of Mind is very import to keep Volibear's mana up. Legend Haste reduces Q, W, and E. Legend Alacrity is a good alternative since it goes well with his passive lightning chain and Hullbreaker's Skipper passive. Last Stand will give Volibear more bonus damage while being low on health. Demolish is what makes the SHRINE BREAKER playstyle. Second Wind is also another important rune as Volibear is always taking damage before reaching his target. Allows him to sustain longer in lane as well as in fights.
Summoner Spells

I usually take this most of the time because I want to be aggressive and dominate my lane. The faster I do that, the earlier I can take down towers to set myself up for a BEAR👊SPECIAL.
VS MELEE | E>Q>W Start into 2 points in E then max W, Q, and then E.

If you're vs melee, its best to max W since you're going to be upclose in combat with these type of champions.
VS RANGED | E>Q>W Start into 2 points in E then max Q, W, and then E.

If you're vs ranged champions, its best to max Q because you need the extra speed to reach those type champions.
Starter Item

We always want the Doran's Ring for the Mana sustain, lightning passive, and E Sky Splitter damage for making trades or for wave clear.

This is my favorite build to play as both Riftmaker and Titanic scale with health granting him more damage. The wave clear is super fast and the tower damage is huge with Demolish.
Understanding the POWER of the Level 9 Elixirs and when to use them

Elixir of Sorcery is used most of the game as it deals true damage to the towers in combination of if you have the Void Grubbies and Hullbreaker or AP items.