Senna Support Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More - Patch 14.20

Sennathe Redeemer

Senna Build Guide: Dominate Your Enemies with Precision

Senna, the Redeemer, is one of the most versatile champions in League of Legends, offering a unique blend of damage, utility, and crowd control. Whether you’re playing her as a support or AD carry, mastering her build is key to unlocking her full potential. This guide will help you craft the perfect Senna build for any situation.

Senna Overview: The Redeemer of League of Legends

Role: Marksman / Support Primary Lane: Bot Lane (Support / ADC) Difficulty: Moderate

Senna, once trapped within Thresh’s lantern, now walks free as a relentless force of light and shadow. She is a hybrid champion who balances both damage and utility, making her a versatile pick in any team composition. Whether played as a support or an AD carry, Senna excels at poking enemies from a distance, healing allies, and providing crowd control with her roots and slows.

  1. Key Strengths:
  • Long-Range Poke: Senna’s basic attacks and abilities have incredible range, allowing her to harass enemies safely.
  • Healing and Utility: With her Piercing Darkness (Q), she can simultaneously deal damage and heal her teammates.
  • Scaling Power: Her passive, Absolution, grants increased range and critical strike chance as she collects Mist from enemy champions and minions, making her stronger as the game progresses.
  • Crowd Control: Last Embrace (W) roots enemies, while her E and R abilities offer strong team utility.
  1. Key Weaknesses:
  • Squishy: Senna is fragile and can be easily burst down if caught out of position.
  • Slow Attack Speed: Her attacks are delayed compared to traditional ADCs, requiring careful positioning and timing.
  • High Skill Ceiling: Mastering Senna’s mix of offense and utility requires precise decision-making and positioning in fights.
  1. Senna’s Core Abilities: Q: Piercing Darkness – Fires a long-range beam that damages enemies and heals allies. W: Last Embrace – Roots the first enemy hit and nearby targets after a short delay. E: Curse of the Black Mist – Shrouds Senna and nearby allies, allowing them to camouflage. R: Dawning Shadow – A global beam that damages enemies and shields allies, ideal for both offensive and defensive plays.

Senna is an impactful champion for players who thrive on balancing aggression with utility. Her ability to poke enemies, heal teammates, and provide crowd control makes her a valuable pick, but her fragility requires careful positioning and tactical play.

  1. Understanding Senna’s Playstyle Senna is a marksman support hybrid who excels at long-range poke and healing. She scales with both attack damage (AD) and ability power (AP), but AD-focused builds tend to be more effective. Her passive, Absolution, allows her to collect Mist to increase her range and critical strike chance. Because of this, she can deal high damage from a safe distance while supporting her team with healing and shields.

  2. Support Senna Build When playing Senna as a support, focus on utility while still contributing damage. Your build should prioritize healing and crowd control:

  • Moonstone Renewer: Provides healing to nearby allies, perfect for extended fights.
  • Chempunk Chainsword: Reduces enemy healing, making it useful against teams with champions like Soraka or Yuumi.
  • Redemption: Further boosts your ability to heal teammates during crucial moments.

Senna Runes


Senna Summoner Spells


Senna Items

Atlas mundial
Atlas mundial
Poción de vida
Poción de vida
Guardián invisible
Guardián invisible

Senna Abilities

Oscuridad lacerante
Último abrazo
Maldición de la Niebla Negra
Oscuridad lacerante
Último abrazo
Maldición de la Niebla Negra
Sombra del amanecer

Combos of Senna

  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Basic: R + Flash
  • Basic: AA + Flash
  • Basic: Plant Q Trick - Use your trinket then instantly Q to extend the range.
  • Medium: R + Plant + Q - To be a real sniper R then instantly trinket Q.
  • Medium: W + AA + Q + AA
  • Hard: W + AA + Q + AA + R + AA + E

Senna Tips and Tricks

  • Use Q: Piercing Darkness to poke enemies and heal allies at the same time. Position behind minions or champions for effective poke.
  • W: Last Embrace can root multiple enemies if cast on a minion or monster that dies within 1.5 seconds of being hit.
  • Save E: Curse of the Black Mist for escaping bad situations or setting up ambushes with your team.
  • R: Dawning Shadow is global – always keep an eye on other lanes to assist allies in securing kills or defending them with your shield.

Senna game plan

  1. Early game
  • Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade. Gaining an early health lead is key to getting a kill later on down the line. Level 2 in the bottom lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions.
  • Your goal during the laning phase is to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Try to play aggressive frequently to gain a lead.
  • After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
  1. Mid game
  • As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times.
  • Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key.
  • Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
  1. Late game
  • Ward major objectives and place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game. Keep them warded so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective.
  • Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5. Do not ward alone unless you know where the enemy is.
  • Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game.

Conclusion: Master Senna for Consistent Victory

Senna is a champion that rewards precision, patience, and positioning. Whether you’re supporting your team with heals and shields or dealing consistent damage from afar, understanding the right build for each situation is key. Follow this build guide, adapt to the game, and you’ll dominate your matches with Senna in no time.

Keywords: Senna build guide, League of Legends Senna, best Senna build, Senna runes, Senna items, Season 13 Senna build, Senna support guide, Senna ADC, Senna playstyle.

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