How Strong are the Buffed Reroll Comps of Patch 14.11

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Patch 14.11 tried to open up new reroll lines with buffs to units like Yone, Kha'zix, and Aatrox. But how strong are these lines, even after the buffs?

Kha'zix and Yasuo 3 star received buffs, but they still fall at the bottom of the placement range for 3 star 1 costs, especially Yasuo who has the lowest average placement by far. It looks like these comps should only be played from highroll spots, and with the case of Yasuo, maybe even not then.


A similar story with Yone. Despite the buffs, he's still the worst 3 star 3 cost. Avoid rerolling Yone except in extreme high roll scenarios.

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How Strong are the Buffed Reroll Comps of Patch 14.11

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