Skarner Jungle Guide Season 14 (English Version) Split 3

Skarnerthe Primordial Sovereign


Hello There Summoner, I'm MiniBlue, also known as MiniBlue#4444 (EUW server) on Summoner's Rift. Even if I'm not a player who stays playing League of Legends most of the time, even with that I can tell I know some important things (Like some builds and Runes), specially with Skarner, because I played with him when he was The Crystal Vanguard a couple years.

Edición Española: https://www.tacter.com/es/lol/guides/guia-skarner-jungla-temporada-14-edicion-espanol-4a342313


The Next guide will you read it's made by a player who do NOT play rankeds and don't spend 24 hours at the game (Casual Enjoyer and Unranked Enjoyer like they say) and it's possible it cannot explain some details perfectly (Sometimes it's kinda hard for me explain something, at least I do my best and beeing always telling the truth :( )


Sample of old Guides I made (and was able to save some photo files)

Why i made a guide for this Champion?

When I started to play League of Legends around 2020, my friends told me I should look at other roles and champions, because it could be sometimes I cannot play whatever I wanted on a match, so looking at some info about other champions and roles I said to my friends:

"There are a lot of ancient creatures and monsters based on animals... that's so cool, there's a scorpion too?"

They showed me Skarner, (scorpions are one of my most favorite animals) and seeing better how the game works and practicing on the jungle when I tried him I found it curious, and I like his play style, specially with his old ultimate because I could use it to secure some fights and reach the victory.

There was barely some guides and tips about the champion and I had to search more than usual and practice a lot, I didn't know he is one of the less played champion around League (Some graphs showed his less of 1% of pick rate and some then they didn't show any information about him). I made some Skarner guides on a website, which sadly is shut down and some people and I couldn't make and upload the guides, now with Tacter I can give more love to this underrated champion, and now with his rework I'll be looking and testing a lot of combinations of runes and builds I can cook with him.

Now the rework is here, many Mains and OTPs Skarners we are still cooking builds and runes to make the champion more powerful, we are not only knowed to play with the less played champion, we are also knowed about being able to make the most crazy combos of builds and runes and make it work (I advise this guide it can be changing around how the matches changes the game when it's necessary.)

Alright then, enough info about some details about myself with the champion, now passing those words the guide will start, I hope it can help you a lot this guide.

-  This guide was made by the summoner MiniBlue#4444 (EUW)  -
- This guide was made by the summoner MiniBlue#4444 (EUW) -

Pros and Cons about the champion


  • Great kit about being aggressive and defensive.

  • Great sustain.

  • Better capacity to ganks and dives than his old kit, also being better doing counterganks.

  • Great Scale.

  • H U G E diversity of Builds and Runes like before.

  • Insane Slow machine.

  • Champion with 2 abilities which can apply SUPPRESSION.

  • Fearsome champion if he gains a lot of advantage on early game.

  • One of the best ultimes to catch enemies.


  • Jungle clear VERY SLOW on early game.

  • HIGH cooldowns on early game a comparison of his old kit.

  • Base Stats being nerfed (Attack Damage and mana specially)

  • Main abilities cast duration being slow (Q y R).

  • If the enemy team wins a lot of advantage on early game, it can be hard to take the comeback.

  • Most of the time has to depend on his team to do amazing moments.

  • The unnameable object (Quicksilver Sash, and the complete item's recipe, Mercurial Scimitar) still can make him struggle a lot.

Even with that explainer, the power and the utility he can make with his rework on the good hands it can be huge if we can adapt to the game easy and stay calm to be ready to punish the bad position of our enemies.

Passive and Abilities

First of all, we'll look at how it's his passive and abilities, seeing what he does and also what type of damage and scale it has each one:


Passive: Quaking


Skarner's Basic Attacks, Shattered Earth / Upheaval (Q 1 / Q 2) and Impale (R) apply marks, reaching 3 marks of Quaking cause a burn which does magic damage based on the enemy maximun health (When we stop attacking with those attacks against the enemy, it will lose the marks).

