[♦️♦️ ONLY] Blaine's fire deck


How to play

This deck contains only ♦️ and ♦️♦️ cards, so it is easy to obtain the cards, and it will surely help you win some of the Solo campaign challenges ! ;)

Deck strategy is to go FAST like a running galopa ! You can see that the pokemons in this deck only needs 1 or 2 energies to attack, and if you have a Blaine, you can quickly deal a ton of damage during your first or second attacking turn, which can destroy your opponent setup before it is ready.

Optimisation : If you flip heads, you will want to start with Ponyta so that you have a chance to evolve it in a Galopa next Turn and directly attack for 40 on your first attacking turn, and potentially even 70 with Blaine which will take off any eevee, charmander, magnemite, ralts... because they wouldn't have time to evolve yet.

If you flip tails, then you can still go Ponyta and deal early damage or you can set up a Vulpix -> Ninetails to make a huge attack on your second attack turn for 90 (120 with Blaine !)

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[♦️♦️ ONLY] Blaine's fire deck

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