Video Guide

This is a fast 8/fast 9 comp that relies on the power of Zyra 2* in the early game. Zyra + Storyweavers can easily carry you to level 8 and 9, and Galio and Sylas compliment her well. Her items also move very easily over to Morgana, or if you're more rich, someone like Lissandra, Rakan, or Azir.
MAKE SURE TO PUT SYLAS 3RD ROW- This is so he gets AP, he needs it much more than he needs the omnivamp.
Early Game

Play around Storyweaver with Zyra early. Zyra just wants mana/atk speed and AP, so slams like Shojin or Nashors are strong. You can also start looking for Sylas items on your frontline like Spark, Vow, Adaptive Helm, and Crownguard.
Final Board

You can fit so many units on this final board. Not included here but also strong inclusions: Soraka, Diana, the package of Azir + Ornn + Udyr, Hwei if you're ahead and want to farm duplicates, Lux if you're carrying Lissandra.
Broken Augments