Quaking (Passive) damage scales with Skarner's Level.

Q: Shattered Earth / Upheaval


Shattered Earth (Q 1 / Image 1): Skarner grabs a rock, empowering his next 3 basics attacks, Skarner gains attack speed, attack range and area damage. The last empowered attack crush with the rock against the enemies, dealing physical damage + enemies maximun health and will apply slow at every enemy being hit by this attack.

Upheaval (Q 2 / Image 2): Skarner throws the rock, the first enemy being hit with the rock (Jungle Monster, Minion, Champion, enemies unities) they receive physical damage + enemies maximun health and will apply slow at every enemy being hit by this attack.

We must remember Shattered Earth (Q 1) has a duration, and if we don't do a basic attack or use Ixtal’s Impact (E), Skarner will lose the rock once the duration of Shattered Earth (Q 1) it's over, meaning we won't be able to use the last empowered attacks of Shattered Earth (Q 1) and/or use Upheaval (Q 2)

The damage of Shattered Earth (Q 1) and Upheaval (Q 2) scales with Skarner's Attack Damage + Maximun Health.

W: Seismic Bastion

Seismic Bastion
Seismic Bastion

Skarner hits the ground causing an earthquake, gaining a shield and deals magic damage and slowing at the enemies being affected by the shockwave.

The damage of Seismic Bastion (W) scales with Skarner's Ability Power.


E: Ixtal’s Impact

Ixtal’s Impact
Ixtal’s Impact

Skarner charges forward following the cursor, he gains slow immunity and ignores terrain collision (Walls, towers...) as the ability is still active, you can press again the ability to make skarner stop running with Ixtal’s Impact (E).

When you use this ability, Skarner gains movement speed which it progresses as long he's running (Numbers NOT manipulable with Skarner's movement speed, boots, runes and items).

If Skarner attaches a large monster (Blue/Red, Giant Krug, Giant Raptor, Giant Wolf, Gromp and Rift Scuttler) or an enemy champion, he will drag it applying suppression and it can reveal the enemy being attached, it can increase the duration of the ability if he attaches the enemy almost the last time of duration and gain additional movement speed (Numbers NOT manipulable with Skarner's movement speed, boots, runes and items).

If Skarner hits his enemy attached to a terrain collision, the ability end and deal physical damage + Skarner's maximun health and stunning the enemy. When the ability ended hitting the enemy, Skarner will reduce the cooldown of Ixtal’s Impact (E) (That means you will not have to wait to Ixtal’s Impact (E) more than usual)

The damage of Ixtal’s Impact (E) scales with Skarner's maximun health.

R: Impale


Skarner charges the ability, he cannot move and he will be displacement immune like Olaf's Ragnarok (R), once he finished the charge, Skarner will lose the immune and attack with his 3 stingers, dealing magic damage and will apply suppression up to 3 enemy champions, this ability can reveal the enemy champions being suppressed by Impale (R).

Skarner can drag the enemy champions being affected by impaled (R) and he gains movement speed until the ability ends.

The damage of Impale (R) scales with Skarner's Ability Power.

Summoner spells


Standard spell setup, suitable for everyone, both newbies and veterans with the champion.


Skill Path

Tierra fragmentada/Alzamiento
Bastión sísmico
Hostilidad ixtalí
Tierra fragmentada/Alzamiento
Bastión sísmico
Hostilidad ixtalí

The path will choose to priority our abilities to our play style and jungle clear will be this one. We will start with Shattered Earth (Q 1) and at level 2 will be Seismic Bastion (W), once we reach level 3 we will unlock Ixtal’s Impact (E).

The path of abilities will be the same as the first levels, prioritizing Impale (R) on level 6,11 and 16.


On this section of this guide I will show not only the common runes for Skarner, I also will show the variation you can create and combine with the champion for lots of play styles.

