🚀Tacter Product Update: How to Personalize Your Feed for a Better Experience


We are excited to announce new features to deliver a more personalized experience for everyone!

To help you stay up-to-date with the content that matters most to you, we've introduced three exciting new features that put you in control of your feed. Whether you're passionate about certain games or prefer content in specific languages, you can now tailor your experience to match your preferences. Plus, with a quick onboarding process for first-time users, setting up your personalized feed has never been easier!

How to personalize your feed with your preferred languages

Many communities have joined Tacter and we have more and more content written in multiple languages! Unfortunately, we cannot all understand every language of the world.

To keep the Homepage feed clearer, and easier to use, we added "Language Preferences" accessible for every registered user.

  1. Log in to Tacter or create your account
  2. Go to Profile > Settings > Account and click on "Content Languages"
  3. Select all languages you'd like to see. English will be checked by default
  4. Navigate to the Homepage and scroll through content in the selected languages only!

What Creators Need to Do

If you are a Content Creator and want to ensure your content is directed to the right target audience, you have nothing to do!

Our algorithm will automatically define the language of your content and show it to all the users who have selected it in their settings! You can check which language our algorithm detected on your Dashboard!

However, we recommend creators to use only one language in their content or it may cause language detection issues. If you face any issues regarding this algorithm, please contact us at support@tacter.com.

How to personalize your feed with your favorite games

As you noticed, we're adding more and more games to the platform! However, you may not be interested in all of them and would prefer to be presented with content about games you only care about!

This is why you can now select your favorite games and scroll through relevant content!

  1. Log in to Tacter or create your account
  2. Go to the Homepage
  3. Click on "All games"
  4. Select, or un-select, the games you like
  5. Return to the Homepage and enjoy relevant content!

Get a smooth Onboarding

With all these changes to facilitate your navigation inside the platform, we also wanted to create a smooth onboarding experience for all registered users.

After your first connection, you will be asked a couple of questions:

  • Set up your profile
  • Your preferred languages
  • Your favorite games

Then the homepage feed will be immediately personalized for you! And if you ever change your decision, or learn a new language, you can always change your profile settings!


We truly believe these changes will greatly improve your experience on Tacter and help you find content you care about.

Feel free to comment with any suggestions for future Product Updates! We'd love to have your opinions!

See you soon for another Product Update!

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🚀Tacter Product Update: How to Personalize Your Feed for a Better Experience

Tacter games
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