TFT Set 4.5 Revival: Best Team Comps & Strategies for Festival of Beasts


Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 4.5, known as Festival of Beasts, brings exciting updates, refreshing the meta with new champions, traits, and mechanics. Whether you're climbing the ranked ladder or aiming for fun and creative team compositions, mastering the strongest builds is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the best TFT Set 4.5 comps and key strategies to dominate the game.

Best TFT Set 4.5 Team Comps

  1. Elderwood & Mages

Core Champions: Lulu, Veigar, Aurelion Sol, Rakan, Nunu, Maokai, Cho’Gath

Key Traits: Elderwood (buffs stacking over time), Mage (double spell casts)

Best Items: Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, Morellonomicon

Strategy: Focus on early Elderwood units and transition into Aurelion Sol as your main carry. Position tanks like Cho’Gath in the frontline for disruption.

  1. Warlords & Katarina Carry

Core Champions: Katarina, Jarvan IV, Vi, Xin Zhao, Tryndamere, Samira

Key Traits: Warlord (bonus stats after each fight), Assassin (bonus critical damage)

Best Items: Infinity Edge, Hextech Gunblade, Guardian Angel

Strategy: Stack Warlord units early and prioritize Katarina items. She can become an unstoppable AoE damage dealer when equipped properly.

  1. Divine & Duelists

Core Champions: Jax, Yasuo, Fiora, Irelia, Kalista, Lee Sin

Key Traits: Divine (damage reduction & true damage), Duelist (attack speed stacking)

Best Items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster

Strategy: Position Duelists on the frontlines and stack attack speed items. Kalista and Yasuo can dish out significant damage when equipped correctly.

  1. Slayer & Samira Carry

Core Champions: Samira, Olaf, Tryndamere, Pyke, Darius, Aatrox

Key Traits: Slayer (lifesteal and bonus damage), Executioner (critical chance bonus)

Best Items: Deathblade, Quicksilver, Bloodthirster

Strategy: Focus on getting Samira and Olaf with strong items. Frontline with Aatrox and Tryndamere while Samira shreds the backline.

Key Tips for Success in TFT Set 4.5

Adapt to the Meta: Stay updated on patch changes and the strongest compositions to adjust your playstyle accordingly.

Itemization is Key: Knowing which items work best with specific champions can be the difference between winning and losing.

Econ Management: Maintain a healthy gold balance, prioritize interest, and roll efficiently to secure upgrades.

Positioning Matters: Adjust your board according to enemy threats, keeping carries safe and utilizing tanks effectively.

Scouting & Countering: Check opponents’ boards frequently and reposition to counter their key threats.


TFT Set 4.5: Festival of Beasts offers diverse and powerful team compositions. By mastering the best builds, understanding item synergy, and adjusting strategies according to the meta, you can climb the ranked ladder effectively. Experiment with different team comps and stay flexible to maximize your chances of winning!

For more updates and guides on TFT, stay tuned and happy climbing!

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TFT Set 4.5 Revival: Best Team Comps & Strategies for Festival of Beasts

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