REMEMBER; That doesn't mean you must play with those examples, adapt it to your play style if it's necessary and gains inspiration to make insane rune combos:


Popular Runes


Most common runes played by Skarner's Mains/OTP

Now on those patches most of the players are going with Grasp of the Undying for priortize extra health on large trades and fights with the rune, because when you are in a fight for a few seconds, the next basic attack will be empowered and deal aditional magic damage equal to you maximun health, a healing and you will gain aditional permanent health.

On the Resolve section will prioritize runes who will grant us between utility with Font of Life or gain more sustain thanks of Shield Bash. I recommend use Overgrowth because the amount of health this rune can give us is very good, and remembering his abilities deal more damage as he has more health this rune become more important than before. If you choose Resolve the options for the secondary runes are very versatile.

The most prioritize secondary runes are the Inspiration section for prioritize some extra details, like Magic Footwear which it will grant us boots for free and for final we'll choose Approach Velocity which it will grant us additional movement speed each time you slow an enemy since Skarner has slow areas (Value increased if hits more enemies).

For the Last circles we'll set it like that: The first one will be Ability Haste will help to had more soon our abilities, the second and the third one will be Health based on our level, since not only Health will give you more sustain, some abilities scale with Skarner's health.

Runes: Phase Rush


Most common and recommended runes, both newbies and veterans can afford this rune combo.


Phase rush it would be the most common primary for Skarner, because it counts with and aggressive and defensive play style thanks to the additional movement speed it gives us the rune. Normally we will select the runes it grants us better movement to increase our rotation around the map less difficult.

The secondary runes are very versatile, we can prioritize the Inspiration section for prioritize some extra details, like Magic Footwear which it will grant us boots for free and for final we'll choose Cosmic Insight which it will grant us ability haste on our summoner spells and items.

For the Last circles we'll set it like that: The first one will be attack speed because it will help Skarner to made the Jungle clears more easily and have best fights against champions, the second one we can choose between Adaptive Damage or Health based on our level and the last one we can choose between tenacity or Health based on our level.

Runes: Conqueror


Recommended rune set, balance between damage and cooldown.

If you want to be more aggressive and be on long fights, then Conqueror is your rune, we can reach the stacks of the rune without any problem and it's a great rune to be in a constant fight, on the selection for the runes of Precision we'll choose triumph to have a better survivability once we kill/assist against an enemy champion to gain a healing and gain additional gold, on the legend section we can choose between Legend: Alacrity or Legend: Haste of what do you need, on the last section we can decide Coup of Grace or Last Stand.

The secondary runes a good option can be Transcendence and Waterwalking, with that we can gain Ability Haste and have better roaming and damage around the river and fight the objectives.

For the Last circles we'll set it like that: The first one will be attack speed because it will help Skarner to made the Jungle clears more easily and have best fights against champions, the second one we can choose between Adaptive Damage or Health based on our level and the last one we can choose between tenacity or Health based on our level.


Runes: Aftershock


Recommended rune set to have sustain and utility.

With this rework, Aftershock has gained a lot of popularity than before, since his new kit can apply a good synergy of damage and cc like a good bruiser/tank, this rune will give us a great diversity of resistances and control for Skarner.

On the Resolve section will prioritize runes who will grant us between utility with Font of Life or gain more sustain thanks of Shield Bash. I recommend use Overgrowth because the amount of health this rune can give us is very good, and remembering his abilities deal more damage as he has more health this rune become more important than before. If you choose Resolve the options for the secondary runes are very versatile.

For the Last circles we'll set it like that: The first one will be attack speed because it will help Skarner to made the Jungle clears more easily and have best fights against champions, the second one we can choose between Adaptive Damage or Health based on our level and the last one we can choose between tenacity or Health based on our level.

Rune: Hail of Blades


Recommended rune set to gain advantage and prioritize the item's passives.


Hail of Blades can give you a interesting interacion, once we arrive to gank a lane and attack someone, our 3 basics attacks will be so fast, with Shattered Earth (Q 1) you can apply those empowered attacks faster than usual.

