
PART 3: Teamfight Tactics - Stats & Info

We have a variety of statistics on the game that we want to understand, so let's see it.

HP: (Health Points) Are the total points of damage that our units have to take to get killed.

Mana: Is the statistic that determinate when our units use their abilities, an unit with a 100 mana that get 10 mana per auto attack would need 10 attacks to cast its ultimate, and getting damage from enemies also grants mana to our unit.

AD: (Attack Damage) Is the statistic that determinate the damage that our units will deal with their auto attacks and AD Scalling abilities, the bigger the AD the bigger the Dmg will be. Its the red dmg color in the game

AP: (Ability Power) Is the statistic that determinates the damage that our units will deal with their abilities or AP Scalling instances, (like pasives) Its the Blue Dmg in the game

Dmg Amplification: Is an statistic that increases all the kind of damage that our units will deal, ifwe have extra AP our physical damage woulnt scale, same the opposite. But with damage amplification our AP and AD dmg would get increased no matter the statistics we already have.

Attack Speed: Is the statistic for the amount of auto attacks that our units deal in a lapse of 1 second. an unit with by example 2.0 attack speed would attack twice in one second. and a unit with 0.5 attack speed would attack once every 2 seconds.

Armor: Is the resistance statistic that will help our units to reduce the AD damage they get, this work with an internal calculus that the game use to determinate how mch damage will be blocked depending on the armor, but simply, the more armor, the less dmg we take.

Magic Resistance: Is the resistance statistic that determinate how much magic damage the unit blocks, works the same with armor, with the difference on the kind of damage it absorbs. A unit with 1000 armor and 0 magic resistance would take no AD dmg but would get bursted by magic damage. and the opposite with 1000 magic resistance (Or MR) and 0 armor, would take no damage from magic damage but esily could be killed with auto attacks.

Damage Reduction: is the counter-part of the damage amplification, applies a reduce on all the damage the unit takes no matter the resistances it has.

Crit Chance: Is the probability on every auto attack (or ability if the unit has an ability that can proc a critical hit) to deal extra damage, it goes from 0% to 100%, and will be determined by the critical chance items that we build on our units (Items made with gloves by general) or augments that will allow our units to deal crit damage with their ultimates or to get extra critical chance.

Crit Damage: once our unit deal a crit strike, the extra damage the unit deals depend in the critical extra damage, by general it is a 140% of the original damage, but sinergies, and specific items can grow this number, an example of this is giving the unit 2 copies of the Infinity Edge, the first one will allow abilities to crit and will also give the unit crit % and AD dmg, if we put a second one in the unit, the item would give the unit extra crit damage because the ultimate can already proc crit dmg, increasing from 140% to 150%, and a third one would give an extra 10% more.

Omnivamp: Heals the unit on a percentage of the damage it deals.

Attack Range: Is the range in hexagons around that the unit need to be far from, to being able to attack the enemy, by example melee units have a 1 hex attack range, so the enemy needs to be at 1 range close or the unit will walk to the point of being 1 hex or closer to the enemy. Long range unit use to have 4 attack range so they will attack the enemy if they're at 4 Hex or less distance


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