TFT SET 13: Into the Arcane


I. Into the Arcane

  • Data on this page was provided by Riot Games. When updating the PBE server, some contents may be different.
  • The update contents are materials provided in advance by Riot Games, and some contents may be different when updating the actual PBE server.
  • You can preview SET 13 on the PBE server from Nov 12th (PT).
  • SET 13 will officially go live with the 14.23 patch on Nov 19th or 20th. (Depending on the region)

II. SET Mechanic The Anomaly

The Anomaly in Into the Arcane's set mechanic will permanently enhance one unit for your choice on your team for the remainder of the game. On Stage 4-6, you will be given a choice on what anomaly will be offered to you or you can roll for a new one for just 1 gold. Do not worry if you sell the champion later in the game as the anomaly's effect will remain with it!

  • Anomaly appears in stages 4-6 and can enhance your champions.
  • Anomaly can be re-rolled for 1 gold.
  • You can place champions on specific hexes to apply effects.

List of Anomaly: The update contents are materials provided in advance by Riot Games, and some contents may be different when updating the actual PBE server.


III. System Changes Opening Encounters

  • The Opening Encounter replaces Portals.
  • You can experience 10 different Opening Encounters.

IV. New TFT Champions Arcane Champions

Champions from the Arcane animated series appear in TFT!


V. Augment Updates

VI. Quality of Life Improvements Item Bench Improvements

  • Items will now appear in a toolbar on the left side of your screen.
  • You can hold up to 20 items.
  • You can stack and keep Removers and Reforgers separately.
  • You can combine items directly from the bench and rearrange items with ease.
  • To combine items in the bench, overlap two for 2 seconds!

VII. Other Updates Tocker's Trials

Tocker's Trials returns with SET 13. Enjoy the new set with Tocker's Trials in a casual way! Only the normal mode will be released, without chaos mode.

VIII. ESports Macao Open

Join us for the TFT Macao Open, starting on December 13th for three days. This event includes many Arcane elements. More details at tftmacaoopen.com or reading at here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/the-ultimate-tft-macao-open-spectator-experience-a-guide-for-fans-a8e1a56

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about TFT, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng

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TFT SET 13: Into the Arcane

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