With Domination runes we usually focus on burst the enemy so easy even more with Cheap Shot because now Skarner can apply A LOT of slows, the second section of the primary runes it's very variable, not only we can choose ** Eyeball collection** if we don't search to gain additional adaptive damage one we kill and/or assist:

We can choose Zombie Ward if we want to search our enemies more than usual and deny the enemy vision once we rotate around the map, every ward destroyed will grant us adaptive damage.
We can choose Zombie Ward if we want to search our enemies more than usual and deny the enemy vision once we rotate around the map, every ward destroyed will grant us adaptive damage.
If we wanted to place our ward more safety and gain control, Ghost Poro it's a great option, if the enemies don't find and destroy our wards once it breaks naturally, it becomes a Ghost Poro, which it still reveals the area where the ward was until it leaves or reveals an enemy, every Ghost Poro generated and / or every ghost poro detects an enemy will grant us Adaptive Damage (Ghost Poro can reveal invisible enemy champions like Evelynn).
If we wanted to place our ward more safety and gain control, Ghost Poro it's a great option, if the enemies don't find and destroy our wards once it breaks naturally, it becomes a Ghost Poro, which it still reveals the area where the ward was until it leaves or reveals an enemy, every Ghost Poro generated and / or every ghost poro detects an enemy will grant us Adaptive Damage (Ghost Poro can reveal invisible enemy champions like Evelynn).

The last section of the rune it has a great diversity for Hunters, the most recommended Ultimate Hunter, this rune will give you less cooldown for you ultimate once we kill and/or assist every unique champion while we play; That means we can have more quickly** Impale(R)**.

For the Last circles we'll set it like that: The first one will be attack speed because it will help Skarner to made the Jungle clears more easily and have best fights against champions, the second one we can choose between Adaptive Damage or Health based on our level and the last one we can choose between tenacity or Health based on our level.

Unique champion we refered we have kill and/or assist every enemy champion 1 time (Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC and Support, it is useless to kill, for example; 2 times the Top and 3 times the MId. It must be 1 kill per player).


Now we arrive one of the most important things about the champion; Items, I will show you which items are the most useful and powerful for Skarner. Obviously the order of the items doesn't have to be the one I will show, remember to adapt as you play style and what you have to deal in the match.

The most important stats we need for Skarner are:

  • Health
  • Ability Haste (CDR)


  • Armor / Magic Resistance
  • Mana
  • Attack Damage (AD) / Ability Power (AP)


  • Movement Speed
  • On-Hit effects

As you can see and knowing how his abilities are, our best items will be the ones who can improve better the qualities of a Fighter/Tank, we can also go full Tank or like a Bruiser; This is about how you will play the champion, but first...


Which Jungle Partner will you choose?

Cachorro de Garra ígnea
Cachorro de Garra ígnea
Cría de Caminabrisas
Cría de Caminabrisas
Brote de Brincamontes
Brote de Brincamontes

Choose your Poké- I mean... Jungle Partner. Decide whatever you need.

Scorchclaw Pup: This partner will give you a good potential for hunt and burst the enemies, it will grant you peridiocatly a burn effect which it can slow and deal extra damage around the enemies.

Gustwalker Hatchling: This partner can give you a better capacity of rotation and ganks, it will grant you additional movement speed for a few seconds once we enter on a bush or slain a jungle camp.

Mosstomper Seedling: This partner will give you some sustain capacities, it will grant you a shield which it will regenerate after killing jungle camps or being out of combat.

Which one i recommend?: Gustwalker Hatchling; Because the potential it gives for Skarner to rotate more quickly than usual around the jungle is very useful and help us to be passionate better and being ready for use Ixtal’s Impact (E), we can also select Mosstomper Seedling if we want to have better sustain and / or we are novice with the champion. Scorchclaw Pup it's situational because with this partner it can have less synergy if you compared to the other ones, that doesn't mean it's the worst for Skarner, it's just they are other versions are better.

Rescoldo de Bami
Rescoldo de Bami
Lágrima de la diosa
Lágrima de la diosa

Some options to take our first purchase.


