Video Guide
This is a guide to Emilie, the upcoming new five star Dendro character in Patch four point eight.
She brings a new playstyle with the burning reaction. Emilie is a Polearm character, and her playstyle is that of an off-field sub D.P.S. Her Arkhe is Pneuma. Her gameplay is very simple, but her kit is really unique since she uses burning, which was previously considered to be weak. Emilie does not have any party buffs, but deals a lot of damage with her elemental skill when there is a burning enemy on the field. Emilie’s gameplay is simple because you place her elemental skill’s Lumidouce Case and then switch to another character. Emilie’s kit allows burning teams to compete with other teams like Aggravate, Quicken, and Bloom teams. Emilie ascends with critical damage stats. At level 90, Emilie’s HP is thirteen thousand five hundred sixty-eight, her attack is three hundred thirty-four point eight five, her defense is seven hundred thirty point one three, and her bonus critical damage percent is thirty eight point four percent. In order to level up, Emilie requires fragments of Golden Melodies, Lakelight Lilies, and gears. Emilie’s off-field playstyle is similar to that of Fischl, which makes her really good. Emilie’s elemental skill is similar to Fischl’s OZ, as it deals more damage when a burning enemy is present. To maximize Emilie’s damage, she requires enemies to be in a burning state. Emilie is the first ever character to revolve around the burning mechanic. But her main damage is not from the actual burning reaction; rather, it is from Emilie’s talent damage.
Talent Priority
Therefore, you want to prioritize leveling Emilie’s talent first, then her elemental burst, and you can skip her normal attacks.
Abilities Overview
Emilie’s talent effect reads: Emilie’s damage to enemies in the burning state is increased by 36%, and damage to enemies in the original activated state is reduced by 90%. There has not been a proper translation for this talent, so I will assume this is for enemies in the aggravated state. Emilie’s other talent, Lingering Fragrance, deals 500% of Emilie’s attack as A.O.E. Dendro damage every time her level two Lumidouce Case collects two scents. Therefore, Emilie scales off attack stats, and attack relic substats should be prioritized. The scaling for this passive is huge, and due to the generation of stacks, Emilie will be able to proc this four times per rotation. This effect has a completely separate internal cooldown from her elemental skill. Burning reactions are only required so that Emilie’s talents have higher multipliers. Leveling up Emilie’s normal attack talent should be ignored because she will not be using it at constellation zero. Emilie’s elemental skill is the focus of her kit. The elemental skill creates a Lumidouce Case that deals A.O.E. Dendro damage, and if nearby opponents are Burning, they will give off Scents at intervals, which will level up the case and increase the damage of the elemental skill. The skill is very effective because it hits enemies in an A.O.E. and its range is great. Only a single Lumidouce Case can exist at a time, and the cooldown of her elemental skill is fourteen seconds from level one to level twelve. However, the Lumidouce Case’s Duration lasts for twenty two seconds, making it so that her elemental skill has a hundred percent uptime. The damage from the Lumidouce Case is decent, but it improves significantly when the Lumidouce Case is upgraded by the burning reaction. Lumidouce Case at level two will deal one hundred thirty five percent times two at level ten. There is only one extra level, and the maximum amount of scents to level up the Lumidouce Case is two. The range for burning enemies is huge, so you do not need to worry about Emilie being out of range to get stacks for her elemental skill. It takes a short amount of time for Emilie’s Lumidouce Case to be upgraded to level two, which allows her to reach optimal maximum damage easily. The Lumidouce Case will generate around five or six dendro particles over its entire duration, applying dendro to enemies during every other instance of damage. This happens around every three seconds. Emilie’s skill does not snapshot. Emilie’s dendro application is relatively slow, but is good enough with the burning reaction when she is off-field. Emilie needs to have at least one enemy in the burning state at all times to have optimal damage. Due to her