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Loki, The Trickster God

Slayer | Stealth
Slayer | Stealth


Did your parents not love you enough as a kid, and you would like to make that everyone elses' problem? Do you like to be invisible 60% of the game, and only appear when you want to kill someone? Then Loki jungle is the god for you!.

Discord: demise14

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/demise2014

Items, Items, Items

Bastones de Purificación
Bastones de Purificación
Martillo de Bumba
Martillo de Bumba
El Destructor
El Destructor
Espada Serrada
Espada Serrada
Tótem de la Muerte
Tótem de la Muerte
La Ruina del Titán
La Ruina del Titán

Trans well help you scale your damage well into the late game, at the cost of some early game damage, but the trade off it worth it. The rest is just standard strong items


Ability Leveling Order


Basic Attack - Melee

Deal Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.


  • Damage: 46 + 2.47 per level
  • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Range: 1.92 meters
  • Cone Angle: 120 degrees


  • Has a 5 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5x damage and swing time.

Passive - Behind You

Hitting enemies from behind deals increased damage to them.


  • Damage: 115%


  • The increased damage from this effect also triggers on enemies Blinded by Agonizing Visions.
  • This applies to Flurry Strike as well

Ability 1 - Vanish

Disappear in a puff of smoke, become Stealthed and gain Movement Speed


  • Damage Per Tick: 30/45/60/75/90
  • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 10% Strength
  • Movement Speed: 35%
  • Buff Duration: 4 seconds
  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
  • Cooldown: 15 seconds


  • Hits 4 times over 2 seconds.
  • Stealthed Gods are invisible to enemies unless they enter an enemy structure's attack area.
  • Taking damage while Stealth partially reveals you for 0.33 seconds.
  • You are Immune to Slows while Stealthed.
  • Stealth is broken when hit by Hard CC.

Ability 2 - Agonizing Visions

Summon a vision of Loki that repeatedly deals Physical Damage to nearby enemies. Damaged enemies deal reduced damage. Enemies hit four times are Blinded


  • Damage: 13/18/23/28/33
  • Damage Scaling: 15% Strength
  • Blind Duration: 3 seconds
  • Damage Dealt Reduction: 5%
  • Max Debuff Stacks: 3
  • Debuff Duration: 2.5 seconds
  • Range: 8.8 meters
  • Radius: 4 meters
  • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
  • Cooldown: 13 seconds


  • This ability hits 8 times over 3.5 seconds
  • Blinded players have their game camera obscured.
  • The Vision Impedes enemy characters only.
  • Loki benefits from Behind You on Blinded enemies from all directions

Ability 3 - Flurry Strike

Unleash a flurry of dagger strikes, dealing Physical Damage repeatedly and Slowing enemies in front of you. The final hit deals Bonus Physical Damage and applies a stronger Slow. You are Displacement Immune while Channeling


  • Damage: 20/30/40/50/60
  • Damage Scaling: 25% Strength
  • Slow: 15%
  • Final Damage: 55/75/95/115/135
  • Final Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
  • Final Slow: 30%
  • Cone Angle: 90 degrees
  • Cooldown: 9 seconds
  • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80


  • Hits 6 times over 1.5 seconds.
  • Slow is refreshed with each hit but does not stack.
  • This ability can benefit from Behind You.
  • This is a channeled ability

Ultimate Ability - Assassinate

Teleport to the target location, deal Physical Damage to and Cripple enemies in the area. Then deal Physical Damage and Stun enemies in front of you.


  • Damage: 70/105/140/175/210
  • Damage Scaling: 35% Strength
  • Cripple Duration: 0.75 seconds
  • Final Damage: 100/145/190/235/280
  • Final Damage Scaling: 90% Strength
  • Stun Duration: 0.75 seconds
  • Range: 8.8 meters
  • Cone Angle: 105 degrees
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds
  • Cost: 90


  • Loki locks onto the enemy god closest to the center of the teleport location, if there is one.


Loki is a true assassin type god. You want to make sure you have the element of surprise on your ganks, often walking into lane while stealthed so as to not be detected. The sound cue is pretty loud for loki 1 so you have to be careful when you cast it or you may telegraph your gank. Typically you are looking for a target that isnt at 100% hp because your damage is not as bursty and taking down a full health target takes a few rotations of abilities. Look for opportunities to flank enemies or outnumber them and get kills with your teammate. Often on a gank an enemy will use their mobility as soon as you start hitting them so hold your 3 and be prepared to ult them as soon as they try to distance from you. Lastly, try not to take a fight or look for a pick when you are outnumbered. As previously stated, loki's damage is slower so you will likely die before getting your pick. Loki is best played at the edge of fights, remaining just out of sight. This mental game makes your enemies paranoid and might make them misstep.


Loki is a great stealth character who can play good mind games and really blow up an enemy quickly. The god is generally disliked in the smite community so play at your own risk. People will focus you first.

If you would like to watch some Loki Jungle action, you can tune in to my twitch channel and let me know. GLHF

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