Once we are ready to do our first purchase after the jungle clear and do some ganks, we can choose around some variations. If we can buy more than 1 item that means we have too much gold (No way, what a genius :D), or we can also prioritize the item's recipe and try to finish it more quickly:

Tiamat: This item will give Attack Damage, with a passive which it makes our basic attacks deal physical damage on area, and it has an active it will do a "reset" of our next basic attack, good item if we want to have AD and a better jungle clear.

Bami's Cinder: This item will give Health, with a passive which once we deal or take damage will cause magic damage around, this passive deals extra damage against jungle monsters and minions, a great chooses to have constant damage and a better jungle clear.

Tear of the Goddess: This item will give Mana, with a passive which it will grant some stacks, those stacks will give us mana extra when we use our abilities, those stacks can be easly to obtain and it's a very helpful item.

Sheen: This item will give Ability Haste, with a passive which once we use an ability, the next basic attack will deal additional damage, a solid item on a diversity of recipe and good selection of duels.

Botas jonias de la lucidez
Botas jonias de la lucidez
Botas blindadas
Botas blindadas
Botas de mercurio
Botas de mercurio
Botas de rapidez
Botas de rapidez

Some type of Boots for Skarner.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity: Those boots are CORE for Skarner, those boots will give Ability Haste, not only that, those boots can also grant us less cooldown for summoner spells, those boots were important for the old Skarner, now they have even more potential than before.

Plated Steelcaps (Knowed like Ninja Tabis): Those boots will give Armor and the capacity to reduce basic attacks, those boots are a good option against many champions who most of the time deal basic attacks like Trundle and Xin Zhao.

Mercury's Treads: Those boots will give Magic Resist and Tenacity, very important to buy against compositions with a lot of Crowd Control (CC) like Leona and Nautilus.

Boots of Swiftness: Those boots will give more movement speed than the other boots showed, it will grant a passive which the slow effects will be less effective against the one who has those boots.


Now i will show some combinations with 3 items core for the champion; REMEMBER do you test and you own unique build style if you need it for you play style of against the match

I will catalogue the items that perfom so good for Skarner with this example:

Power: How strong the item is, both resistance and damage.

Utility: Capacity of the item to help the champion with his passive and exploit the potential of that item.

Synergy Adaptation between the item, champion and which items will be next and combine.

Corazón de acero
Corazón de acero
Calibrador de Sterak
Calibrador de Sterak
Égida de fuego solar
Égida de fuego solar
Fulgor vano
Fulgor vano

Popular build path for Skarner.


  • Power: 5/5
  • Utility: 4/5
  • Synergy: 4/5

This item will grant Health and Health regeneration, which it has 2 passives:

  1. If an enemy champion is nearby by a few seconds, it will appear a stack on the enemy, once you deal a basic attack on that enemy, it will explode and deal Additional physical damage and obtain additional Health
  2. For each amount of health obtained, increased your size.

Sterak's Gage

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 3/5
  • Synergy 4/5

This item will grant Health and Tenacity, which it has 2 passives:

  1. Grants you bonus Attack Damage based on your basic Attack Damage.
  2. When you have low health, you will create a shield based of your Maximun Health.

If you buy Bami's Cinder we can decide between 2 final paths for the item, called Sunfire Aegis and Hollow Radiance, even if they look similar, they have differents passive and stats:

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 4/5
  • Synergy: 4/5

Sunfire Aegis: This item will grant Armor, Health and Ability Haste, with a passive which it upgrades the burn effect of Bami's Cinder, and when you apply and take damage, the magic damage of this burn will increase until out of combat.

Hollow Radiance: This item will grant Magic Resist, Health, Health Regeneration and Ability Haste, the passive still has Bami's Cinder passive with a new additional passive; This new passive will make the enemies being killed, it will create a small explosion that deals magic damage around the enemy killed.

What do you need? Looking to deal some damage most of time (Sunfire Aegis) or going to farm quickly (Hollow Radiance)? The choice is yours if you don't need to mitigate an important type of damage.

