Hey! I am Frobei, I have been Challenger multiple sets in a row and I've been making TFT guides for years so stick around or follow me for more content!
Warrior Reroll
This comp became popular last week as an answer against Ahri Vanguard. Though the latter got nerfed, it's still a very strong comp to play if you can have the relevant items and augments (Unleash the Beast, Not Today, Keeper, etc).
Reroll this comp at lvl 6 until you hit Nilah 3. Once you have her, push lvl 7 and slow roll for Akali and Katarina (while having more chances to hit Kalista).
Jinx Wukong
This is comp you want to reroll at lvl 7 for Jinx 3 and Wukong 3. It's extremely important to have at least one Gargoyle on Wukong during the mid game so he can tank properly.
Once you find them, you will want to push lvl 9 to add more Hunters and Preservers.
Varus Frost
This comp is becoming more and more trendy. Varus received a huge buff and can now wipe boards pretty rapidly compared to before. It's also a comp with a huge spike at lvl 8 so you can easily come back with it.
This comp can cap extremely high with a Frost emblem (that you give to Varus) or a Pyro emblem (you give to Olaf or Diana).
I'd recommend you play this comp only if you drop many swords and gloves during the early game.
Ryze Portal
This comp was already strong last patch but only playable with a Portal emblem. Thanks to the nerfs of its direct counters and a small buff to Ryze, we can expect this comp to be much more reliable.
I'd recommend playing with an emblem but I do believe this comp can perform without it. Try to play with a strong board during the early game around Portal units so you can snowball your economy from your wins and play fast 8 to find Ryze. Try not to use all your gold at lvl 8 if you want to push lvl 9 and find your very late game units (Diana and Norra).
Put Yuumi on Ryze until you find either Norra 2 or Diana 2 and swap the unit based on how is your strongest unit.
Kalista Preserver
And finally, this is another S+ comp but also requires a lot of gold and requires you to snowball your early and mid-game. This time you will rely on Kalista as your main carry and 5 cost units as side carries (Morgana, Camille, Diana).
You comp will be incredibly hard to kill if your opponent doesn't have anti-heal!
And that's it for the top 5 Most broken comps for this patch!
I made a cheat sheet about the best artifact holders, make sure to bookmark it!