Hey! I am Frobei, I have been Challenger multiple sets in a row and I've been making TFT guides for years so stick around or follow me for more content!
Ziggs Blitz Honey
Honeymancer got a rework and started this patch with strong stats! Ideally, you'd like to play this comp with:
- +1 Honeymancer,
- Zap Attack
- Bee-est Friends
But you can also play this comp without these augments and get good results. Reroll for Blitzcrankd 3 and Ziggs 3 at lvl 5 after maximizing your econ at 50g. Once you have them, push lvl 6 and roll for Nunu, Kog and Cassiopeia and put stuff either on Kogmaw (if you have AD items) or Cassiopeia (if you have guinsoos).
Hecarim Multistriker
Hecarim is probably the strongest 3 cost champion in this patch even though he's quite contested and it might be hard to make Hecarim 3.
I suggest to go for this comp with augments like Unleash The Beast of Pandora Bench to have a high chance to find him fast and snowball your mid game.
Ezreal Vanguar Blaster
Ezreal Shen Varus (another version, SSS+ tier with +1 Blaster)
Finally Ezreal is a reliable carry! He will stop suiciding one fight our of two and you can now positioning him safely!
Reroll for Mordekaiser and Ezreal at lvl 7, you can make Hwei 3 too but he's not really mandatory, especially if you don't have any items for him.
Once you have your 3 stars, aim to cap your board with Diana and Arcana.
Preserver Ryze
Ryze became an excellent 4 cost and can be played with many different variations. Since we already know the version with 8 portal and with Arcana, I decided to show here another version with Preservers.
Ryze can also be played with 6 Scholars with you have a Scholar emblem or with 6 Witchcraft if you have a Witchcraft emblem.
But no matter what version you want to play, you need to have a strong economy during the early / mid game so you can push lvl 8 with around 40g to roll for your 4 cost units. Once you are stabilized, you can push lvl 9 to find your 5 cost units.
Katarina Reroll Faerie
Kalista 5 Faerie (fast 8 fast 9)
This is probably the strongest comp of the patch if you manage to have a Faerie emblem (in that case you can achieve this comp at lvl 8 instead of lvl 9).
- If you have an emblem, roll Katarina 3 and Kalista 2 at lvl 8 since you will have an insane powerspike and win fights even if you haven't hit everything yet
- If you don't have an emblem, reroll Katarina 3 at lvl 7 and play 4 Warriors with Gwen and Fiora. Once you reach lvl 9, you may want to drop your warriors to get 7 Faerie unless you have Fiora and Gwen with full items.