This build is one of the most popular ones purchased for Skarner since it grants tons of Health and sustain, specially if your play style is prioritized tons of ganks to gain so many Heartsteel stacks.

Guantelete de hielo
Guantelete de hielo
Hidra titánica
Hidra titánica
Cuchilla negra
Cuchilla negra

A very basic and solid build, this build has always work even before his rework.

Iceborn Gauntlet

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 4/5
  • Synergy: 5/5

This item will grant Health, Armor and Ability Haste, with a passive which once we use an ability, the next basic attack will be empowered basic attack which it deals extra damage and create a circular area which can slow all the enemies on that zone.

Titanic Hydra

  • Power: 4/5
  • Utility: 3/5
  • Synergy: 5/5

This item will grant too much Health and Attack Damage, which it has 2 passives:

  1. You gain extra Attack Damage based on your Maximun Health.
  2. Basic attacks will apply an area damage like a "cone effect" which it deals physical damage based on your Maximun Health, it also has an active which you can "reset" you basic attack and deal an attack which it deals extra physical damages based on your Maximun Health.

Black Cleaver

  • Power: 4/5
  • Utility: 3/5
  • Synergy: 3/5

This item will grant Health, Attack Damage and Ability Haste, which it has 2 passives:

  1. Once we deal physical damage, it will apply armor reduction.
  2. Dealing physical damage will give additional movement speed for a few seconds.

Those items are like the "classics" for Skarner, it counts with a lot of various stats and those passive have a good combination between then.

Égida de fuego solar
Égida de fuego solar
Fulgor vano
Fulgor vano
Guantelete de hielo
Guantelete de hielo
Llegada del invierno
Llegada del invierno
El gran invierno
El gran invierno

Combination of items focused to be a huge tank and scale quickly.


If you buy Bami's Cinder we can decide between 2 final paths for the item, called Sunfire Aegis and Hollow Radiance, even if they look similar, they have diferents passive and stats:

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 4/5
  • Synergy: 4/5

Sunfire Aegis: This item will grant Armor, Health and Ability Haste, with a passive which it upgrades the burn effect of Bami's Cinder, and when you apply and take damage, the magic damage of this burn will increase until out of combat.

Hollow Radiance: This item will grant Magic Resist, Health, Health Regeneration and Ability Haste, the passive still has Bami's Cinder passive with a new additional passive; This new passive will make the enemie beeing killed, the enemy slained will create a small explosion that deals magic damage around the enemy beeing slained.

What do you need? Looking to deal some damage most of time (Sunfire Aegis) or going to farm quickly (Hollow Radiance)? The choice is yours if you don't need to mitigate an important type of damage.

Iceborn Gauntlet

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 4/5
  • Synergy: 5/5

This item will grant Health, Armor and Ability Haste, with a passive which once we use an ability, the next basic attack will be empowered basic attack which it deals extra damage and create a circular area which can slow all the enemies on that zone.

Winter's Approach / Fimbulwinter

  • Power 3/5
  • Utility 4/5
  • Synergy 5/5

This item will grant Health, Mana and Ability Haste, what a passive which it will give you bonus health equal to you mana, one we reach the maximun of staks thanks of Tear of Goddess, it will evolved into Fimbulwinter, once this item evolves it will eliminate the mana stacks and gain a new passive; This new passive will grant a shield everythime you apply Crowd Control (CC) based on our mana.

This item will active the shield with Upheaval(Q 2), Seismic Bastion(W), Ixtal’s Impact(E) and Impale(R), it can also make the shield with some crowd control by some items, runes and spells. And the shield will be stronger if more than one enemy is nearby.

With those items you search to be the tahk for the team, reaching great qualities to gain high resistance and sustain.

Lanza de Shojin
Lanza de Shojin
Fuerza de trinidad
Fuerza de trinidad
Calibrador de Sterak
Calibrador de Sterak

Some items focused to deal huge amount of damage and a great jungle clear.