restrictive talent passive of decreasing 90% of her damage to aggravated enemies, Emilie cannot be played on aggravate, quicken, or bloom teams. The burning reaction effects your own teammates and is notorious for downing characters in your party; however, with Emilie’s third talent, Rectification, when a Lumidouce Case created by Emilie is on the field, all party members gain 85% Pyro resistance against burning damage. Emilie’s elemental burst creates a Level 3 Lumidouce Case and destroys existing Lumidouce Cases. A Level 3 Lumidouce Case lasts for two point eight seconds. Emilie’s elemental burst has a cooldown of thirteen point five seconds from level one to level twelve. Its energy cost is fifty. Because Lingering Fragrance specifies a Level 2 Lumidouce Case, its effect is not applicable during Emilie’s elemental burst. The Level 3 Lumidouce Case from her elemental burst will continuously cause Scented Dew to descend, attacking opponents within range and dealing Dendro damage. During this time, 1 drop of Scented Dew will descend every 0 point 3 seconds, and 1 opponent can become the target every 0 point 7 seconds. This elemental burst is reminiscent of Ganyu’s elemental burst. When the duration ends, a Level 1 Lumidouce Case will be recreated. But it can inherit a previously destroyed case’s attributes, including its scent stacks and level. Therefore, Emilie’s elemental burst is great because it not only deals tons of damage but also increases the duration of a Lumidouce case. In an ideal scenario, Emilie would always place her Lumidouce Case using her elemental burst, but that requires a huge amount of energy recharge substats, which is very difficult to farm. Realistically, Emilie will be able to use her elemental burst during every other rotation.
So, for rotation one, you would use Emilie’s elemental burst, and for rotation two, you would use Emilie’s elemental skill. Emilie’s constellation number one, Light Fragrance Leaching, increases her elemental skill damage and Lingering Fragrance damage by ten percent. Additionally, when nearby party members trigger the Burning reaction on opponents or deal Dendro damage to Burning opponents, they will generate an additional Scent. This effect can be triggered once every 2 point 9 seconds.
Emilie's Constellations
Emilie’s constellation number one is particularly strong because it allows for Lingering Fragrance to be proc’d three additional times, which deals a total of one thousand five hundred damage. Emilie’s constellation number two, Lakelight Top Tone, increases her attack by 18% for 10 seconds with a maximum of two stacks. This is conditional on whether the Lumidouce Case collects scents. Obviously, this condition is really easy to meet because Emilie’s playstyle revolves around using her elemental skill or elemental burst to place Lumidouce Cases to collect scents. Unfortunately, this constellation two is relatively weak compared to powerhouse constellation twos such as Nahida’s. Emilie’s constellation number four, Lumidouce Heart, increases her elemental burst’s duration by two seconds. The interval between selecting an opponent as the target for Scented Dew is decreased by 0 point 3 seconds. It’s a decent constellation. Emilie’s constellation number Six, Marcotte Trace, provides Emilie with a dendro infusion, similar to Kazuha’s constellation six, for five seconds when she uses her elemental skill or elemental burst. Emilie’s normal attacks’ and charged attacks’ damage will be increased by 250% of Emilie's attack, and one scent will be generated. This constellation six will make Emilie a viable on field main D.P.S. and is really good, but not worth the price.
Emilie's Best Weapon
Emilie’s best weapon is obviously her signature weapon, Lumidouce Elegy.
Emilie's Best Weapons

Emilie's Best Artifacts

Emilie's Artifact Main Stat Priorities
Emilie’s main stat priorities are attack percent for the sands, dendro damage bonus percent for the goblet, and either critical damage or critical rate for the circlet.
Emilie's Best Teammates
Emilie’s best teammates are the Pyro Archo Xiangling, Thoma, Yelan, Nahida, Bennett, Furina, Neuvillette, and Xingqiu.
Emilie's Artifact Sub Stat Priorities
Emilie’s substat priorities are critical rate or critical damage, then attack percent, then energy recharge. If you want to use Emilie’s burst every rotation, you want to reach 170% energy recharge at least even with Favonius Lance.
Emilie's Teams