Sivir Matchups

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Sivir Matchups

Hello my friends, in today's post I come here to show you Sivir's matchups, from the most dangerous to the simplest and easiest to face. In the future I will put together a complete guide to Sivir's S14.

Matchup (Twitch)

This is just an example video, I'm slowly starting to post Sivir content on the internet again, even though the video is a little old, it's still valid.

Sivir Matchups (Extreme Threats)

Vayne: Vayne is our dear Sivir's greatest danger. What makes us calm and safe in the laning phase is our E ability, however Vayne basically only uses basic attacks, that is, you can only counter Vayne when she tries to pin you to the wall. Playing against Vayne is a terrible headache, as you are heavily punished by Vayne's passive (the W Skill).

Lucian: Lucian is undoubtedly the most oppressive adc that exists in the laning phase, his lane is extremely strong and any mistake from Sivir can be fatal, always use his E Skill to recover life when he uses any skills that Lucian uses against you.

Draven: Draven doesn't have much to say, if the player knows the basics, our Sivir does nothing. Playing against Draven is a very strategic and dangerous game, because if you die to him, he will simply build two or even more items in front of you, always play on Draven's mistake and try to punish him with his ricochets.

Twitch: Twitch is a cheating champion and even a sociopath HAHAHA, if you don't be careful when you go back to base, he will simply come to you invisibly and will simply take a lot of life, even from level 6 when Twitch has his ultimate, you you'll have to be very agile to use his E Skill when he removes the poison from you, besides the fact that the rat is a hypercarry and he climbs infinitely better than the Sivir.

Jinx: Jinx is a thorn in Sivir's side, as she can punish Sivir a lot by increasing her range with the missile launchers and the smoking cannon, in addition to the fact that Jinx scales 3x more than Sivir and also she has a lot of attack speed, be very careful on passive resets and avoid switching 1v1.


Sivir Matchups (Major Threats)

Samira: Samira is a lane that you can play aggressively and punish her up to level 6. The good Samira's on the server prefer to play safe until her ultimate, after Level 6 samira becomes a constant danger and kind of our Sivir doesn't have much what to do.

Jhin: Jhin certainly has a very strong and aggressive laning phase, if he has a support that starts, he will have two types of group control, his own and the support, always try to stay calm farming in your tower and abuse his mistakes .

Kog Maw: Kog'Maw is incredibly a counter to Sivir and quite dangerous, its range increase with the W Skill leaves our Sivir in trouble, usually Kog Maw is accompanied by Lulu, which makes the laning phase and even the game hell.

Kaisa: Like it or not, Kai'sa is a real problem, at the initial levels she will only damage you if she combos correctly, but she is a very aggressive character in the laning phase and that's when you should punish, however avoid a 1v1 confrontation because she has a lot of mobility in her ultimate and in her Skill E, play it safe in her tower and farm for you to scale equally with Kai'sa.

Nilah: The matchup against Nilah is one of the fairest in Botlane, however you excel in it only in the laning phase, since Nilah scales much better than you and with 3 items, she deletes you, always try to punish her in the laning phase and always stay on the same route as her, to prevent her from farming and building items that can end the game.

Zeri: Zeri is a problem worthy of a headache, it's not even because she is Zeri but because of the support that usually comes with her, you can punish her laning phase a lot, but avoid switching when she turns on her Ultimate, because there will always be a Lulu or Yuumi peeling enough so she doesn't die.

Sivir Matchups (Even Threats)

Ashe: Always avoid taking Ashe's auto attacks, as it can mean your death and even the loss of your lane. She can punish you a lot using only her passive in her favor, usually Ashe starts with W and then comes with her auto attacks linked with her Q Skill, always use her Sivir Skill E to counter her W and avoid being killed or even losing your Flash.

Aphelios: There are few good Aphelios on the server, you must always respect your Level 1, because he has more range than you, use your Skill And when he is going to use the weapon to arrest you and always try to leave him in the tower, you have the potential to Pressing aphelios a lot, however be careful as a strong combo from Aphelios can simply melt you in late game.

Kalista: Kalista is a very strategic and interesting laning phase, if you have enough reflex you can punish Kalista using her E Skill to counter when she goes to pull the spears. Always be careful as Kalista is always accompanied with boot supports.

Miss Fortune: As much as the MF does not have mobility, it compensates for the damage, always avoid taking damage from your Q Skill, you can counter the Q ricochet with your E Skill. Generally good MF's will start with the E Skill and then give you auto attacks and bounce with the Q skill and then Ultimate, keep a safe distance and always try to punish with the boomerang and ricochets.

Varus: Playing against Varus requires attention only at his level 6, but you can safely counter this with his E skill, avoid taking his arrows as you have a safe laning phase.


Sivir Matchups (Minor Threats)

Caitlyn: Only respect Caitlyn up to level 3, from there you can be very aggressive with her, just respect the first 3 levels, because she has a lot of range, but nothing that shakes our Sivir. Just be careful when facing Caitlyn and Lux ​​because it's a range lane, but you can punish Caitlyn a lot with your auto attack reset.

Ezreal: Ezreal has one of the worst waveclear of the adc's, and naturally you will pull the lane to pressure, but be careful, all Ezreal wants is to stay in the tower safe farming until he climbs to the point that our Sivir can no longer keep up with him , however you can cancel almost all of his skills, be careful and always try to leave him in the tower and even in the tower, keep punishing him so he can't farm well.

Tristana: You can simply end Tristana's game using only her Skill E, however a tip: Use your reflex to use E on Tristana's bomb, because if you use it wrong, you will only counter her jump, not her bomb. Because Tristana's combo is basically her jumping on you and then hitting you with the bomb.

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Sivir Matchups

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