Looking to deal some damage most of the time? Then let me show you which items can help you to improve with what do you want:

Spear of Shojin

  • Power: 4/5
  • Utility: 5/5
  • Synergy: 4/5

This item will grant Attack Damage and Health, which it has 2 passives:

  1. You gain extra Ability Haste except Ultimates (R).
  2. When you deal damage with your abilities you gain stacks, those stacks they gave you extra damage for our abilities.

Trinity Force

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 3/5
  • Synergy: 3/5

This item will grant Attack Damage, Health, Attack Speed and Ability Haste, which it has 2 passives:

  1. When you use and ability, the next basic attack will be empowered and deal additional damage.
  2. Every time you deal damage with a basic attack, you gain additional Movement Speed.

Sterak's Gage

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 3/5
  • Synergy 4/5

This item will grant Health and Tenacity, which it has 2 passives:

  1. Grants you bonus Attack Damage based on your basic Attack Damage.
  2. When you have low health, you will create a shield based of your Maximun Health.

As you can see, this combination of items grants Attack Damage and Ability Haste to be able to deal huge damage and survivability for the team fights.

Tormento de Liandry
Tormento de Liandry
Guantelete de hielo
Guantelete de hielo

Combination of items which can be used to have a huge clear and very long fights.

No AP on your team? Don't worry, because now Skarner has a better interaction than his old kit, I will show which AP items are a good choice for Skarner:

Liandry's Torment

  • Power 3/5
  • Utility: 4/5
  • Synergy 3/5

This item will grant Ability Power and Health, which it has 2 passives:

  1. Your abilities apply a burn which it deals magic damage based on the enemy's maximun health.
  2. As more time you are in combat with enemy champions, you gain Increased Damage until the end of the combat.

Iceborn Gauntlet

  • Power: 3/5
  • Utility: 4/5
  • Synergy: 5/5

This item will grant Health, Armor and Ability Haste, with a passive which once we use an ability, the next basic attack will be empowered basic attack which it deals extra damage and create a circular area which can slow all the enemies on that zone.


  • Power: 4/5
  • Utility: 3/5
  • Synergy: 3/5

This item will grant Ability Power, Health and Ability Haste, which it has 2 passives:

  1. For each second in combat with enemy champions you gain bonus damage, at maximun strength you gain Omnivamp.
  2. Gain additional Ability Power based on your bonus Health.

Omnivamp it's life steal with every type of damage (Physical, Magic and True) you deal, as well you deal basic attacks or with your abilities.

As you can see on this example, you have a good balance between health and damage, good combination to have constant damage as we have a great sustain.

Baile de la muerte
Baile de la muerte
Fauces de Malmortius
Fauces de Malmortius
Mecanoespada punki
Mecanoespada punki
Firmamento desgarrado
Firmamento desgarrado

Some Attack Damage Items items you can purchase.


Jungle Path

On this section of the guide i will show which path of jungle we should take, even if the game and some other guides show us the correct path most of then don't exply why you should do this jungle path:


As you can see, we'll prioritize to do a full clear, because Skarner has a good area damage and Quaking (Passive) can help him where there are some camps with a lot of monsters, we can also do an Early Gank at level 3 once we made the 3rd first jungle camps if we see the chance.

After do our first clear, we can choose between those option to do:

  • Go to Gank to help a lane.
  • Go to the other river side and then try to take the other Rift Scuttler (Knowed as Crab).
  • Come back to the camps to clean it again and keep gaining more gold and experience.
  • Do a Back and buy to be ready to do the next jungle clear and/or fight the first objectives.

Tips and Combos

On the last section of this guide I will explain some tips and "tricky" things the champion has, his rework gave him such interesting mechanics and combos than before.

  • At minute 1:27, we pick the first Shattered Earth (Q 1) for the first camp, because the recharge time of this ability will be almost ready after using this ability compared to use Shattered Earth (Q 1) just when the jungle monster appears.

  • On the first levels when we are doing his first path, I recommended once they have below around 200 of health, leave it a run towards the next camp, Quaking (Passive) will deal the necessary damage to take the monster camp of the jungle.

