Is Cursed Blade Playable?

Mira el canal de Twitch de subzeroark

With an average placement above a 5, Cursed Blade appears to be almost untakeable as an Ornn artifact. But are there specific users of it that haven't been discovered yet?

A dive into the Relative Delta (how well these units perform when you put a Cursed Blade on them) helps show a more complete picture. Bard is the best holder by far, but even then, he still performs worse with Cursed Blade than without. This difference becomes even more apparent the further you go down the list, as units like Lee Sin and Aphelios place about half a placement lower with Cursed Blade.


Further stat analysis on Bard shows how bad Cursed Blade is compared to other common artifacts.

Bottom line, don't take Cursed Blade until it is buffed :)

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Is Cursed Blade Playable?

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