Smite 2: Screammmmm Pro build Nemesis Jungle - OB2

Mira el canal de Twitch de demise2014

Nemesis, Goddess of Vengeance

Mobile | Shielding | Constant Damage
Mobile | Shielding | Constant Damage


This is a build from pro player Scream from their winning tournament run to become founder's series champs

Discord: demise14

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/demise2014

Items, Items, Items

Lanza de Bumba
Lanza de Bumba
Espada de Qin
Espada de Qin
Escudo Berserker
Escudo Berserker
El Ejecutor
El Ejecutor
La Ruina del Titán
La Ruina del Titán
Forja de Sangre
Forja de Sangre
Escudo del Vacío
Escudo del Vacío
Bastones de Purificación
Bastones de Purificación

This build has a good amount of attack speed with some lifesteal. There is also Prot reduction, some tankiness and good % pen

Ability Leveling Order



Basic Attack - Melee

Deal Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you


  • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Range: 1.92 meters
  • Cone Angle: 120 degrees


  • Nemesis has a 4 hit attack chain. Attacks in order of 1, 1, 0.75, 1.25x damage and swing time

Passive - Scales of Fate

Hitting enemies with Basic Attacks reduces the target's basic attack damage, Strength, and Intelligence, while increasing yours.


  • Reduction Per Stack: 7%
  • Increase Per Stack: 3%
  • Max Stacks: 3
  • Duration: 5 seconds

Ability 1 - Swift Vengeance

Dash in a line, passing through all enemies. Deal Physical Damage to all enemies hit. You may dash again within 2 seconds of the first dash.


  • Damage: 50/80/110/140/170
  • Damage Scaling: 35% Strength
  • Range: 4.8 meters
  • Radius: 1.6 meters
  • Cooldown: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds
  • Cost: 50


  • You may use abilities and basic attacks between dashes

Ability 2 - Slice and Dice

Slash in a cone, dealing Physical Damage to all enemies hit. enemies in the center of the slash take additional damage and are Slowed.


  • Damage: 60/90/120/150/180
  • Damage Scaling: 45% Strength + 25% Intelligence
  • Center Damage: 90/150/210/270/330
  • Center Damage Scaling: 80% Strength + 75% Intelligence
  • Slow: 30%
  • Slow Duration: 2 seconds
  • Range: 5.6 meters
  • Cone Angle: 150 degrees
  • Center Cone Angle: 45 degrees
  • Cooldown: 11 seconds
  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80

Ability 3 - Retribution

Gain a Health Shield for a duration. Heal for a percentage of the damage taken during the effect. Reflect a percentage of the damage take from gods as Physical Damgae.


  • Shield Health: 100/150/200/250/300
  • Shield Health Scaling: 735% Max Health
  • Reflect Damage: 35% of damage blocked
  • Reflect Damage Scaling: 20% Strength
  • Heal: 50% of damage blocked
  • Heal Scaling: 10% Intelligence
  • Shield Duration: 2 seconds
  • Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds
  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


  • Hard CC effects remove the shield

Ultimate Ability - Divine Judgement

Choose a single enemy god, dealing Physical Damage to them and all enemies in an area around them. Gain Movement Speed and a percentage of the enemy's Protections and reduce the enemy's Movement Speed and Protections by the same amount.


  • Damage: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% of enemy's Current Health
  • Damage Scaling: 45% Strength + 65% Intelligence
  • Protections: 25%
  • Movement Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
  • Duration: 5 seconds
  • Range: 8.8 meters
  • Radius: 1.6 meters
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds
  • Cost: 90/95/100/105/110


  • If hitting multiple enemies, steal protections from the enemy with the most protections.
  • On hitting an enemy, a homing projectile spawns from them, granting the buffs when it reaches you.


Nemesis really relies on her slows and gap close to kill enemies, and wants to use her shield to guarantee winning trades. As such, with an auto attack heavy build, you should be careful how you engage. I would recommend trying to get close to your target first and start autoing them. When they try to get distance from you, use your dashes to close the gap and your 2 to slow them down so you can stick to them and finishing autoing them down. Feel free to use your 3 to keep yourself healthy in the trade but be wary of any hard cc that might be coming your way because it will prevent your 3 from being useful. In a team fight you have the capability of burning down a tank or flanking and taking down a squishy really quickly. If looking for a large fight, find an opportunity to ult one of the tanks on the enemy team to gain some survivability, or use your ult on a full hp squishy to deal a lot of damage right off the bat and then chase them down.



Nemesis is a really fun god, and can perform really well as long as you are thinking about where you want to position and how you want to take a fight. She has really good damage output, and the potential to solo major objectives once you get some items online.

If you would like to watch some nemesis action, you can tune in to my twitch channel and let me know. GLHF

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Smite 2: Screammmmm Pro build Nemesis Jungle - OB2

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