Smite 2: Baron Samedi Support - CA8

Mira el canal de Twitch de demise2014

Baron Samedi, God of Life and Death


We like to party. Baron Likes to party. We like to heal our team. BARON LIKES TO HEAL HIS TEAM. In this guide I will explain how Baron is the best healer in the game and it isn't close.

Discord: demise14

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/demise2014

Items, Items, Items

Arco de Ruptura
Arco de Ruptura
Estandarte de Guerra
Estandarte de Guerra
Capa Profética
Capa Profética
Escudo del Gladiador
Escudo del Gladiador
Talismán de Purificación
Talismán de Purificación
Circe's Hexstone
Circe's Hexstone
Túnica Espiritual
Túnica Espiritual
Piedra de Vinculación
Piedra de Vinculación

You will have a lot of cooldown. Like a lot. With blink and talisman you have some good survivabilty as well. ruinous ankh is nice becaue almost every god has some form of healing right now just a good item, and with its split prots and health its a nice stat stick to make you not instantly evaporate in the early game. In the late game, youre health and tankiness are lower so you want to play edges of fights and be firing abilities and cc into the skirmish. You will win every fight if you dont miss a heal. Its that strong


Ability Leveling Order


Pretty simple mindset here. Get your ult when you can, and otherwise max out your utility. Heal is important to get online, and then the 1 has powerful debuffs. The 3 is nice peel, but mostly used to set up your other abilities so its not word

Just slam your abilities into the enemy with lots of cds and win :)

Basic Attack - Ranged

Baron fires a projectile that deals Magical Damage to the first enemy hit.

  • Hysteria Applied Per Hit: 5
  • Damage Scaling: 100% + 20% Intelligence
  • Range: 8.8 meters
  • Radius: 0.48 meters

Ability - Passive

Damage applies Hysteria, granting your abiites bonus effects when enough is applied. Your team can also purchase Baron's Brew from the item store.


  • Gods at Max Hysteria (70) deal 20% reduced damge to Baron Samedi.
  • Hysteria drains at a rate of 2 per second. This drain stops on the target for 5s when Baron Samedi applies Hysteria to them.

Ability 1 - Vivid Gaze

Summon skulls that deal magical damage in an X shape. Deals bonus damage to enemies hit by the overlap. Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria applies a Strength, Intelligence, and Attack Speed Reduction


  • Damage: 85/145/235/270/330
  • Damage Scaling: 70% Intelligence
  • Hysteria Applied per Hit: 15
  • Cost: 55/60/65/70/75 mana
  • Cooldown: 11 seconds
  • Range: 9.6 meters
  • Radius: 1.28 meters

Target >30 hysteria

  • Power Reduction: 20%
  • Attack Speed Reduction: 20%
  • Debuff Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5


  • Vivid Gaze will trigger its Hysteria effect if its own damage brings targets above the Hysteria threshold

Ability 2 - Consign Spirits

Call Spirits that deal Magical Damage to enemies in the area. Hitting a god Heals nearby allies for Missing Health. Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria makes the heal apply a Speed Buff and Slow Immunity


  • Damage: 65/125//185/245/305
  • Damage Scaling: 80% Intelligence
  • Heal: 30/55/80/105/130
  • Heal: 2% Missing Health
  • % Missing Health Scaling: 10% Cooldown Rate
  • Cost: 60 mana
  • Cooldown: 14 seconds
  • Range: 8.8 meters
  • Radius: 2.88 meters

Target >30 Hysteria

  • Movement Speed: 25%


  • Allies withink 8.8 meters of Baron Samedi or the center of Consign Spirits will receive the heal

Ability 3 - Wrap It Up

Throw a snake that constricts enemy gods, Slowing them to a Root. Constricted gods take Magical Damage over 1.75 seconds. Minions take a tick of magical damage when the snake passes through them. Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria causes the snake to explode when it Roots, applying a Mesmerize to nearby enemies.


  • Damage: 70/125/180/235/290
  • Damage Scaling: 50% Intelligence
  • Slow Duration: 1.75 seconds
  • Root Duration: 0.75 Seconds
  • Hysteria Applied Per tick: 5
  • Hysteria Applied for Explosion: 25
  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • Cooldown: 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds
  • Range: 9.6 meters
  • Radius: 0.8 meters

Target >30 Hysteria:

  • Mezmerise: 1.5 Seconds


  • The snake deals damage every 0.4375 seconds for a total of 5 ticks
  • Enemies must be at or above 30 hysteria when Wrap it Up hits to trigger its hysteria effect

Ultimate Ability - Life of the Party

Open a coffin that Vortexes enemies towards Baron Samedi. Gods vortexed into the coffin take Magical Damage and are Stunned. The Vortex deals Magical Damage every 0.5 seconds. Gods above 30 Hysteria are Vortexed with more intensity


  • Vortex Damage: 15/20/25/30/35
  • Vortex Scaling: 7% Intelligence
  • Slam Damage: 125/210/295/380/475
  • Damage Scaling: 55% Intelligence
  • Slam Health Damage 10% max Health
  • % Health Damage Scaling: 2.5% Physical Protection + 2.5% Magical Protection
  • Stun Duration: 1.3 seconds
  • Hysteria Per Tick: 2
  • Hysteria on Slam: 30
  • Cost: 70/75//80/85/90 mana
  • Cooldown: 110 seconds
  • Range: 6 meters


  • The Vortex deals Magical Damage every 0.5 seconds
  • Gods above 30 Hysteria are Vortexed with more intensity


Spam it all away. Look for long range 3s to lock down the enemy, and then hit em with the ol 2,1 combo. Its good poke, and maintains your teams HP and yours. Additionally throw your 2 on someone who has to auto the wave because its much harder for them to doge it. Lastly look to pull relics with your ult to set up for more cc and lockdown later. your ult will be up like 4X as often as their beads or blink


Baron is just nuts. The end.

If you would like to watch some Baron action, you can tune in to my twitch channel and let me know. GLHF

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Smite 2: Baron Samedi Support - CA8

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