[Pokémon TCGP Deck] - Exeggcutor Ex Celebi Variant


This deck takes a different approach compared to the standard Celebi ex build that incorporates Exeggutor, as it completely forgoes Serperior. Instead, the strategy revolves around quickly establishing Exeggutor (whether ex or Genetic Apex) as the main attacker. Since Exeggutor only needs a single Energy to operate effectively, the rest can be allocated to Celebi ex. With Exeggutor acting as a durable frontline presence that can hold its own over multiple turns, Celebi ex gradually builds up power, becoming an increasingly formidable threat. When Exeggutor is either knocked out or retreats, Celebi ex is fully charged and ready to take over the game.

The introduction of Space-Time Smackdown has altered how this deck is constructed, particularly with the use of Pokémon Communication. Some builds opt for as few as two Basic Pokémon—one Exeggcute and one Celebi ex—along with two copies of Exeggutor ex, maximizing the likelihood of getting Exeggutor ex into play by turn two.

Despite its strengths, this version of the deck has a significant drawback: it struggles against Pokémon with high durability. Exeggutor’s offensive capabilities fall short in the later stages of the game, and Celebi ex’s Powerful Bloom ability isn’t always reliable. To counteract this issue, some lists incorporate Mew ex as a tech option to deal with formidable late-game threats such as Palkia ex and Charizard ex.

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[Pokémon TCGP Deck] - Exeggcutor Ex Celebi Variant

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