  • When Skarner grabs the rock, the timer of Shattered Earth (Q 1) will start the ability to prepare another Shattered Earth (Q 1) like Riven's Broken Wings (Q).

  • Skarner can secure the first Rift Scuttler (Knowed as Crab) quickly, you combine the last empowered basic attack of Shattered Earth (Q 1) plus Smite, you can deal enough damage to take the first Rift Scuttler (Knowed as Crab) (Able to do both side of the team).

  • When you use Upheaval (Q 2) the area damage will realize at the first enemy being hit, in case the rock don't hit anything it will disappear once it reached the maximun range.

  • You can do an "oversmite", if you do the last empowered basic attack of Shattered Earth (Q 1) or use Upheaval (Q 2) and when the attack connects, you use Smite and have a better chance to secure the jungle objective.

  • Skarner can use Seismic Bastion (W) while he's walking, NOT when he's casting other abilities first.

  • Using Ixtal’s Impact (E) while Skarner is running, you can take very closed curves and pass every terrain obstacle until he receives a Crowd Control (CC) or when you press again Ixtal’s Impact (E).

  • If Skarner is charging with Shattered Earth (Q 1) and use Ixtal’s Impact (E), this will stop the count-down of Shattered Earth (Q 1) until Ixtal’s Impact (E) finishes.

  • When Skarner attach an enemy with Ixtal’s Impact (E) and collide it on the wall, Skarner automatically will do a basic attack.

  • If you hit an objective jungle with Ixtal’s Impact (E) (Void Grubs, Herald, Nashor, Dragon and/or Elder Dragon) it can also reduce the cooldown even if you don't drag it to the wall (Warning: you cannot push it).

  • When you attach someone with Ixtal’s Impact (E), Skarner will do another charge which it will be shorter than attach it at almost finishing the ability, so it's important to attach the enemy at almost finishing the charge to make it more long the duration.

  • You can use Smite while Skarner is casting Ixtal's Impact (E).

  • Like his old Impale (R), the new one can be used passing the obstacles terrains.

  • The New Impale (R) make Skarner his rotation "Blocked", let me explained; You cannot make turns when you are dragging the enemies champions, at the direction is this ability beeing hit, Skarner will move around looking at that direction.

  • If Skarner is holding Shattered Earth (Q 1) and he cast Impale (R), he will use Upheaval (Q 2) automatically.

  • The only ability Skarner can use for the duration of Impale (R) is Seismic Bastion (W), you can also use Smite and Ghost

  • When Skarner is canalizing Impale (R) you cannot do anything also until the cast is over, so you must do Flash - Impale (R) instead of Impale (R) - Flash.

Now I will show some combos you can do with the champion:

Q - E - Attack - R - W - Attack
Q - Flash - R - W - E - Attack
Q - Flash - E - Attack - R - W - Attack

Final and conclusions

Well, that was long, is it? xD

Then it's the final of this guide, I know it's a long guide and can be tedious to look, I wanted to make it leaving all the information necessary to make sure you can understand the champion works instead to be "This is how it works, do that and all done", it's a champion with a lot of diversity even if it doesn't look like it is, it also happened to his old kit.

I hope you find some good interest to play the champion and have fun with him (Yeah, I know the ambience of the game, I don't care of it, focus on yourself and you will be fine), his rework gave him a great gameplay, and it helps him to some details where he needs some help and it still has some old vibes of his old abilities, even if they take away one of the champion's most characteristic things (I miss his crystals, not the passive in you know what I mean).

Thank you so much for reading this guide and arrive to the end, hope you have a great day, stay with the people who love you, eat all your vegetables and enjoy life as much as possible.

And remember the words it leaves us Skarner before his rework: We are one. We cannot be shattered.

Now seriously, I leave this place, see you soon with The Crystal Vanguard, which it becomes into The Primordial Sovereign.

-  This guide was made by the summoner MiniBlue#4444 (EUW)  -
- This guide was made by the summoner MiniBlue#4444 (EUW) -
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