[Chord Cleansing] Limited-Time Echo Double Drop Event


The Tacet Fields are experiencing a surge in energy due to the Waveworn Phenomenon.

Use the Waveplates to maximize your rewards from the Tacetite Blooms!


2025-01-16 04:00 - 2025-01-23 03:59 (server time)


Reach Union Level 19.


Complete Tacet Suppression challenges during the event and spend Waveplates for double rewards.

During [Chord Cleansing], you can claim double rewards 3 times a day, and the remaining double rewards claims can be viewed on the [Chord Cleansing] event page.

During [Chord Cleansing], double rewards claims refresh daily at 04:00 (server time).

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[Chord Cleansing] Limited-Time Echo Double Drop Event

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